Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/280

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CONVENTION—FRANCE. SEPTEMBER 3, 1918. 1629 Convention between the United States and France provkling for recip- rocal militagg service. Sggned at Washington, September 3, 1918; ratification vised by the enate, Se tember 19, 1.918; ratiyied by the President, September 26, 1918; rafiftgd by France, October 15, 1918;

 exchanged at Washington, November 8, 1.918; proclaimed,

November 11, 1918. _ _ BY THE PRESIDENT or Tnn UNITED STATES or AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and s8§igf,¥’g£’$‘g_}]c§}***‘3'Y the French Republic (providing for the reciprocal military service of P¤¤•i¤¤1¤- citizens of the Unite States m France and citizens of the French Republic in the United States, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, the original of which Convention being in the English and French languages, is word for word as fiollowsz The President of the United Le President des Etats-Unis °°¤“‘°““€ *’°"°”· States of America and the Presi- d’Amerique et le President de la dent of the French Republic, République Francaise, a ant rebeing convinced that for the bet- connu que pour assurer lla. pourter prosecution of the present war suite de la presente guerre dans it is desirable that American citi— les meilleures conditions possibles zens in France and citizens of il ost desirable que les citoyens France in the United States shall américains en France, et les cieither returnto their own country toyens francais aux Etats-Unis to perform military service in its retournent dans leur pays pour army or shall serve in the army of y accomplir leur service militaire the country in which they re- dans l’armee nationale ou servent main, have resolved to enter into dans Parmée du pays ou ils resia Convention to that end and dent, ont decide de conclure une have accordingly appointed as convention A cette fin et ont en their Pleni otentiaries the Presi- consequence nommé comme pledent of the United States of nipotentiaires, le President des America, Robert Lansing, Secre- Etats·Unis d’Amérique, Robert P'“““’°°°P°’“"°°· tary of State of the United La.ns` , Secrétaire d’Etat des States, and the President of the Etatsli1Unis et le President de la French Republic, J. J. J usserand, Républi ue francaise, J. J. Jusse- Ambassador Extraordin and rand Ariibassadei1rdelaRépubli- Plenipotenti to themUnited que {lrancaise aux Etats—Ums, qui States, who,:?ter having commu- a res s’étre communiqués leurs mcated to each other their re- lleins pouvoirs, trouves en due spective full powers found to be ilorme, se sont mis d’accord et in (proper form, have agreed upon ont conclu les articles suivants: an concluded the following Articles: Article I. Article 1SE All male citizens of the United Tous les cito ens americains en L""“'” ,§" ‘““" States in France and all male citi— France et tousyles citoyens fran- iiliymscgicdmxfomtw zens of France in the United cais aux Etats—Unis, a moins