Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1016

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 250. 1920. 995 solely as merchant vessels shall be subject to all laws, r ations, and ¤€¤·=¤¤¤¢ *’•>=¤¤¤¤» liabilities governing merchant vessels, whether the Ugigtlgd States be iii’}i°i·ir.t° l°wS' m" interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. ' ‘It shall be unlawful to sell, transfer or mortgage, or, except under t sus, at., Sasser regulations prescribed by the board, to charter, any vessel purchased ° °"P'°"°* °' B°"'*‘ from the board or documented under the laws of the United States to any person not a citizen of the United States, or to put the same under alfoi-eign registry or flag, without first obtaining the board’s approva . ‘ ‘Any vessel chartered, sold, transferred or mortg ed to a person r¤r:eimre mi viennot a citizen of the United States or placed under aaforeign registry “°“s· or flag, or operated, in violation of any provision of this section shall be forfeited to the United States, and w oever violates any provision Punishment imof this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine p°S°°‘ of not more than $5,000, or to imprisonment for not more than live years, or both.” Sec. 19. (1) The board is authorized and directed in aid of the Bfggial °¤*h°¤°>’ °* accom lishment of the purposes of this Act ` (a) }l‘o make all necessary rules and regulations to carry out the ,,,,’§§",;’,c§*°°°‘““’Y provisions of this Act; ' (b) To make rules and regulations affectin shipping in the foreign m_§)*§§,9°*;m¤ég°Qa*vg';· trade not in conflict with law in order to adjust or meet general or cempenuve p¤=.mes§ special conditions unfavorable to shipping in the foreign trade, °f f°'°’g° °°""` whether in any particular trade or upon an particular route or in commerce generally and which arise out ofy or result from foreign laws, rules, or regulations or from competitive methods or practices employed by owners, operators, agents, or masters of vessels of a foreign country; and (c) To request the head of any department, board, bureau, or ,,,§,§,¤g',§’§,, gy agency of the Government to suspend, modify, or annul rules or regu- ere. ésraliished ruleé lations which have been established by such department, board, °h°'°°f‘ bureau, or avency, or to make new rules or regulations affecting shipping in tlie foreign trade other than such rules or regulations E*°°P“°¤5· relating to the Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat Inspection Service. (2) No rule or regulation shall hereafter be established by any _,,R"“§h,*;,‘,§?,f,§,l“*§,,§‘j{,; department, board, bureau, or agency of the Government which affect gigim to approve: ol shipping in the foreign trade except rules or regulations affecting the E§‘Zgpa.,m_ Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat Ins ection Service, until such rule or regulation has been submitted to tlio board for its approval and final action has been taken thereon by the board or the President. Dm ts as to (3) YVhenever the head of any department, board, bureau, or miss, xuiiinte sue. agency of the Government refuses to suspend, modify, or annul any f{},*,§§$° *° ““’ *"°“*‘ rule or regulation, or make a new rule or regulation upon request of the board, as provided in subdivision (c) of paragraph (1) of this section, or objects to the decision of the board in respect to the a proval of any rule or regulation, as provided in paragraph (2) of this section, either the board or the head of the department, board, bureau, or agency which has established or is attempting to establish A . ul the rule or regulation in question may submit the facts to the_Pres1- °"°° °'°°”' dent, who is hereby authorized to establish or suspend, modify, or annul such rule or regulation. _ __: { S to (4) No rule or r§ulation shall be established which in any manner G,;,f§,,,,l’,§§¤‘{‘°“$gS,1, gives vessels own by the United States any preference or favor ¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<>*¤°d· over those vessels documented under the laws o the United States and owned by persons who are citizens of the United States.