Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/921

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS; Sess. II. Ons. 152, 153. 1918. 903 other subject matter of the application conditionally approved to forfeiture in the same manner, as though the act conditionally a proved had been done without the approval of the 'board, `but th: offense shall be deemed to have been committed at the time of the ' violation of the condition. " Whenever by this Act the approval of the board is required to m ,{'§"‘% render any act or transaction lawgil, whoever knowingly makes any B°“"l· false statement of a material fact to the board, or to any member thereof, or to any officer, attorigleiy or agent thereof, for the pnupose of securing such approval, sh be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. _ t "Sec. 42. That any vessel regstered, enrolled, or licensed under a¤Il£i§‘iEiuZ1Yéi¤¤°i°i°S§ the laws of the United States shall be deemed to continue to be “°°°P‘°d hy B°“"· documented under the laws of the United States the meaning of subdivision (b) of section thirty-seven, until such eurollment, or license is surrendered with theapproval of » e ard, thezhprovisions of any other Act of Congress to the contrary notwi` . "Sec. 43. That the fact that a war or emergency has endédshall, °! md °‘ for this purposes of this Act, be evidenced by a proclamation of the President. " Sec. 44. That this Act may be cited as ‘Shipping Act, 1016.E-.” m\°'"°’ Approved, July 15, 1918. · ‘ _ _ _ _ Jul; 16 1918. CHAP. 158.—A.n Act To %nsion widows and minor children of officers and en— I · 4;*4-] listed men who served in the ar with Spain, Philippine insurrection, or in China. Beifenactedby the S’enate·and`H6uae of Rea dike United _ States of America in Congress assembled, t from and after the {,’°F,_‘f,*,,,5¥§*,,,,,,,,',,,_ passage of this Act if anyvolunteer officer or enlisted man who ¤f_t;··_¤1¤¤§¤¤s¤ ighmv serve ninet days or more in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of ;'f¤es,¤¤¤p°`°c1li¤¤. P the United States, during the War with Spain or the Philippine insurrection, between April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and July fourth, mneteen hundred andatwo, inclusive, service to be computed from date of enlistment to dateof dischargle, or any officer or enlisted man of the Regular Estabhshment w o ml? **°¢°“' ·*"'¤¥· rendered ninety da : ·or more actual nnhtary or naval service in the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps in the War with Spain or the Philippine insurrection between April twenty-first eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and Jug fourth, nineteen hundred and two, inclusive, or as a participantin e Chinese Boxer rebellion campaign between June sixteen , nmeteen hundred, October first, mneteen hundred, and who has been honorably discharged _ therefrom, has died or shall hereafter die leaving a widow without °"‘°‘°“"‘ means of support other than her daily labor, an an actual net income not exceeding $250 per year, or leaving a minor ch1ld or children under the e of sixteentyears, such widow shall upon due proof of her husbann<§s death, wi out provin his death to be the result of his Army or Navy service, be placed on the pension roll from the date of the {ailing of her application therefor under this Act at the _,,,¤m,_ rate of $12 per month during her widowhood, and shall also be paid $2 per month for each chil of such officer or enlisted man under sixteen years of age, and in case of tho. death or remarriage of the muwcmmn widow, caving a child or children of such officer or enlisted man under the age of sixteen years, such pension shall be paid such child _ or_ch1ldren until the age of sixteen: Provided, That in case a minor n¤ip1¤i,•¢e.,¤aua. child IS insane, idiotic, or otherwise permanently helpless, the‘pension shallcontinue during the life of said child, or during the period of such disability, and shall commence from the date of application