Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/774

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1NDEx. 2093 Hospitals, Army-Continued. I’¤z¤· House of Representatives, Pagebuildings, ]2.;ldB, etc., may be requisi- 1029 appmpbingbgeior compenisationd of Mem. twned or . _ egafes an Rem ent Compayment for; suit if amount unsatisho- 1029 f unglimiouerz . I 761,1216 no .. . ... or eage e c .. 762, 1216 looaziorrii etc., mténsidence of petientsu §0r ggealfenss office; Digest of Rules. . 762, 1217 ggmgam cost ‘ ‘ ... . . . _ or ap ain .. . . 762, 1217 t.;-Susie;} of <;te§i%1;1teg1, gmp, etc., to Publis ict of {ho House, clezcs, atc . . . 7%; 1217 ea !'VlC8 or dnscharged so - or eugmeer 0 . 7 1217 diem, etg: . . . - - I ... Z ·. . . 1302 for c1erks,_ messengers, a.nd’jdniwrs, to Hospimk for Discharged Sw}: Soldiers, ew coinmttees, annual - Z -·..-... 762, 1217 (see also Public Health Somoa), apfnomtment and dimes of ganimrs. 763, 1218 provisions for care, etc., of designated 1302 ger g erks te; cczmmittegs, session . 763, 1218 persons _ .. : or ergean a , eputy, etc",. 763, 1218 purchase oi land agclll tgmfnggea for; 1303 for Do0rkeeperisg§<is.l employees, etc. 763, 1218 emergency or, a.u_ ornz _ . : . . mesepge a rers_ew .. 763, 1218 lease ot, for cas, with facilities, supenntelszlent, folding room, etc. . 763, 1218 not cxceeding ... 1303 pages 763, 1218 Hospimlsfcr Indians, _ _ supecintendent document room, etc 763, 1218 appropriation for eonstn1<;t1i>11:;1-ieqmpment, 563 ger mmozty euiployees - 764, 1218 and maintenance o · t .. or speci employees etc .. , , 764, 1219 for designated hospitalaxetc . 563 for c erk, etc., conference minority. . 764, 1219 Hospimb, Nqml, _ _ _ for messengers, mayonty and minority appropriation for cogstrucunugl adduaonztil f caucus wrezloms .. . 764, 1219 tem rary at esigna ymdsam orpostmas assistan e . 764,1219 smuiioua. . .° 723 mail yehicles, em I .,.. 764, 1219 for overseas 723 for offical regorhers, etc . ._. ... , , 764, 1219 for contingent. . : . ._  : . . 723 for stenpgrap em to committees. 764, 1219 deficiengy appmprumon for cunslrnictiogm 488 "cl1ur1ng the session’* to mean 120 o temporary, etc., war; expense;. , aye ... . .,..., 764 for care, etc., of patients m, and other "during1l:$session "tomean 213d3y¤. 1219 hospitals .. 209, 1167 for clerk , Members, Delegates, and balances of agxpropriamionn for construct- Reudent Commissioners .. ” . 764 H mud ini, an supply depots, covered in,. 1174 plsisegtogtcroll of employees; appoint. 764 oa e -----..---... . pension increased IRB for clerlg; for Members, Delegates, and Hoe Spring; Army and Navy joepiml, Ark., Resident Commimioners ..,____ 1219 aptproprmtion for oonstrucuon and repsue. 58, 884 payment to Member, etc., forbidden. - 1219 or medical supphes . : . 61, 866 for contmgent expenses, materials for for burial in L1ttle`Roclg National Ceme· folding . . ... 765, 1219 tery, of patients dying in . 131, 657 for furniture and repairs ..., . .,,. 765, 1219 deiiciency ?ppmp1-intion for war expenses, 365 ior pnckiag boxes ..,. 765, 1219 supp 1es 197 or misce aneous items ,..., ,.,_ 765 1219 Hot Springs Reservation, Ark., , for expenses, special and select com- I appropnation for imgrovements of; em- mittees 765, 1219 ' ployment of ndscape engineer, 153 §or stationery- . .. 765, 1219 eu: . . . or postage stamps ... 765 1219 for Govergmgg free bathhouse, etc . 679 for auhiamobilei for Speakexé:5 .6 765; 1220 Haz S s, . ., for mi eage, st sesmon ongi-ess, appiggrliztion for expenses, Volunteer immediately available .. . . - - 1 S0ldiers’ Home. 140, 665 for stationery for Members, etc., lst sesdeticienc? _ apypropriation for Volunteer sion 65th Congress ... . ...,__ 2 So dxers _Hogne ... 13, 484 for pages, lst session 65th Congress, to portion of snnihmum, nmy be used by June 30, 19_l7 ... , . . 2

 Servntge iordmchsrged 1303 for messengers m poet office to June 30,

xm so IBIS e ... . ... 1917-. .,.,__ _ , 2 Houchin, .[ohn R., ’ for 138869 until the close of the lst session pension increased 1386 65th Congrea ,____ 242 Houehin, Ward, for post office messengers until the close pension . ..- 1565 of the lst session 65th Cpngess ..,_, 242 H0u.ght0n,_El1jah, for sxion employees for entire month of ’ pension increased -..- 1418 October, 1917 ... _ ..,__ __ 343 Hwghton, Mich., for session employees for entire month of appropriation for public building - . . . 108 _ NOVGHIYJGT, 1918. -.. . . . 1052 Hour.: of Sermbe, Railroad Train Employees, deticienqy apgéropriation for widow of deficiency apgropriationdgor Commission f Méchaef D. Colnnigy. . 26 o Stan ard Work y .. 3 orwi owe avi . e -- . 26 Housatoing River, Conn., for daughter of Cyrus A. Sulioway .. 26 appropriation for improvement of greek- 1 76 {or wigow 0; imag J. Trgalble. waters ...-.. 51, 905, " or wi ow 0 uis unoz ’vera Home, Eli: A for widow of Henry T. Helgesen .. . . 217 pension increased .,,,.,..,..,,,_ , 1376 for widow of Daniel W. Comstocy ... 377 House of Detention, D. C., for widow of Ellsworth R. Ifathnck . 497 appropriation for expenses ... 939 for widow of Ebenezer J. Hill ... I . . . 497 deficiency appropriation for expenses . 470 to be paid to her legal representative. 1037