Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/820

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mbox. 2139 Medals of Honor, Diatinguisiwd-Service Medals P¤8¤· Medical Depurhmnt, Army-Continued. Psa. and Crosses, Navy-Ccntmued. deficiency appro riatiou for mosquito de. only one award of, tc any one rsou. . . . · 1056 structnou, gaml Zone .. . ..,.. 196, 355 issue of bar, etc., for sucqeecggg justify- selection of motor ambulances .. 196, 364 ing acts .- ; ---------·--..--· 1056 — for preventing, etc., epidemic disexpemlexs to be pznd hom "Pay oi the 1056 fo ease? ... 196, 365 avy". . · r em 0 ees t¤msp0rtmg` su lies lost, ctc., devices to be replaced without . if ?,. 196,365 , _ cost .. . :.. ._ ..· 1057 for supplies, Hot. Springs, Ark., hosmstncgion ou, time for ,-:.. 1057 pit;] __,,.__,__,,,,,_ , ,,,, .,E ,,,. 197, 365 SPBCIHC statements, 6¢¢·, superwf for hospital care, Canal Zona gm-risona. . . 480 officer fB?1]1!9d . 1057 for muggum ,__,, , _,.. , ._,,...,... 480 ¤·W81'd ID (2888 0 death .. · ·.·.-...--· · 1057 for war expenses, supplies . . 597 no award unless entire Subsequent service for supplies except gas masks, 1919 1030 b<>¤0¤1bl¢ - ·----~· -_ ·-····-------· - 1057 additicuai contracts authorizsd .-· 1030 ¤¢6¤¤ <>¤ r¢¢<>m¤¤¢¤d¤*·*9¤¤ <=0¤¤plYi¤8 authorization for supplies, etc., 1919, rewith existing mgulmqm ..,... . 1057 pmiod ________________ _ ________,_ 1170 time hmit waived; °$¤m 1'¢€01‘d ¥€‘ balance of appropriation for supplies etc. quired ...----· 1 -·----- _ - - -, --·--·--· 1057 ms covered in . ’ Z 1170 de1¢g¤1gi<;d¤;€<;; mhonw fvr ¤¤¤¤¤¤g to ik: 1057 rei sixg>]g1i?)1%>x- cherazircigal mum, 1917, -·--- · ············--- · · · · · · 1 , cove in .. . ... y S;0IIB, 6tC., to be l!l8dB .·-..-- · - 1057 Anny C,0]·pg’ gf, crggtgd; pgggonnql, 1172 » ·» , , . CUC. . ,,,. ¤£pr9pri¤*i¤¤ §<>r pubkc b¤1¤d¤pg -_ -·-···- 109 cmeF;¥i}¤e¤, psy increased . . .. 133 if wr of Rmlway Emvleyw Mfwmw Dental Corps personnel embusnmi, cw". asv (eee Board of Med1¤¤0¤ and (7011- enlisted men, grade of stable sergeant mb- ¢i1i¤¥¤i¤¤)- stituwd for isn-ier .. . . ass Ydml C’W'€!'k8, D- C·· gas masks appropriations to incliuie ex- “£P’°Pri“ti°¤ f°1’ ···· · ·····‘·‘·····- · ···· · 946 pe¤¤o¤ of manufacture, etc . 480 I g C°'P·’z Na"? Hampton, Va., S0ldier¤’ Home tnnnfexmd M:$l?·t;V; P°¤1¤0¤ ¤{2m°°”» mm ·—·~--· · 89 to, during the war . . .. 1042 we epartment my, hospital hmmm — · appropriation fur’FieId Service and (kne- uimd by t°·;?g§Q°g§3 Sp011d61’1c9 for 846 haxge to Service. _ _ _ lam cers ... . ..-·-·.. · crease - gum] · _ for my of edimd ¤¤*¤S l°¤%¤ViW ·-··· ‘*5· 852 m m Beweezéfeéwggiifg for pay of officersg longevity . . 47, 853 the wm. {mm Medica] Corps f¤= ¤=¤¢¤*¤ vewdmm ·-—-~·--··—··-- *7- 853 wo mam éeuemls me four béagahiéi for contract surgeons ...··- - -·.. . . 47, 853 Ewen], to serve in National Amy f<>r ¤¤p¤ri¤’¤e¤d<=¤¢» Num C°*P¤ ··--··-· 47 from Medica Reserve Corps 866 for nurses, female . .-.------.. 47, 853 Medical C0 mst ueuwmms ml f°’ h°‘·Pi'“·l m““°’” ·····‘··‘·····- - · · · 48- 854 moveiipgaptaim during pmseyiit mgmior rent,iield medical supply depot, D.C. 58, 864 gcncy. examinations 397 for rent, Army Medical School ..,__., . 59, 864 omcm oy Medical Regex`; for rent, Army mcdxcal supply dgpot;,... 864 Epntmct mrgmm with med f°Y FUPPHBB, ctc --··· . ··········-----·· 60 ·865 service may be a pointed iggclioufor mosquito destruvuon, Caml Zone, , . 60, 865 mums _ P 889 ¤<==¥·=¢¤<>¤ Of ¤¤¤¤>* °·¤*b¤***¤°¤¤ wi¤=¤¤* retiremcui ak §1§g»A{éi1i§·`d{»§ii$1§iaH {.3 forparg§§1;%;iggo{c"opi;l·e;r;11o·<1{sp;;§oe- 23%%% . ¤¤¤··*d·¤v -------··--— - ---------- 889 io. civilian eepiogeey, nm, etc _ 60, 866 M¤<*·¤;}, §g•;<xg;g;_*g_·; ;·g*;g°vlg;·g·;g3* gon- supplieqglot pn1(3§e§1{0¢;pit.z§ . - l61, 866 grades gu Y 866 ¥;re};ntx§e¤z_¤i Canal Zone 61, 866 “° °§§“t§gr§§§m“ Army d*°°h¤8°d» 866 $3;?r%”§.§‘2i·i%’,.§’b‘2i?i1:.·.1t1t1;;:;;;;;·i§%;§§{ ¤¤*¤¤»=tg*,§~g¤¤=¤·¤ ggq»_;lg¤~(;~v¤¢t·g_;»¤p¤ for appliances for disabled soldiers. .. . 136, 661 Pr°p° ° . Y mnbu m for trusses ...,, . . 136, 661 °°w P°°Yld°d"‘é ‘·····‘· . ‘ · · 866 for Providence Hospital, D_ C _______ 136, 661 ran Bi ing suthonzod $0 eld medxcal for Garfield Hospital, D. c ..,_,,. 136, saz °“PP Y d°P°*· W°·¤*¤¤8°°¤· D- C ·---- 538 for clerlfs, gtcw office of Surgeon (}€§é4’ 1238 su¥;e%';*:n;0fY°m_f1mC1€_ of dI*i?B::'tr1i1e¤t_. Q; 533 GT3-...-...·~ ···-··--·· ·-..-.. I deficiency appmpriation for supzgges _ _ Egg 1 to aid glgliélgééy; 399 831 , Y ior war expenses, Field Service {nd éor- _ ac ‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘· · ······‘·‘······ - ····· wm respoudgpce School for medical HMM} D¢P{¤'§7MM, Navy (see Bureau of Omcm ____,. - ,____... 186 Mvdwnue and Surgery, Navy), for pay of enlisted mem; lpmgevityn . . 188, 356 Mediml Museum and Library, Army, for pay of officers; lcngewty . .,,. 189,357 appropriation for pmggp.-ing gpecimgns, reserve veterinarians . , , .,.. . 189 etc .. , ________,,,,_,,_,___,,. 61, 867 contracp surgeons . - .. . .. . 1§9 deficiency appmpyiatiou for preserving nurses gfemgle) . . ,_,. . 189, 3·.>7 specnmem, etc __,,. . .._.,__,_. 480 for rent Of storehouse for Held medical Jledieal Ojfcers, Field Service and Correspond- _ Supp}y depot, D. C . .,., 361 [ ence School for, mr supphes, gm.; gas masks ,_,,. 196. 364 appropriation for iugu-uctiou expenses . . . 41, 846