Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/711

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2030 .rm>nx. D¢#c•¢acy' Ap_propn¢mon' Act, 1919, Fins- P•¢•- Dehydmcion of Fruits, Vegetables, etc., Pm- Contmned. appropriation for with operatfor War Depsrtrnent, Army; Ordnance De- 3 plants to termme best methp•.rtmentadditionalccntractsanth<>r—— _ ef.. ., . r _ 1007 ized,. ,,,,,,. .., ,,_, _ ,..,.,,... 1 030 ofrniormatron . 1007 Cbarnical Warfare_Servroe . 1031 operatrngofGoverrrmentpilantstosr1p~ fortifications; additional contracts au- ply to Army and avy; use of , thorized ...,... : . .. 1031 _ receipts .. . 1007 Panama Canal fnrtitiuitmns. ... 1032 Dcwertz Charks F., Military Academy . 1032 pension increased 1436 for State, War, and Navy Department Delano, Dora, Bmld.m§ .. . .. 1032 rsue of homstead patent to .. 1538 temporary 0 ce buildings, Potomac Park 1032 Delaware Day, _ for Nayy Department, temporary em- 1032 ¤PP¤>PB:1¤°¤ {OF G°V°¤'¤m°¤t Pier, Lvwesl 252 P OYWB --·-···· · ····-·-——···-··-·—- . ‘'‘'‘' ’`' - '```'`'`'‘ ccntmging expense, _________ _ _________ 1033 for improvement of mland waterway Navy, collision damages ,,..,,... 1033 from I$d*°b°tb B*Y t° ~-··· · ·---·· 252 umm or Nmgmou. ... me mm 0¤=¤¤¤¤*~2¤z¤s* Bm V¤·» *0- - - 252, 1277 Burg`; of (hdggngg, ,___________ _ _ _ _ 1033 PIG]!-m\D$YY €X$mm$u0¤» etc- be made, Bureau of Yards and Docks, public 1034 gywéffvgy {mm éh1¤00*B§Sl·\° 1288 W •·-•..-..•·••s•~··--ss.a...-.-. J Y """"""°°"'°""' hxnm construction, etc. .· 1034 D¤l¤w¤~1F•ver, P4-, N2 I. ¤¤iD¢l·. · Na Academy..‘..u..;.=...1..- ... : 1034 _ ¤PP¤>P¤¤;¤0¤ f¤1§ $¤Fl>!¤V¤¢¤¤¤* 0% @010 for Interior; Department; Senate Office 4 · ···· ·éé•·-565 3% B“ud“‘g ····‘‘‘* . ‘‘‘‘‘ ·1°°”·`·‘ iicandsx mr A m’2si'e05’ 1176 for Department of I\18t1®;aBlBCtl0ll, etc., ? fm. improvement °]~’,mm,.wB}; ia chés·_ ’ ro U 2;i$”§§s·m. ·····‘·‘ can ··‘·‘‘ ¢ r ‘ 1°“ ,,..,].~..,.¤·*·*,*· **1...* ‘*n...-·,· · ·-·· ,*22 *27 1' D1 ; 605, . gx 7 _ , tg _trict ot_Co1umbia ... 1035 made, Philadelphia to 'llrentorr . 1288 pvmtennmss ··---· = -·-··. 1005 time extended for bridging, st 'henwnt for Poet Oflioe I>epar¤nmt;ernp1oyees, etc. 1035 N . J .. 1155 posinl service ..·- · ----·- · -·--· 1035 Delegamfrom the Twriwries, br Department of Commerce; water·cool- a rigijon for mj] kg again 55;]; mg plant r. .. l .. 1035 PPmPCongres, immzlrgtately available 1 Bureau ¤f Lighdwnsss ··--- ,· -· ~---- · ---- 1036 for compensation ..-.··--.-... 761, 1216 Steamboat Inspection Servrce ...,,. , 1036 for mil ,..,. 762, 1216 Standards Bureau . . 1037 fg; clam ,,..,.. . ..,,.,,,, 764 Fishwies Bumn -··—·-—-·-··------·-·- 1067 clerks in be placed vn roll of emi¤1' Semw ·-----··--·--···----····-·--·--- 1037 lcyess; eppcintnncnt, ctc .. 764 for House of Rsprsssnnrtivss ·---. . . .. 1037 for clerks to; restriction 1219 for Government Prlnting Office . - 1038 deficiency appropriation for salaries ... 380 ppbkc pnnnnz and bmdinc -·-·----·--- 1008 lor .. . . 430 i¤¤‘J¤dz¤¤¤¤*·· 0¤¤¤ 0* Cl·¤¤¤~ ·--·-- · ·-·- 1068 punishmsn in specified ¤¤n··n>t nncticss trtle_oi Act.: .. . ...- _ ···-··· 1008 at primary, general, or special elector claims certlhed by accounting 1038 tionsof . . . 1013 Dnnm ;f_m<;<>L¤§1>¤» ¤1>v¤¤v¤•¤;_¤¤ rp. lm vrzesmr rwztpnqr, le., from revenues ereo . • pi-rh ‘ expense proven sal i¤em’:nimnrnng•hw,whdslyh¤mi¤‘ ppm o£,eto .. 992 Dc _ n;enucs:..2;’ ... 1163 palm", 1517 District of zgnmbia . . . 1162 Dem4:y,_ Jobs, ior Employees Compensation Commission. 1163 pension . ... . . . . 1468 {or Treasury Department . . . .. 1163 Deming, Julius 0., public buildings 1164 pension increased . .,, 1383 hr War Department . 1164 Deming, Lyman F., for Navy Deparunent . . ... 1165 pension increased . ,,.,,,, 1w8 Navy .. . ... 1165 Den` Emu: B., and Others, for Interior Department .. . ... 1168 Wabadi Rive, Vincennes, gf, Postal SBYVICQ .. . . . 1168 B . 84 lsgrslatzve . 1169 Dcm.•on,' ., ior House of ¤tives . 1169 allowance for- loss on contract for levee for Botanic . , 1169 - work due to increased cosh, etc., for Government Oiiioe .. .. 1169 owing to war conditions . 1287 unexpended balances Army appropria- not to exceed acmal lom.. . 1287 tions covered in and authorizations appropriation for . . . 1287 repealed ... . . . . 1169 Denmark, autbcmty to reuse proceeds from sales of appropriation for minister to ... 519, 1326 war supplies, repealed . 1173 export of zpecified articles to, colonies, _ unexpended balances of Navy appropria- etc., orbiddemexception, etc. . 1684, 1747 tions covered in, and authorizations N additional specified artic es . , ,, 1693 repealed . K - . t . 1173 ._ coin,_bul1i0n, and  : . - 1695 transfer oi A.rmy military supplies to importing articles m, colours, Manne Corps .. 1174 etc., orbrdden; exceptions . 1722 title of Act declared . . ... 1174 extended to all nonenumernted articles. 1748