Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1335

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHs.126, 127. 1921. 1315 apparatus whatsoever manu.fa»ctured during such period to which such patent rights a plied. Sec. 8. That nothing in this Act shall affect any Act done by m;_,*;§‘*°';g{e°,§;’“‘;$: virtue of the special measures taken diuinglthe war under legislative, arfecwd. executive, or administrative authority of the United States in regard to the rights of an enemy, or allfy of an enemy, as defined by the Trading with the Enemy Act o October 6, 1917, in patents for V°*-4°·P·*2°· inventions and designs. Approved, March 3, 1921. CHAP. 1 27.-An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for iitiigif the nscal year ending June 30, 192 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are p;#§§‘${°"§°$p,0p]§§ appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- “°“S· priated, in full compensation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922, or the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. orrrcn or rim sncnnranr. S¤¤¤¤*¤=v’¤ Ome- Sananms, Omron or rim Smcanranr or Acmouyrunns Secretary As§,,,,‘{f of Agriculture, $12,000; Assistant Secretary, $5,000; director of etc- ' scientific work, $5,000; director of regulatory work, $5,000; solicitor, $5,000; chief clerk, $3,000, and $500 additional as custodian of buildings; private secretary to the Secretary, $2,500; executive clerksone $2,250, one $2,100; stengpher an executive clerk to Secretary, $2,250; private secretary to istant Secretary, $2,250; appointment clerk, $2,000; officer in charge of supplies, $2,000; inspectors——one d{g$¤x>t;¤¢¤r¤»¤¤w $3,000, one $2,250; attorneys——o!1e $3,500, two at $3,250 each; law ° ’° ' clerks-four at $3,000 each, two at $2,750 each, four at $2,500 each, eight at $2,250 each, one $2,200, five at $2,000 each, two at $1,800 each; superintendent of telegraph and teleplliones, $2,000; telegraph and tele hone operator, $1,600; assistant 'ef clerk and captain of the watcgi, $1,800; clerks-one $2,000, five of class four, thirteen of class three, one $1,440, seventeen of class two, thirty-one of class one, two at $1,100 each, one $1,020, four at $1,000 each, six at $900 each; accountant and bookkeeper, $2,000; messengers or laborers-sixteen at $840 each, eight at $720 each; lieutenants of the watch-—one $1,000, two at $960 each; watchman-—thirty at $840 each, f1fty-two at $720 each; foreman of stable, $1,080; skilled laborers--four at $1,000 each, three at $960 each; eight messengers or laborers at $600 each; messenger boys-0ne $720, seven at $600 each, ten at $480 each; charwomen——one $540, three at $480 each, one $360, sixteen at $240 each; for extra labor and emergency employments, $12,480; in au? $367’560' . Mechanical employ- For salaries and compensation of necessary employees in the ees. mechanical shops and power plant of the Department of Agriculture, $100,000. Total for Omce of the Secretary of Agriculture, $467 ,560. ormcn or rum nasaesmnnr Asn mam mcoivonncs. ¤¤%°i¤mm£?%lZY Sanaams, Orman or MANAGEMENT aim Fam: Ecoisomcs: mi»?i»i£f¤°?1»ilZm°° Chief of office, $5,000; assistant to the chief, $2,520; executive assistmt, $2,250; Gl6IkS-CWD of class four, four of class three, seven of class two, two at $1,320 each, eighteenof class one, three at $1,100