Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/472

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1198 rnoonimnrrons, isis. officers and agents and persons so designated or appointed shall U d hereby have full authority for all acts done by them m the execu- °° mh tion of this act by the direction of the President. Correspondence in the execution of this act may be carried rn penalty envel- 0 es bearin the frank of the War Department. Any person , °°°"°°°°°l°'°°°d‘ charged as §erein provided with the duty of carrying into effect any of the provisions of this act or the regulations made or directions given thereunder who shall_ fail or neglect to perform such duty; and any person charged with such duty or having and exercising aniyuauthority under said act, regulations, or directions, who shall owingly make or be a_party to the_making of any false or incorrect registration, physical examination, exemption, enlistment, enrollment, or muster; and any person who shall make or be a party to the making of any false statement or certificate as to the fitness or liability of himself or any other person for service under the provisions of this_act, or regulations made by the President thereunder, or otherwise evades or aids another to evade the requirements of this act or of said r§·ulations, or who, in any manner, shall fail or neglect fully to pe orm any duty required of him m the execution of this act, s all, if not subject to I ummm military law, be of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court of e United States having tlurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more `an one year, or if subilect to military aw, shall be tried by court-martial and suiier Am U L suc Humshment as a court-martial my direct. ’ P' 8 AND REAS, on the twentieth dag May, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, the President of the United States did issue a Proclamation calling upon all persons subject to registration in the several States and in the District of Columbia, to register as provided by the aforesaid Public Resolution. AND WHEREAS, in such Proclamation it was provided among Am mm other thnags that ' p' A ag for vppgistration in the Territories of Alaska, Hawaii, and I 2 to Porto ico be named in a lategvproclamation. Bvppigiilgilig iid, is NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODRO WILSON, President of the P"°“°”°¤§"*”¢· United States, for the dpurpose of fixinsgthe time for registration in the Territory of Alaska, 0 hereby set, x and establish the period between 7 A. M. on the second ay of Ju? to 9 P. M. on the third day of September (Sundays and legal holi ays excepted), one thousand nine undred and eighteen, as the period of registration, and I do hereby direct that during such period, all male persons herein made subject to registration do present themselves for the purpose of regrstration at such places and during such hours, and to be registered by such persons or officials in such areas, as shall be designated and P mm appointed by the Governor of the Territory of Alaska. mg;Y.§’l" M t° All male persons, citizens of the United States residing in Alaska, and all other male persons residing in Alaska, who have, since the second dag) of September, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and on or efore the third day of September, one thousand nine hun- S¤,v,m¤”p¤m_ dred and eighteen, attained their twenty-first birthday, are required to register, excepting only officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, the Navy;} the Marine Corps, and the National Guard and Naval Militia w e in the service of the United States, and officers _ in the Officers’ Reserve and enlisted men in the Enlisted Re- Smkpmm serve Corps while in actrye service. _An5fiperson who, on account of sickness, will be unable to resent lnmse for registration may aggply on or before the last day for regrstratron at_a place desrgnat therefor by the Governor of Alaska Hmmwmm, for mstructrons as to how he may register by agent. mum. Any person who has no permanent residence must register at the place designated for the registration of persons residing in the area