Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1687

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INDEX. ocxix Emu te-Continued. Page. Senate——Continued. Page. appropriation for clerks, amistants, etc., to deficiency appropriation for Robert W. committees _____,,____________,, 63], 1252 F3,;ra,r_ . _ ,____,___ _ ________________ 1180 preparation of Senate Manual -. 632, 1253 for Charles A. Webb ,.,.,,,________ _ ____ 1180 for c erica] assistance to Senators not appointment of five Senators authorized chairmen of committees specifically on special committee to report on pl’0Y1ded for 632, 1253 readjustment of ay, etc., of percommittee status . 632, 1253 sonnel of Army, lyavy, etc . 604 for additional clerks to Senators at chairman and four members of Post Office $1,200 .. 632, 1253 Committee to be appointed on for compiling Navy Yearbook, 1920-- 632, 1253 Joint Postal Service Commission . . . 583 for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, five Senators to be appointed on special assistants, etc ... 632, 1253 Joint Committee on Paciiic Coast for police force, Senate Office Build- Naval Bases ..._,,,. 820 ing . 633,1253 four Senators to be lzgpointed on Pilgrim for Postmaster, etc. 633, 1253 Tercentenary mmimion . . 598 for foreman, folding room, etc . . . . 633, 1253 motor equipment not needed by War Defor chief engineer, amistants, etc . 633, 1253 partment may be transferred to 57 for elevator conductors, Senate Office salarim for December, 1919, to be paid on

 ... 633, 1254 day of adjournment for holiday recess 368

for contingent expenses, stationery, December 20 ... 369 etc .. 2, 633, 1254 for December 1920 to be paid December for postage stamps ... 633, 1254 20 1081 for motor vehicles for mail, etc ... 633, 1254 session employees to receive salaries for for automobile for Vice President;. . . 633, 1254 June on June 5, 1920 ...,.. 1063 for folding materials; folding. 633, 1254 supplies for, may be purchased under Genfor fuel, etc 633, 1254 eral Supply Committee contracts,- 1036 for furniture, repairs, etc -.-. . .. 633, 1254 of pa er, etc., from Public Printer .-...- 1036 for packing boxes. . ..-- 633, 1254 three genatora to be appointed for Key for rent, warehouse for documents- .. 633, 1254 Monument dedication at Fort Mcior miscellaneous items -.. 2, 633, 1254 Henry, Md .--...-...--.-... 1391 for inquiries and investigations. . 633, 939, 1254 to serve on J oint Committee on Reorganifor reporting debates - .. . 633, 1254 zation of Administrative Branch of for storekeeper oi, additional ... 226 the Government ...-..- 1083 for kitchens and restaurants -..-.. 939, 1427 Senate Manual, for restoring wall decorations of lirst- appropriation for preparing -.-.-.. 632, 1253 door corridors .-..-..-.. 1427 Senate Office Building, for document room, shelves, etc -. . . . 1427 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of -.-. 226, deficiency appropiriation for heirs of _ 939, 1427 Thomas S. artin - 519 for furniture -... 226, 939, 1427 for widow of John H. Baukhead 592 for kitchens and rwtauxants .. 226, 939 for clerical, etc. assistance to Senators. . 56 for trees, etc., grounds of -... 187, 899, 1389 for John J. McAllister, jr ... 56 for repaus, etc .-... 194, 907, 1396 for J. Rutledép McGhee ...- 56 for care, etc., of grounds .. . . 194, 907, 1396 {or Cornelia . Morton -. 56 for additional police protection. . 226, 939, 1426 for Aline Thompson . 56 for police force . 633, 1253 for Helen K. Kiefer 57 for elevator conductors ... . .. 633, 1254 for Susan Shoemaker ... 57 deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc. . . 50 for official reporters 57 for subway to Capitol, maintenance, etc. 57 for mail vehicles, etc 57 for ice water plants, etc., for ... 57 for Dennis M. Kerr . . 57, 1035 for construction . .. 58 for repairs, etc., kitchens and reet¤u~ for kitchens and restaurants 519 rants 57, 519, 592 for maintenance. ... . .. 1035 for refrigerating apparatus, cooling air, for care, etc., of grounds ... 1171 etc., for Chamber of the ... 57 Senators, for Don C. Clayton .. 57 appropriation for compensation 631, 1252 for inquiries and investigations ... 57, 342 or mileage ... 2, 631, 1252 for fuel, etc. . 57, 342, 519 for clerical assistance to, not chairmen of for furniture for terrace rooms .. 58 committees specially provided for., 632, for annex to folding room, old Telephone 1253 Exchange Building, repairs, etc 334 ioradditional clerks .. _ ., 632, 1253 for additional pay ior reporting debates. 342, deficiency appropriation for_ clerical, etc., 1035, 1180 amistance to, not chairmen of comfor chief telephone operator 342 mxttees ...·-.. 56 for motor vehicles . . 342, 519, 1036 Seneca Agency, Okla., iu; folding .,..,.,,, , ,,__,,__,,__,,_,,, 342 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians for motor vehicle for Secretary , 519 at ... . . . 31, 434, 1248 for miscellaneous items 1035 Seneca Indiam, N. K, _ for stationery ..,.,., 1035 appropriation for iuliilling treaties with. . . 18, for additional messenger ... 1035 _ 423, 1239 io; Pau] C. Carpenter ..,..,, 1035 Sequoia national Forest, Culp'., for James M. Porter 1035 appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi 250, for Senate Omce Building . 1035 709, 1328 for Emma Britt . . . . , 1036 right of way through, to Los Angela, for Mark L. Black . 1179 Calif., for power works . 93