Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1139

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 70. 1921. 1119 enable it to relocate parts of its railroad therein, and for other purposes," approved February 12, 1901, is amended by adding thereto the followin : "And such tax shall be a lien, until paid, upon all the property s,,l;Z§“$“,§°,5,y§“us;n‘Q_T‘ of such street railway compan and may be enforced in the name of E¤*°*°°*¤°¤¤· the District of Columbia by ahill in equity brought b the Commissioners of said District in the Supreme Court of said District against such street railwa com any; and in addition thereto the District of Columbia shall have ag common-law remedies for the collection of such tax and shall be entitled to those rovided in paragraph 12, V°l‘32’p‘°m‘ section 6, of the Act entitled ‘An Act magin a ropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of tie lllistrict of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and for other p1u·poses,’ approved July 1, 1902." aamne comnssroiwz For contingent expenses, including laborers, m§§0§,’f*“g °°“" trimmers, nuxserymen, repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagpns, or motor trucks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree la els, planting and care of trees on city and suburban streets, care of trees, tree spaces, maintenance of two motor tmcks, and miscellaneous items, $50,000. Barmxe muon: Superintendent, $720; two watchmen, at $500 B""“”‘°°‘°"· each; tempo services, supplies and maintenance, $4,500; for repairs to bililillgngs, pools, an uplceep of grounds, $1,780; in all, $8,000. P1 Pnaroizommsz For salaries——Supervisor, $2,500; ins ctor of S,,’i,{',£‘§[‘“°" pla grounds, $1,200; clerk (stenographer and typewriter? $1,200* to llie employed not exceeding ten months—-twenty-two directors oi plraygrounds or recreation centers at $75 per month each, assistant ' ector at $60 per month; general utility man at $60 per month; to be employed not exceeding seven months-—three assistant directors at $60 per month each, four assistant directors at $50 per month each; to be employed not exceeding four months——six ards or swimming teachers at $60 per month each; to be emp§yed not exceeding three months—four assistant directors at $60 per month each, twenty-two assistants at $50 per month each; to be employed twelve months-—twenty-two watchmen at $50 r month each, clerk (who shall be a bookkeeper) at $75 per montllii; for services of extra directors at not exceeding 35 cents per hour, $800 ; for services of extra watchmen at not exceeding 25 cents per hour, $600; in all, $46,220; For maintenance, equipment, supplies, tools, construction of M¤*¤*°¤°¤°°»°°°· toilet facilities, wading poo , installation of telephones and telephone service, installation of electric lights and electric service, grading, and repairs, including labor an materials, and transportation of materials, maintenance and repair of storehouse, and necessary incidental and contingent expenses for all playgrounds, imder the direction and supervision of the commissioners, $35,000; _ For supplies, installing electric lights, repairs, maintenance, and S"*¤m”€P°°‘5· necessary expenses of operating three swimmin pools, $3,000; New t { 18 For the purchase or condemnation of a piece oi ground to take the g,3u¤4§‘_°s °' P y` place of the present site of Park View Playground, $32,000; {:';Y‘°"· For the purchase or condemnation of a piece of ground to take the g ‘ place of Logan Playground, $17,000; mm ,,,5,,,,, ,8,, In all, for pla grounds, $133,220, to be paid wholly out of the sues. revenues of the Ilistrict of Columbia. _ C_,,m,,,m., S , ,,_ Pcnuc coxvnmnycn STATIONS1 For maintenance of public con- mms. venience stations, including compensation of necessary employees, $20,000.