Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/924

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nmsx. 2243 Railroadi, Stt;e¢t6fdc.,th _ d f Y¤G°· Ralston, Wilhhm Il, P•s•· contro ,_ e ., ,_au onzs or tra.nsporta· pension . . .. 1564 tion of shemrd employees, etc 535 1Wllia·m H, Railroadsjunder I Control, pension increased ..,. 1559 tax levied on mcome of .. 1076 Ramsen, John W, Railroad.s,_ Urban and [nterurbanh ting ., 1459 approprrauon ortslunioveran opera , Ramsey, ., ‘ for transporting 'pyard em loyees, pemion increased. .».—.-;; ...,,, 1487 et;} . . ... 651 Rand, Lorinda C. (widow), · ‘ · 2 · 24 Railway ywtmmt Dmnon' ' , Pont pension  ; .. ;..Q.-*Q.·»..Z‘.‘ . .. 15 .,,..,%.’r.€"..%‘.7‘$'.?i· ..,...·..r..., ...» ’°“"‘“,..'%..’·°’”"“‘ """‘”*’>· * no Rua aéimt. ... 8iD, 1253 Randelr, John W2,' _ ` way loyeea, · nsion increased ._.,,.., 1484

 for Board of Mediation mgm, M6 Rapvzlsg, 1{artin, Mw
  · ··~----·-·-- 1151011 1.¤t!B8$d  . .. ;

Railway @uipm¢nt_1{aterQaLs,_ Rapnilolph, .Frank F. (son), gpproprration for mvestiinupn of, etc: . 807, 1259 pemnon ...,,,.._,,_,__,,_____ _ _,_,___ 1449 eticxency agproprlation ormwstxgntmg. . 841 Randt, Pauline A. (mother), ‘ Railway Mail ermce, . _ pension .,.,.,,,,, 1473 appropriaztion for general sugmtendent, Ranft, Joseph, assistant, etc., in Post ce Depart- pension increased ... . 1399 ment .. 800, 1253 Range Conditions, for division superintendents, smistants, appropriation for experiments, etc., in imclerks, etc ... . . 747, 1194 proving, in national forests . 989 full time credited when deadheading, Range Fmdera, Army, . under orders.. , . 748,1195 appropriation for purchase, etc., insular 9 appointments an amrgnments re- pusesions ..,, 81 strictod ... 1195 Ranlett, olmB., · V increase in number of graded claks; pennoninueased; ... 1521 mr agveregate limited . J. . . ... Rapelyg, Apraham, 1427 tra ces pension in .. - .. ; ... increaseinallowanee•fordutyov¤· Rapid ’,8.DaI:., · for .;:11 hours ... ig 1195 ap _ 585 veling expenses, e ., away from . e cnency appropna or dim f headpiuarters .. . Rap at 3; .. , . 880 or masce aneous expenses .. , pahannod: ur a., rent of space at terminals . , . . . 748, 1196 approrgiation for improvement of . 254, 1278 for per diem, two existant supermtend- Raritan ay, NZ L, ents . . _ . 748, 1195 appropriation for improvement of . 905, 1276 deficiency appropriation for salaries. . 33, 34, 842 Raritan River and Bay, N. J., for expenses ... 381, 1041 approprration for improvement of. 252, 905, 1276 for injured emplgrees . 1041 prehminary examination, etc., of, to be new grades estab ed for clerks. . . : . . 751, 1198 made, for 80·foot channel .. 1288 clesifica/tion of salaries, and railway, Rates, Railroad, terminal and transfer offices . 752, 1198 no increased, to be filed until January, assignment of clerks .. 752,1198 1, 1920, without approval of Comautomatic transfer from presentto 752, 1198 mimion 272 limited to iiscal year 1919.. ... 752 approval without formal hearings sllimit of increased pay 752 lowed .. i. . ._ , 272 classifications effective Julgll, 1918 752 reasonableness of, or drscrrminations in, to pay of other employees, inclu 'ng laborers, be considered by not less than three not receiving more than $2,200 a of Interstate Commerce Commissionh hyearincreaseflg 752 0 . 271 ' t-our awappica etocersa ter- ooperagc ompany, on, ., ug minal and transfer offices .. 753 proclamation including stockholders of, in overtime pay for excess work in einer- restrictions on trading with the gencies .,..,. . ... 753 enemy . . . . 1909 compensatory time allowance for Sunday Rathbone, Henry R., _ _ etc., work. . .. 753 detlcxenc§appaopr1ation for ... 833 Railway Property, _ Raton, NZ_ gz., _ _ valuation proceedings to be considered by appropriation for public building ... 110, 636 not ess than five members of Inter- Rattan and Cormgxgrg, NZ K state Commerce Commimon .. 271 proclamation rnclu g stoclrholders of, in Railway Sajéty Applazncun _ restncuons on trading with the approprmtion or mvestigatmg, etc 123, 6-49 enem% ... 1906 Ramos, John B., Rowley, John ., Rapensiolrpli . . . . 1489 R pen§1on 151G`B8%d . · ... 1416 incr, i arm ., ay, ease ., pension increased _ . . 1376 pension .. 1566 Raimkr Natamal Forest, Wash., Read, John, appropriation for maintenance of, etc 987 pension increased ... . 1571 Ramsberger, Mary K (undow), Reading, liars., _ _ pension ,___.,.., . .. 1417 appropriation for public building .. 110