Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1153

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 70. 1921. 1].33 records in clerk’s office, $1,080; probation officers—chief, $2,000; assistant chief (who shall also be investigating officer for children’s cases) $1,500, two at $1,200 each, one for adult cases $1,200, five at $1,000 each; investigating officer for juvenile work, $1,400; investigating officer for adult cases, $1,200; record and information clerk or probation office, $1,200· clerk for probation office, $900; two bailiifs, at $900 each; telephone operator, $600; messenger, $600; janitor, $600; charwoman, $240; in all $31,080. _ Miscellaneous: For compensation of jurors, $900; “‘“°°“““°°'”· For transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, $300; The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to ,,,;*,§}’,°f"g‘§$,_ ,§,‘§§,,,,,,’; advance to the chief probation officer of the juvenile court, upon i¤s1>¤5>¤¢i<>¤¤¤»- recjluisition (previously approved by the judge of the juvenile court an the au itor of the xstrict of Columbia, sums of money not to exceed $50 at any one time, to be expended for transportation and traveling expenses to secure the return of absconding probationers, and to be accounted for month] on itemized vouchers to the accountin officer of the District of Cohimbia; {Ihr meals of jurors and of prisoners temporarily detained at court awaiting trial, $100; For rent, $2,000; R°°°’°°°` For furniture, fixtures, equipment, and repairs to the courthouse and grounds, $500; For fuel, ice, gas, laimdry work, stationery, printing, books of reference, periodicals, typewriters and repairs thereto, binding and rebinding, preservation of records, mops, brooms, and buckets, removal of ashes and refuse, telephone service, traveling expenses, anil otllieiégncidental expenses not otherwise provided for, $3,000; n a , ,800. Pomcr: cormr: Two judges, at $3,600 each; clerk, $2,200; deputy §§l“,ff;.°?"'°' clerks-one $1,600, three at $1,500 each, two at $1,200 each; deputy financial clerk, $1,500; deputy asistant financial clerk, $1,500; probation officer, $1,500; three assistant robation officers, at $1,200 each; stenographer, $1,200; seven bailig" s, at $900 each; deputy marshal, $1,000; janitor, $600; engineer, $900; assistant engineer, $720; fireman, $600· assistant janitor, $300; matron $600; four cleaners at $360 each; telephone o erator $480; in all, $40,140. Miscellaneous: For printing, law hooks, books of reference, direc- m‘°°u'"°°°" tories, periodicals, stationery,_binding and rebinding, preservation of records, typewriters and repairs thereto, fuel, ice, gas, electric lights and power, telephone service, laundry work, removal of ashes and rubbish, mops, brooms, buckets, dusters, sponges, painters’ and lumbers’ supplies, toilet articles, medicines, soap and disinfectants, llnited States flags and halyards, and all other necessary and incidental expenses 0 every kind not otherwise provided for, $4,500; w,mm,m M For witness fees, $3,000; ' For furniture and repairing and replacing same, $500; _ For lodging, meals, and accommodation of jurors and of bailiffs in attendance upon them when ordered by the c0tu•t, and for meals for prisoners, $300; _ _ ,m,s_ For compensation of jurors, $10,000; For repairs to building, $3,000; In all, $21,300. _ Mmcip_,wm_ Mmzrcrrar. cormr: Five judges, at $3,600 each; clerk, $1,500; sums. four assistant clerks, at $1,200 each; clerk and messenge1‘,_ $840; elevator operator, $600; janitor, $600; charwoman, $240; m all, $26,580; _ _ Rm, cw For rent of building, $3,600; ' For fixtures, and repairs to furniture and building, $500;