Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1730

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celxii INDEX. Wilmington, Ohio, Page. Women, Alkn, Page. appr0pria.tion for public building . 167 admission of illiterate, authorized be marry }Wlmot, Ark., citizens who served in the World time extended for bridging Bayou Bar- War .. 981 W grogmew, by Ashley County at 589 property of, held by Alien Property Cusilson, . . todian to be returned under speci- _ Wtlegrms of court at . . .. 532 fied conditions .. 978, 1147 ‘i 0'”·» U- Women ° I d time ménded for bridging M¤¤¤¤g¤h¢1¤ appmgrmqiditigi investigations, em . 225,938 VW l it °‘‘‘‘°°‘*°‘ ’ ’'°‘'‘‘‘‘'‘°‘‘ 1078 Women in Naval Service, • appmp mm far ubhc bun n _ _ - - U 167 enlisted or enrolled, to receive pay, allow- . . ? ances, etc., of Navy and Manne Wmd Cam Nahum Park, 8* Dakn Corps enlisted personnel 152 appropriation for protection, etc 205, 919, 1408 W , B D L';) '’``’' mm Rim Reemmm, mp. (M am sho. mm ·* .W°u»f €P“"””””°f G °"· . shone Indian Reservation, Wyo), appropriatron or expenses, pay restnc- 1 05 deficiency appropriation for payment to . mms ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘····‘‘*‘ 3 Indians of __,__t_.,,,,,,,,,,.,. use °¤="·*?°? °f· { — -E -----··-·--··—-- - -6 - 987 Windmr Loch, Cmmq appom men o a. woman as ec r; bridge authorized across Connecticut . SFIMY ‘‘··· : ‘‘‘‘‘···‘‘‘ ‘·‘·····‘‘‘ 987 River, Ea8tWindBOrand_ __________ 360 dut1eein promoting welfare 0 wage earnmm (M Vimms Liquomy bing rvomin, eb? 987 Wu, Deakoholized (see Dealcoholized Wine). Pu °°§}°¤ O 1:°S;1tS» ?tc· · : ······•···· 937 Wi-ne for Sacramental, etc., Uses, 8‘?i1S?“i‘t ku°°t°¥*1S a‘ry* dimes ‘’‘‘‘'‘‘'’ 982 regulations ggverning manufacture, sale, gu:d;;re:;1I£;;;:n%g;?cw# em ‘‘·‘•····*•‘‘ 38,; t , .,.. . .. 311 · ····•······· ··· * peru$i1?s,, e(ic., required 311 Wood D’*:#t§ll<}ti°'¤. etc-; _ _ Winnebago Agency, Nm., ¤p1>r¤pr¤¤¤¤¤ fvr mv<>¤¤g¤·¤¤g m¢*·h<><1¤ gpproprigtion for support, etc., of Indians of --·-····--—·-·~-----·····- 251, 710, 1329 W_ 2.t.j . .. . - -. .. 31, 434, 1248 Woodforufirea, D. C., Sal f 1223 mnebago osprta , e . regular ons govermng es 0 .. appropriation for maintenance, ,et.c., of 0 g, 1*111::1 d fm 41 ,12 7 'tio uty on printing paper m Winnemuceu, Nev., country imposing export dutyi, etc., appropriation for public building . 167 on 573 Winslow, Ariz., Woodbridge Creek, N. J., appropriation for bridge across Little Colo- preliminary examination, etc., of, to be rado River; payment by Indians. . . 11 made. 1010 Wire Conference (see Intemntiomil Communi- Woods Hole, Mase., cation Conference). deficiency appropriation for fish hatchery. 1034 Wire Corétrol (see Telpgrsph and Telephone Woodward, Okla., bh b ystems, etc. . up ropriation for pu `c uilding . . 16" Wireless Communicatibn, {For establishing live stock breeding sta- I appropriation for enforcing, laws for ocean tion at .. 730,1345 steamers, etc 681, 1300 Wool Clip of 1918 deficiency appropriation for enforcing, laws appropriation ior enforcing regulations for on ocean steamers ... 67, 340, 524, 1188 handling. .. 267, 725 Wireless Telegrapky (rfc aloo Radio Commu~ for completing work of handlingéb .. 1343 nication, etc. payments to growers, etc. m reinterstate commerce regulations applica- _ ceipts . .. .. I,- 1343 ble to messages transmitted by .. 474 deficiency a._ppr0pr1a.tion for enforcmg wholly within one State excepted .. 47-1 regulations, for handling, etc ... 1177 Wireless Telephone and Telepraph, Wool Scouring Waste, facilities for internationa. , tobecomidered, appropriation for developing methods of W etc., by Intemntional Conference. . . 367 utilizing . . . 2 54, 713, 1332 iaconsin, Wbrkhouse and Reformatory, D. . consent of Congress given to, as to jurisdic- apgyropriation for salaries ... , 9 8, 868, 1139 tion over offenses upon boundary Wor house, D. C'., gutem, by agreement with adjoining aptproprintion for salaries . . . gg, 3603, 1133 tate . 1447 or perati an maintenance. . . , 113 Wfdilacoochee River, for fcirel, etg? .,.. 98, 869;1140 bridge authorized across, Ousley, Ga .. 1100 for construction, etc . 869, 1140 Wztneeses, Ihrited States Courts, deficiency appro riation for maintenance. 1020 appropriation for fees, etc . 210, 924, 1413 World Cotton Confg·e·ryce, New Orleans, La., deficiency appropriation for ieee .,.,. 52,67, foreign nations invued to send delegute;7 271 347 525,1040 1043 1045, 1188 to .. 1 Wim ejrnjme semen, és, ’ ’ www mr, prefereirce her_:gtg in cierigz, gcc., 37 approgzriation for preparing naval recoi?54 1283 ppom epnrtme .. . . , Wolves, _ _ _ • ’ for preparinig medical and surgical spproprnuon for devising methods for de mem o .. 901, 1392 stmying 257,719,13% body of nown rlmerican soldier who amount or destroying, in mtiom.1 lost his life m, to bemt:g$ht for forests, etc . 57 burial in Arlington M Amf¤1’ destroying for suppression of nhiee. . 257 phitheeter. . .. 1447