Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/689

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2008 mom. Coast tgutgcrs, _ 117% 0otc;:lGu.ard, Treasury Depm·tment—C%ntdib Pma prra n orrepanrs _ ... porary promotions to correspon wi dpegrciisncy appsqrratson for repairs ... , 5 Navy line service .. - ... 732 balances of appropriations for armament, constructors to rank of captain 732 _ etc., for, covered in 1173 service credit allowed for .. 732 limit of cost for five, increased 488 precedence not disturbed , . . .,,.,, 732 contracts based on reasonable profits, 488 tempoiary promotions of officers above iirst 32 authorized ieutenant 7 Coast Guard, Treamry De tmmt, rank of captains; promotions to be by appropriatiog iogschiefspdi divisions, anisit;5 1231 1 selectigné . i 732 ants, er , etc , re ative ran uring e war o captain draftsmen, etc., may be Said from "Re— commandant ...,.. . ...,.,. 732 pmrs to Coast Guard utters " . . . 775, 1231 engineer rn chief . . ... 732 for gay and allogadnegs, officers and enim 640 rank, etcéé déirrrtrg the war of district super- 732 men- e .. . , in n en . .. civilian instructor, pay and allow- permanent status not disturbed by tem- ¤.3‘é&’°r1;m ··‘‘ -2;.;:;;.;.; ‘“° pr,m.rrr"°""’r§’d’°&1“r‘L“2;’“ ;.;;r·m·,=,r, ·=···· $33 , ., c c on. . midshipmen .. 640 reverted to, on termilniition of temporary for rations, etc ... : .. . 117, 640 promotion .. . 732 for clerkstqdistrictsuperrnteudents. . 117, 640 reversion to higher {gada on examine.- for fuel; ships stores ... . 117, 640 tron, if entitled ereto 732 ior o buildings, leases, etc 3;, gg continuation of or ve expenses . . . directed y e Pres; en · iinal for deathh$owances, etc , _ 117: 641 _ limit. . .: ... . 733 for draft animals; telephone lines spscmlu 641 retirement while bgnder temporary comservices . , mission to at rate o permanent for eompemation for special servica 117 rank .. . r . . 733 for contugnt expenses. . ., , . 117, 641 unless for disability in line oi duty . 733 for land, ulte Sainte Marie, Mich., ter- omcers allowed increased pay for oreign minal facilities . . - ._. .. 641 service during the war . 733 for establishing station, Baratana Bay, no reduction of pay, etc .. 733 La ... . 117 uniform clothing, etc., may be retained on {or repairs to cutters} . 1 . $17, 641 discharge from, after service in pres- 202 or repairs, ’ etc., o v ID ua · ent war ... 1 service ... . 730 uniforms, etc., may be furnished at cost to deiiciepcy appmrgiation xr pay and al- 5 officers and cadets .. . ... 1054 owancee, officers, e .. g p·;,, gg lic- -*16 ··—·-·-····-·-···--·- 2 Oailpimimdhtion ior compiling .. 162, 688 ,8 ..---. ...-.. for traveling expenses . 5 C°:""" ?l‘"‘d· I·• . , . ,0, special ,,,,,,c,,, ____________________ 5 PP’°P¤¤_ ¤¤ <>r M tmmns mum. 12 for contingent expenses 5 fo m$“’“?'1°°· ····· ui ····· Z2,. for repairs to cutters ... 5 I M uumng “• lm C '°' · ’ for me Saving Service .. . .. eo, ;g;·l:iiti‘;:;°1l:’·':'i'$Yl;>`}l¤8¤» ¤•¤¤w¤•¤<>¤ -·-· for gy of, while coopera3ti,1ig37·2i3tl{2ll§g8’ IZ: d°“°°°°.  : i : · l 6 1166 YW ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`°```‘' for naval triinin§`statf ·-:eiri,•ivar·ex·pense•· nn · l . . I 205 iii? °“"°' S". “°° :::: :::::1 .7**133 v·»~¢~»¤·» TMs <··· ·4··» S*¤ir>gj¤s A, ct mo. additional hospital, etc., iacilities for treat ""°"°d fE”`°¥” b(;*·‘“SL""2 A t tggsw 900 ment of officersandenlisted men". 1302 *;¤g=·v€g¤ 3 b pgoing ° ¤ t ‘ ‘ =·*¤·i=·*g¤ Yi ··"*··¤ *=·· *0 ·m··=· ,,2 ”°°”§.§r.2`§I,‘..-if.;1.X...Y?T‘}f"f‘?‘}.fT’fi or expensess "32,°$r1i%$per. `'`‘ v€_;>,g;f¤g;;g;u*¤I¢~¤·;;=c¢¤;;‘¢;-é -—·~· 900 to be pai from appropriations . . ‘ v ·» ngags therefor ... . - 212, 731 ‘P· d““P8 f°€°“P ‘"!'» °°° ---··-—-·· 392 transfer of appropriations . ... , . 731 p°r;mt ”q“t:)r°£;1l1'}’1t°¤°”· · ·l· : · · · · ofiicers of, wheninnaval service in time of P"; imgge bl ‘ m iwgm p· ° · · 392 {war, toser&rie0nco1¤·tsdmar¤al, etc-- 393 COMZLMPTP °°' er I. ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ pay o warranto cers, etc., urxng present . . • . war to mnuvnd with Navy mtesu 87 proclamtaetlriisnoftakrng posemron of all sys- 1733 "°’*’°“§§r"§’3;°{r” r2°‘$‘§.;·.S“°r~,‘°.,,...,.r‘““'* or Mmmm "`"``` 5% ````"``````````````` Us p c , e . un . . _ ···········*·····•·· provisions governiné .. - ... sei €’¤¤·¤¢¤;¤·w Wawyvwv. _ recommissions authorized of former officers ¥'0¤¤¤8 of fmight bY ¤b1PP€T bY» €t€·» 0i' oi Revenue Cutter Service and .. 77 PM'! bv md. OW? ¤5’¥t€m·¤ under retired officers may be ordered to active F9d°¤*l ¢°¤t¥°l»€t° ···-——·····-·-·· 1290 duty in time oi war; promotion, pay, Coates, Januar, f etc ... . ... 717 d fici c a ropriation or servicm .. 26 may be temporarily advanced, etc.; Coal: osx? yrclgfs, limit ... _ ... I . . 717 excise tax on house or smoking, bought for temporary promotions of officers during use .. . ..,. 1124 present war to ranks not above cap- Coats, Seth K., tain . . . 731 pension increased ,... 1413