Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/713

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2032 INDEX. D trnewt ~ 1*080- Department of Agriculture-—Gontinued. P¤80·

1p1§>ropriag0t1 for Bureau of Markets; · two additional Secretaries, authorized . 274

_ marketing, .. 1002 appropriataon for salaries .. . 275 . hre stock; mem; ¤¤¤·: p¤¤d¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤ wd Department of commons, ¤18¤k€‘51118- J -··~· 4 ····-···-··—·-·- 1002 appropriation for Solicitor of the, amistfood products supply, etc.; certificates guts, 61,, ________ · ______________ 802, 1255 nfq · t°b¤-msued ···~- · ··-···· 1002 for Secretary, Assistant, clerks, etc. .i 803, 1255 c¤t¤>¤ _ .<=0¤- -, ------ = ------··- 1000 for Bureau of Lighthouses, soisrioss . J 803,1255 studies m run! yredm, farm prvducts, for Census omco, sonooios, oto _» ___,,, ·, , , 803 g»sm°i°`i.$s°?°2i‘i.$`o°é°t'Z§ `'``````‘"````°` iw f °‘2§“’" "‘“3£’b"°°‘i “‘*“”"°,,§‘ * ; ‘ aio; 8**3 iosggtimtowm €tET,`i»§éiéié éiiihi 1003 °' ggrisuss- . .??i Y'?.7"i€F’Z .°Y . JZ . . -. Egg ct ...·.--.---»-·----- ‘ { th wrkpo,-mi f<>r§erime¤¤l¤¤¤rmi1L ew ----· 1003 tot8`i0?s°$1i°$ gogeigg arfd Domestic Com- ~ for orcing cotton futures Act: 1003 meme, Sa1,u·15,., _________________ gu, 1256 ger 05r¤i¤¤t¤¤d¤rd¤‘{L\¤& ·---- - - developing foreign and domestic coig;4 1256 or warel1o¤¤e c - . . 1 . . _________________________ 8¤¥·l1¤1fitY to ¤°c111’° 1004 pr?:>ct?ng COIIlIl1GI'C€,L8.tlIl America 1256 for Bn*·?h1E‘°¤¥».¤*°; -6 --···---··- 1004 prgaoting commerce with the 0% 1256 got Ft-si comn{é1:c1ai;tt9.cl138:::.-.·.-.1;ill;I 804: 1256 °1' · ·P *1 . . ---~· 1 ' for Steamboat Inspection Service, salainterchangeablcappropunuons ·· · 1005 ‘ _,_ __________ _ ___________ ,_ _ 805 1251 for agricultural d¤¤¤¤¤•¤=¤¤¤¤» **5:-. ¤¤ ss1r:1°»s,etc. service atlarge .. 805; 1257 f r¤¢1=¤¤¤!i¤¤1g•;’i¤¤*¤-·~- Ei ----·— 1005 ’· » fo1'“¤¥`l1.f¢lkil0fN8Vlg8f.l.0:;i,$18»\’l.$ . 805,1257 orcooperauve proteotao State · py] g oqviow my glnri , forested watersheds,- .. 1005 _ _` _____ · ___,_ it ___,,_, ,_,,,,, 4 :06, 1257 f<>¢1iv¢¤*¤¢1=0¤1•¤¤i¤¤¤¤*¤. ¤*¤·.i¤¢¤¤·- radio communication . 806, 1258 { ¤¤w¤¤da;l•·:i¤t§¤;<_}¤¤i<;¤:w¤di¤¤¤:é 1005 iosnotosootstaodnds, salaries .. 808,1258 or da1rymg° ° ” stoc experimen pgmtus tc .. 806, 1259 ¤¤w¤¤¤=¤¤irri0·*e0, ¤t4=·, 1¤¤<1¤ -··-- 1005 igvostipésogintzéf {  ; .. 807,1259 amonmt available for vehicles, motor for contingent expenses __,__,_ _ ,,,, 808, 1261 bww, ¤¤¤·;r¤¤¤ic¢i¤¤. r¤1¤>¤.¤t¤--- 1005 minor purchases snowed without odfor eradication of foot·o.nd·moutl1 and vuqjsing ________,__,,,_____, , , 809, 1262

 . ,.   for rout; sm g·pgce_ _____ _ _ _ ______ 809,  

paymenttoranimals destroyed, etc. . . 1006 extonsiourzgooso ____,,_____,,,,,, , , 1262 for ¤¤<1;¤<=•¤¤¤ of vmk 1¤·11w¤¤¤ ¤f wt- tot sundry civil expenses under ... 160, 686 ton ... , --·---·---· 1006 for Bureau or Lighthouses . . . 160, 680 f<¤ mmte <>f·¤¤<1¤ 1>¤¤1¤¢¤¤¤ fmm re- tot Coastand Geodetic Survey. .. 162, 688 ceipts fromsa1¤• ... 100*7 for Fishoraos Bureau 104, 000 for cooperative dehydration of pmidiable om gm- Buygm: ______________, 169, 695 Qlighh p1'0dlll<;:§.§).- .·-- i ······-· 1 for pruming and for . . 175, 701 forceshshm} P _1f_“_,_“‘°d_ _ _ _ 1007 deficiency appropnatron for Bureau of 23

  • 2* P¤gg_v,g*;;·,6vg,,¤¤*¤¤¤¤ 0 ‘ ·*•·* 1,,,,, ‘ { hgh d igésésééxim 811; 1000, 102430

•··—-·~·········- ··· · Const uc urvey , E PBYIDSDC [(2 NED, Bti!.) 49* or ul 6 375, 496, 601 $00104 ··-— ···I ·-······ — - — -· tos Fisheries niitosu- ,. ...,.. gif 075, 400, 82411 for 1 dm mma, for for Steamboat Inspection Servi§;.é_h;.é&1 wm, I°:°"?°*‘ S°"iq°‘ t ‘·‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 160 for contingent expenses .. . . . 32, 495 f°'.P'“m“8‘“d'?m$i“g":€ ··•·•···· · 175· 700 for Bureau of Standards . .. 32 d°**°*°¤°Y “PP'°g"’°°¤ m"•'Y ····-·· 3**8*1 216 375 382 495 841 1037 1040 f°r Bureau °f dam Industrli: 32* 881* 841* 1040 for additional stenokmplier to séotstlity. ’ 375 fofFOI98tS€l'V1C8.=. 82,88 382,495,84].,1040 forwuexpemes _______ 495 f°r Burma °f chsmutrya •·••’‘‘‘°* 32* 881*841 for Bureau of Fore and 1`jomestic

or Bureau of Entomology . ... 32, 8;; Commerce lgn 495

or drainage rnvestagaatrons .. · °‘'° 1 ``''’`'

  • 2* 1,¤*·=,,*;~,·;{1¤¤·*,,1>*v,1-·¤¤ 0··¤¢¤=·¤ 2* 3, Eli &‘¥s”o§‘o'2s‘§?T{T“.Y¥ .°."““‘“ . }¥‘T‘??Ti ii 3}

. . · ···‘‘··‘···‘··‘ t NorthPacitl Sea Products Company. 1037 2;; Survey" ' 34* 381* M3; annogal o£>mg1e1’ce and Navigation 1055 ` · °"'°°'°"°` '`°' "° or l1"y€&1'B.. .. f°' °°mmg°°t °¥p°“°°° ····‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘ 374 salaries increasedextif Inspector General for Federal Horticultural Board .. . . . 374 · · _ for .41111501 Indistry Bureau 081, 841,1040 ,39 mr “};tmm¤p°m“*’ct£'m_ ff mg sj high 494 watencooling plant. rental allowed from 035 for Bureau or (iraq Estimates ... 841 °°“““5°“‘ °‘1’°“°°°} ·············· 1 tot- Bureau of usr .. 1040 Dg1>·¤¢‘·!·¤·¢ of Cmmw 0**1 #00*4 food etcq etc_ _ 1045 GECIBIICY appropriation {G COIIUDQGHK BX- motor vehicle rnileage allowance, on oi- 11*111*5 ---· ; -·~·-·--- 32· gmt 383» S4}: 1040 ficio,] business of .. - 990 Department of oF|L!t‘|»¢8, _ _ nitrate of soda; proceeds from salesto be ztppropriation for Attorney General, S011(Zlcredited to fund for procuring, etc. . . 494 for Qenenl, Assistants ... 801, 1254 provisions of Migratory Bird Treaty Act 755 for Sohcitors, attorneys, etc .. 801, 1254