Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/676

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INDEX. 1995 Carutherwille, M0., Fw- Cattle (scc also Animal Industry Bureau, Pin deficiency appropriation for public build- Depgxrtmeuirof Agripulture), mg ,.. - 466 sppropxjiauon for mspection and quaran- CaY'U€"»_ Jaqus Wakefield» 1438 f $***6 ·*‘‘ i): ••‘·•·· • · • •••· • · • · • m ,.. or e ca gsca 1es. CGpT$;1Ii1?}l€l'8l, for inspecting southern . ... 977 pension increased ... . 1554 for supcrviging transportation ... 977 Carver, Preazon, 1414 for enforcing humane treatment of 9 pension incr export 77 Casa Grande National Monument, Ariz., for executing twenty-gight hour law 977 a z . csuga mmals. C.£”&‘;$‘?q?%2’§"§“.€i""“°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1818 $3 §£*"€“i§';§2E%2E‘é"$“0;‘Z°2f°i“· ‘‘‘‘‘‘ SZ? . C aygadmyzyriation ga} custcgdizm . 144, 669 for tubercul?1 sgml mallgin testing of 977 as e ounty ont. payment or cstroye , ctc ... 977 townsitée lciz; in Siinms and Fort Shxgi shipping for slaughter cattle reacted un 'verirri tion project, gum to, permitted ... . ... . . _978 G de glo sghool 1206 rezhiprnent to owner of breeding and asca at crc: , cg. g ... 978 Capprjypdghdgn for maintenanhe, ctc., of 986 for eradicating southern cattle ticks; asc csc ., restnctions. ... 978 pehsiou increased .. .. 1368 for diffusing information as to supply, Case, Lauryn W, 1481 prices, markets, etc., of, and prodpensron increased ucts ..,...,.,.,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,, 1(X)2 Cashmqn, John, for cooperative experiments in raising, peusmu increased ..··-·---··--------···-- 1381 m cgme sugar and cotton districts 1005 Camm, _ John B., proclamation requiring licenses for dealing pension mcmased., . . ... 1424 m, and products, at stockyurds, etc. 1846 Cass and I zeuca Cvgmtus, Mzrm., tick infested, otherwise sound, etc., may C msg; bridge}7g¤¤1¤sippi River ... 341, 341 be imported for immediate slaughter 41-98 vwgt . - _ at designated pom .. 275 1048 may bnéke Wzibaah Rrver, nam- Ipgnm. 249 from gamma foot md mmgilg P0 ----·-----------·---···-··· dlB9¤B0 ` ... . ... , 1048 Ow Lak Indiim R¢8¢f'W¢¤?m, Minn-, _ meat regulnizious to govern 275, 1049 ap;i2£x-intiqn for bridge across Narmws m. 160 disposal of hmm ______ _ _____________ 215, 1049 CGW ¢,_ }{¤7m·» _ _ V slaughter in Portg Rico may be deferred. 1049 $PP1'0P¤¤¤0¤ for 1m?¤>V1¤8 NM b¤*w¤¢¤ exports {mm 'Vugm Islands to Porto ¥i11¤g¤ ds Indian ¤¢h<><>1, frvm Rico permitted 1049 ndian _ --·.·---..··-.- -· - - 572 Cattle Tam Southern local 000P¢¤=\¤0¤ -··-··-·--- · ···------ 572 appropriation for erzxdicating ,. 978, 1045 Cm, Laura E. (widow), 9 live] stock demonstration work on pension .. 13 7 re_eascd_ areas . . 978 Castle Peak Irrigation Project, Utah, restnctmn qu use of materials, etc 978 qualified homestead entrymen allowed demonstrations at fairs, etc .. 978 leave of absence until water avail- 0 Ca*valryi)eArmy, d able, etc .. 121 may organize as provisional regiments gmw,. Beam, of Field Artillery or Infantry .. 398 appmpdado? for pmductiou and mmm. 04 restor§e(m}n¥2rg;gu;lu status on termination 298 ti n 0 1 6 _ 0 · - ¤_ ’ ----·· · ·--·---·--··--- · Casualty Enqpzmz, D. 0., Guvanqah. _Mary <··~¤;<¤v>, apgmprizmon for care of indigent patients. 946 Y P0¤¤10¤ ¤¤€¤’¤¤0d ---· - --····-------·-··—- Nm de cien appropriation for cure, etc., of Ca!/w°Qd» G"¢m¢ B-. iyixggnq; patient; ________________ _ _ _ 334 pgumon nncreased . ... 1474 Casualty Insurance, C“"l* guy: 421 revenue mx on policies of; ob`ect.s stated. . 1104 Cm°“ *3, 0 ············ · ··········· I ‘ war revenue ta.x_ou Eolicies ot); exemption. 316 ° ay: ti . f h I camzoque ofScien¢y£c ummm, Intcmationul, °PP’°P¤° *°¤ .°’ *,i'9g"°"€¤1:§¤* *3;: uf; appmp1}iati0u for expenses, preparatiorirm Cedar Ba';/':;n°;,;ng °’°“8 ue Y an - 1278 .. . 651 . a ·* . for pginfing and binding _________ _ ____ 175; gw appropmtwn for ¤mp¤>v¤¤¤¢¤¤ ¤f ---·----- 257 Catalogue of T ¢tle Entries, '0py·r?ht Ofice, Cedar Falk, {Wa, _ _ _ appropriation igr publication 0 . ... 175, 701 approprmuou for public building . 107 Gatheart, Rm my ., Cement, ctc., C iogagucreasegiif . . ...-...·.·· 1434 appropriation lgcrf investigating structuml 1259 ffl 15671.113 1 ·, . ·, mgtgrig __________,_____ ____ 807, d€H€i€¤€Y ¤PRY0PFi¤¢i011 fof extending; W- deficiency apprgpriation for testing struc- Calhem a§p1;¤p¤¤t§>¤ --··------·-------·-- 822 wml materials oi. . 495 .`°° · '"'ws ·’ Cernezery Companies Cooperative a t d Board f , Vol tear - ’ ’ Pp°mS$)lgg§r;, H0;€_¥?¥?f _ - _ · _ _ 1175 I Cee;§;T1;1}E:)ir0m mcome tax. . . ... 1076 C:£g;0p{7iati:1¤";1¥0r gipgovernent of harbor. . 260 WW€’€l;°$v';°';$gr°ggI¥§n1?J¤A19§:i';*gB*2‘;’?:rg ic n'vera·a2 , . ., , · , . . ' may layéondugt across Michigan Avenue €1E¤ €‘0¤¤¤’1¤¤» by mmi, ¤*bI°» ”·d1°· 3 IN ., Washington, D. C 1483 ew -·---·---·----·—--··--- · ··-··-· 41