Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1233

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SIXTXVSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. cH. 113. 1921. 1213 sioners on the part of the United States, with the approval solely 0f the Secretary of State, expense of printing, cost of law books, books of reference, and periodicals, and necessary traveling expenses, and for one-half of all reasonable and necessary joint expenses of the International Joint Commission incurred under the terms of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain concerning the use of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, and for other purposes, si ed January 11, 1909, $38,000, to be disbursed ,,,0,,,308 under the direction of-[the Secretary of State: Provided, That no part Subsisrénce __ when of this appropriation shall be expended for subsistence of the com- ?},°§?Ht"°m ll “hmg` mission or secretary, except for actual and necessary expenses, not in excess of $8 per day eac , when absent from Washington and from his regular place of residence on official business: Provided further, I That a part of this appropriation may be expended for rent of offices mmm °°"m°°° for the commission in the District of Columbia, in the event that the Public Buildings Commission is unable to supply suitable office space. For payment of services rendered and expenses incurred under the m°mu°° °‘°°S°s' direction of the Secreta of State in the examination and reparation of cases involvin the gstruction, diversion, and use of all boimdary waters and all otier questions or matters of difference covered bg the treaty of January 11, 1909, between the United States and reat Britain, and in appearing before and representing the interests of the United States in all matters or investigations before the International Joint Commission created by said treaty, $6,000. PAYMENT ro THE GOVEBNMENT or PANAMA. Fm"' To enable the Secretary of State to pay to the Government of giyzileiitm Panama the tenth annual payment, due on February 26, 1922, from the Government of the United States to the Government of Panama under article 14 of the treaty of November 18, 1903, $250,000. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH coUNc1L. To pay the annual share of the United States, as an adherin smliliuaixlgiiiioiiiii Rb member of the International Research Council and of the Associated Unions, organized at Brussels, July 18-28, 1919, as follows: International Research Council, $129; International Astronomical Union, $772; International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, $290· International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, $1,338; International Union of Mathematics, $129; in all, $2 ,658, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State. 1N*rmzNA·r1oNAL cosmrssrox ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INTEB· NATIONAL LAW. The unex ended balance of the appropriation of $15,000 for the giimiugrz payment ofp compensation to and the necessary expenses of the ‘“§‘§,,I;,“,‘,§',;,,,,,,0,,_ representative or representatives of the United States on the Inter· V0, 3,, mi national Commission of Jurists, organized under the convention signed ’ p` ` at the Third International American Conference An st 23, 1906, approved by the Senate February 3, 1908, and ratitiecilby the President February 8, 1908, for the pu ose of reparing drafts of codes of public and private international-[l>aw; and for the payment of the quota of the United States of the expenses incident to the (preparation of such drafts, including the compensation of experts un er article 4 ;°;‘ 37’ P ‘ 1m` of the convention, ma e in the Act making appropriations for the ° '38’p`m° Diplomatic and Consular Service for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1915, is made available for the fiscal year 1922.