Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/940

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922 s1XTY·F1FTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 164. 1918.

 °°°”°“ °’ DISTRICT COUNCIL OF DE1=·ENsE: To carry on the work of the Dis-

V01.39,p.650. trict Council of Defense, including the employment of personal services, rent, stationery, supplies, postage, and general contingent and miscellaneous expenses, $25,000, to be expended under the direction and control of the comissioners. _ ,,,,§‘°°»§‘,}*,;{‘,f,,I""§,'[ FREE Pmauo Lrnnanr, mcnunme Taxon.; Pam: Eamon: Librabms ,¢¤·, rian, $4,000; assistant librarian, $1,800; chief circulating department, ` $1,500; director of children’s work, $1,500; children’s librarian, $1,000; su ervisor of school work, $1,200; librarian’s secretary, $1,000· Talroma. Park branch librarian, $1,000; chiefs of divisions-order and accessions $1,200, industrial $1,200; reference librarian, $1,200; assistants—one $1,000, one in charge of {periodicals $1,000, one $900, seven at $840 each, seven (including one or the Takoma Park branch) at $720 each, three at $600 each, three (including one for Takoma Park branch) at $600 each; copyist, $600; chief, catalogue department, $1,200; classifier, $900; cataloguers—one $840, one $720, two at $600 each; stenographers and typewriters—0ne $900, one $720; attendants-—one $720, six at $600 each, five at $540 each; collator, $600; three messengers, at $600 each; teiglpages, at $420 each; three janitors, at $600 each, one of whom sh act as mght watchman; ganitor of Takoma Park branch, $480; engineer $1,200; fireman, $720; workman, $600; library guard, $720; two cloalrroom attendants, at $360 each; six charwomen, at $240 each; m all, $62,4002 _ S“l’°***°*°’~ For substitutes and other special and temporary service, including tlgqh conducting of stations in public-school buildings, at the discretion . 0 old? , $2,500. ,,,§}’¤**•Y· °*°-· °1** $2Eor extraservices on Simdays, holidays, and Saturdayhalf holidays, 500. ““°°“*¤¤°°*· ilrsomnummous, nwcnunmo Taxon.; Pam; nmmcn: For books, periodicals, and newspapers, including pgyment in advance for subscripxtions to periodicals, newspapers, su cription books, and society pub `cations, $12,500; For birgding, by contract or otherwise, including necessary personal services, 5,000; For maintenance, reqlairs, fuel, lighting, fitting up buildings, lunchroom equipment; purc ase, exchange, and maintenance 0 bicycles and motor delivery vehicles; and other contingent expenses, $11,000; In all, $28,500. °"'“”¢°¤*°‘P°'”°* CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. °°"*"‘¤"’°€°· Central Garage: Superintendent, $1,500; two mechanics and . drivers, at $1,000 each; m all, $3,500. Mi¤<=¤11¤¤¤¤¤=1r¤¤=· For printing, checks, books, law books, books of reference, riodicals, sltigtilqnery; surpeyilng instruments aéid implementsg materi ; inding, re in, re airing, an reservation 0 recor ; maintaining and eeping in gooci) order the laborator§ and apparatus in the office of the insfpector of asiphaltand cement; _ amages; livery, purchase, and care 0 horses an carriages or buggies and bic lces not otherwise provided for; horseshoemg; ice; repairs to unc? and vehicles; use of bicycles by inspectors m the engineer dei) artment not to exceed $800; and other general necessary expenses o¥ District offices, including the sinking-fund office, Board of Charities, including an allowance to the purchasingupflicer and to the secretary of the Board of Charities of not excee g $360 each per annum for maintenance of vehicles for use in the dischar e of their official duties, personal-tax board, harbor master, healtii department, surveyors office, superintendent of weights, measures, and markets office, and department of insurance, an purchase of new ap aratus and laboratory equipment in office of inspector of asphalt and) cement, $45,000.