Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/882

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864 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 143. 1918. §0°°J,°°*’,,~,°¤, mm, CONSTBUUIION AND REPAIR. or HOSPITALSZ For construction and ac. ’ repair of hospitals at military posts already established and occupied, M"' P' ml" includin the extra-duty pay of enlisted men employed on the same, and including also all enditures for construction and repairs r uired at the Arm aniixgla Hos ital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, Y YY . F . aiih for the construction and repair o general hospitals and expenses Tm hospitals incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the requirements of

 grounds: ZlI1(i;‘8&SB€Og8.fflS<§’);1S, gud 13; teiirgportary hgspitals m s:;;a.1; pg

· can nmen . or e a era ion o permanen a Egsts for use as hospitals, construction and repairs of temporary ospital buildings at permanent posts, construction and repsair of tem ora eneral hos itals, rental or urchase of groun and till Yi alte tion of Ibuildings for use fgr hospital pur oses in the ren an ra _ District of Columbia and elsewhere, for use during pie Existing em enc includ1ng` necessary tem orary quarters or os ita pe1sc1ognnellr’outb1u1dings, heating and apparatus, plurnli)in(g‘; waters and sewers, and electric work, cooking apparatus, and roa _ and walks for the same, $80,000,000; _ Q“°"°“ '°’ hmm Arrrmzs ron HOSPITAL s*mwARDs: For construction and repair of mm. art f hos ital stewards at military posts already established u ers or iilnd occupied, inclluding the extra·duty pay of enlisted men employed the same $66,600. ,,§,",g'°,,*§;§ ”‘“°"°° 0uSnoorrme’ oA1.u:Rms AND RANons: For shelter, Egunds, shooting galleries, ranges for small-arms tarcget practice, mac e-gim practice, _ eld—artiIlery practice?,_an expenses incident thereto, including flour for alpaste or marking targets, hire of employees, such ranges and g eries to open as far as practicable to the National Guard and organized mile clubs under regulations to be prescribed Am W by the Secretary of Warv?343,110. _ m,,,{,,§{,,,°f’“°° NAN:CE, ARMY AR Common: For sthpdplying the necessary fuel for heating the War _College Bu mg at Washington Barracks and for hghting the building and grounds; also for pay of a chief engineer, at $1,400; and assistant engmeer, at $900; carpenter, at $00; four firemen, at $720 each; one elevator conductor, at $720; in , $12,200. ¥‘°“‘ °’ ""““°¤’· Ram or numnmos QUARTERMASTER Conrsz For rent of buildings D C` and parts of buildinags in the District of Columbia for military purposes during the Esc year nmeteen hundred and nmeteen, as follows: gieldtme ictal supglly dcg%0't;bg7,967. uar ermas ers a es, , . Quartermaster stables and storehouses, $3,600. Army Medical School $7,920. Army Medical School; $2,400. · Oilice of attending surgeon, $3,000. Depot quartermaster’s ogce, $2,500. Depot quartermastefs office $7 200. Garage, Quartermaster Corps, $i,500. Oiiice, Aviation Section, Signal Corps, $3,360. gflice, Aviatiioin Section,uS1gnal Ccérps, $1,320. ecruiting offices, misce aneous 1 000. glrarepouse, $4,938. ’ orra , $510. _ Laborato Signal Co $2,100. ,,,,¥°d"“°' “"”" °°' Army meldical supply ldieiiot, $48,000. Target 1>¤¤¤¢i¢¢d¤¤r CLAIMS rox DAMAGES T0 AND LOSS or PRIVATE PROPERTY! For BQCS - Payment or enum payment of claims for damages to and loss of private property incident ‘°‘· to the training, dpractice, operation, or maintenance of the Army that have accrue , or may hereafter accrue, from time to time, to be Prom immediately available and to remain available until expended: Semenienaetc. Provided, That settlement of such claims shall be made by the Auditor for the War Department, upon the approval and recommen-