Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/692

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INDEX. 2011; Commerce, Foveign—Go1{tin1xed. _ P¤8¤- Cmnmittee on Post Offices and Post Roads, P¤8¢· proclamation prohib1tu1]§ export of deslg- Senate, nated articles to uropeun countnes five members of, to serve on commission to not allies of United Statesin warwith reclasif¥,etc;,posta1 service salaries. 1200 Germany; limitations etc . 1691 Committee on rintm ,_ Joint (see Joint to all countries, except iiluropezm neu- Committee on gnnting). trals and Germany and her allies or Committee on Publw Infmvnatian, occupied by they armies; limits- 1693 apprsgriation fozhall of ... 6:2 tions, etc . vances au onz . 6 coinh bullion, and currency, without 1695 moneys from motion pictures to be 'ceuse, etc ro 646 extended to all nonenumemted articles. 1747 detailed report to ... 646 provisions to promote export trade. .. 516 restriction on paying employees of Com ce,F andDo·me.u’ ~ _ dnft ·····--·—----··-···-·-·-··- 646 apglrgpriatgrszzr promotingwsind devclogh C*;m”::;¢:ia°t’;0§¢;2€:» ·§B¢"W$§, ta ml ing . . . 1256 PP _ _ P*m'·18 Cqmmerqe, Ipterszate and Foreign, _ ’ bwumagy gylclgrugc °f ‘ ’'` ‘ 76O’ 1215 mv tmn of develo etc ua - C°’"?"‘€d"“*’f°' 9h - €fm'“’ dc" · emglm as l of pmg’ " uga 269 pnonty to be gxven slupments of, durmg · ‘‘ ‘ '‘' ·’ '- ‘‘' z present war _ ... 27 2 “‘“°$&2i,"S§‘} T‘{'I‘?’T‘TT*. €'T’}`.’.'T1T“Y.'fT'?`. sw °‘;”;$'Q ,,,,‘“"" “““'°‘°‘° °°““"°'?? 272 0<:1muMw,bJ¢¤;(g<:)·;mci;l¢:;i;y:éd 696 cmmmccmeg, (M also seams Railroad v ·--···-····· outrc Commerce, flex., _ _ exclusive contl·ol_0f, for mili- Cappmpdiatxioxglggr public building .. 107 tary sugghes, etc., in time of war ommermfa t és, continu .. . , .. 456 apprssgngationlfor salglies and expenses. 804,1332 internal geveuue tax on freight, e§pr®, `tiona p0st_ pwances. ... an pamenger transportation y 1101 deficiency appropnatwn for post allow- 95 allservices forlure ... 1. -.f. 1102 ences etc ... . .. 4 provisions governing contm 0 , Qmmiuion for the Standardization of Screw taken possession of in timepfwar. .. 451 Threads, _ _ _ standard time estabhshed governing move- Ccreation, cofmgcsxtgau, and duties of- -. 912, 1291 ad meg? of. . E . . . 451 vmmiariono ine ria vanc one our m to 0- appropriation for e;pe;1ses ... . . 135, 660 vember ... 451 approval cf, requ11:ed of design, etc., of under Federal control subjectto $tate md d statuegf Pres1d€1}tJi1.rmasBuc‘li1g{1au. 632 laws,l not incomnstent to 6 esi an site 0 rancis ury e contro , etc . 45 gsemorial ,. . .. ._ . 1213 war revenue tax on interstate transportadesign and site of memorial to religious tion of freight, passengers, etc., by. . 314 orders of siitevrs who served as nurses trauigortation of commodxties owned by in the ivi 'ar ... 500 e same . . 315 Commission on Postal Service Salaries, basis if no schedules tiled .. . . . 315 com `tion, duties, powers, etc ... 1200 if for own use, exempt . . .. 315 P°"‘ . . Communion ein Sfandard Warkday of Rad- Common CG7T1:£I’;, Razéroagi, umf road mp agus appropriation or cn orcing crm system deficiency appro riation for expenses . 3 of accounts by ... . t .. 123, 649 Commissioners of for compelling use of safety applmncm. 123, 649 appropriation for eerwces and expansys. 810, 1262 for securing reports of accidents .. _ 123, 649 onexpenses of vnjurlabor concnliatnou. . . 696 for mvestigsting block signal and tram de6q1ency apprognntxon for expenses . 375 control systems, etc: .. : . .. 123, 649 Cammumqmp, gfnufd States Courts, 1 683 for ascertunmf physncal valuation cfm 649 approprmtxon or ees: . . ... 57 property o ... degciency appropriation for fees , 32, for securing infomation of stocks, bonds, Y 34, 381, 383 , 1040 etc . 123, 649 search W3Y1'3l;§B ; aultghority §o{ais¤ue’by,’f¤r for use of safe lccomotiv¥24 specifi vio tlouso w e¤c. 228 'ers y ... 649 Cmnmiwiam, Executive or Administrative, deficiency appropriatiou for ex uses, 1 . P P WPE coordination oil functions, etc., authonzed C;) OD cnf Standard orkdsy durinv the war. ... 556 0 mp oyees 0 3 Caqzmgviagw, g'm·ernm¢nt, b wk for ascertainixxg physical valuation of um er or war p oses may e en property 0 . 824 from nationalllggrests by 990 for enforcing use of safety a pliances by- 825 Commiwiom, Imermtional (see under Inter- for cigrirlnpelliug use of sa}; locomotive national). ers, etc., y . ... 825 Cmnmim; forl{2e§d1wati0*n of War Cripples, agencies ofiguthorized in Washingflon digrntzra ie , e war to rec ive or ers or appropriation for contribution for mainte· mrisrit for shipment; etc . 273 ... , e nance of 635 1335 punighm ny; for noncompliance with Cwlmiilce on lhe Post O_/fices and Post Roads, orders, etc .. . . . . . 273 House of R2pre.9entaliz·es, _ _ car service moxjement, return, etc., S\1b]•?Ct tive members or, to serve on commxsswn to to d1l’€Ct10DB, etc., of Interstate Comr¢Cl3ssify, etc., postal service sala- merce Commision .. . .. 101 nes .. 1200 penalty for noncompliance 101