Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/18

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XX LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. _ Page. Bridge, Hudson River. An Act To authorize the construction oi a bridge across the Hudson R1ver between the city of Troy in the county of Rensselaer, and the city of Cohoes, m the county of Albany, State of New York. February 22, 1921 . . . . ._. 1108 Bridge, Tug Fork q’ Big Sandy River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Majestic Collieries Company to construct a bridge across the Tug Fork of Big Sandy Rwer, at or near Cedar, in Mingo Coumty, West Virginia, to the Kentucky side, in Pike County, Ken— tucky. February 22, 1921 ... . _ .. _ . . . . 1108 Bridge, Little Calumet River. An Act To authorize the construction of a. bridge across the Little Calumet River, in Cook County, State of Illinois, at or near the village of Burnham, in said count%;8 Februzzryé 22,b1921.A; . F tb . . .i. . .. 1108 A op·nat' ions, trict o 0 um ia. appropria ions provide or e expenses my of the governmentiif the District of Columbia or the gscal year ending June 30, 1922, and for other purposes. February 22, 1921 .. _ ... . 1109 Bayou Cocodrie, mmm able. A11 Act To declare Bayou Gooodrie nonnavxgable from 1ts source to its junction Bayou Chicot. February 25, 1921 ... . ... 1145 Indebtedness to railroads, etc. An Act To amend the Trawportation Act, 1920. February 26, 1921. 1145 Corpomtzbm for foreign jinanmkzl business. An Act To amend the Act approved December 23, 1913, known as the ederal Reserve Act. February 27, 1921 ... _ .. 1 145 Connecticut ilirlrict. An Act To amend section 74 of the I udic1a1 Code, as amended. Feb· 1146 mary 27 - .. . ... . Federal reserve hunks, rcdzhwumts. An Act To amend section 11 (mglof the Act approved December 23, 1913, known asthe Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the Acts approved September 7, 1916, and March3, 1919. February 27, 1921 _ . 1146 Alien enemy propenty. An Act To amend section 9 of an Act entitled "A.n Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes," approved October 6, 1917, as amended. February 27, 1921 ,,_,..,.,,,,,,,. _ ,..,.,,,,,._,,.,,.,,...,...,...____,,, 1147 Publtk lands, Colorado, A. A. Bruce, An Act Authorizing an exchange of lands by A. A. Bruce, of Ln Veta., Colorado. Februarg 27, 1921 ... . ,... . . 1147 Federal hmd banks, Porto Rico bran es. An Act To amend section 4 of the Act approved Jul¥_17, 1916, its the Federal Farm Loan Act, extending its provisions to Porto R100. eb- 114 mary 2 , . .. . 8 Ilontezuma Natumal Forest, Qolo. An Act Authorizing the exchange of lands within the Montezuma National Forest m Colorado. February 27, 1921 . : .. . 1148 Shtpptng, bills of health. An Act To amend "An_Act addxtional quarantine gowers and imposin additional duties upon the Marme ospital Service," approved Fe ruary 15, 1893. lgebruary 27, 1921 ... . .. 1149 New York State Barge Canal. Joint Resolution To exempt the New York State Barge Canal from the of section 201 of the Transportation Act, 1920, and for other purposes. Feb- 1149 Volunteer gohliersf Home, Manager. joint Resolution For the ewpointment of one member of the ¥o?d oi Managers of the National Home for Disabled olunteer Soldiers. February 27, 1150 92 . A , postal service. An Act Making appro riations for the service of the Post 0Ece ppm epartrnentjor the dscal year ending June 30, 195,2, and for other purposes. March 1, 1921 . . 1150 Appropriations, First Deficiency Act, 1921. An Act Making aippropriations msupply deHciencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 192 , and prior fiscal years, and for other purposes. March 1, 1921 .. . ... . .. . 1156 Public lands. iatermarrtkd homesteaders. An Act For the relief of bona tide settlers who intermarry after having complied with the homestead law for one year. March 1, 1921. ... 1193 Pine Ridge I ndian .Resen·ation, South Dakota lieu swlcvtion. An Act To authorize a lieu selection by the State of South Dakota for one hundred and sixty acres on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and for otheggurposos. March 1, 1921 . 1193 Weiser Natiomxl Forest. I . An Act To authorize the addition of certain lands to the Weiser National Forest, Idaho. March 1, 1921 ... . ,.,.. 1194 Public lands, easenwnts on rights of tray. An Act To amend acts to permit the use of the right of wa · thiiouyah the public lands for tramroads, canals, and reservoirs, and for other purposes. March 11 , 92 . ., 94 District of Columbia Code, corporations. An Act To authorize corporations organized in the District of Columbia to change their names. March 1, 1921 ... . .,,_,,,_,,..,__,,__,_ 1194 District of Columbia, subdimsion rmt estate tures. An Act To rovide for the redistribution of enera.1 taxes and special awessments due and payable on maxi estate in the District of Columiia, in cases of subd1vi.sion or sales of land therein. March 1, 1921 .,.. 1195 Nez Porte National Forest, Idaho. An Act To authorize the addition of certain lands to the Nez Perce Nationalforest, Idaho. March 1, 1921 __.,.. , ,.,.,,.,_.,______,.,,,,.. 1196 Public lands, Srmdpomt, Idaho, water supply. An Act Granting certain lands to the city of Sandpoint, Idaho, to protect the watershed of the watensupply system of said city. March 1, 92 - . _,_..,,,,,,,,,,___,____________________ 1197 Targhee National Forest, Idaho. An Act To add certain lands to the '1`arghee National Forest. March 1, 1921 ..,, _ _,._____,,,_,_.,..,_,,,,,.,_,._.____,__,,...,,,_,., 1193 Publir lands, Dowzsy. Idaho, unter supply. An Act To grant certain lands to the board of trustees riirtfie village of Dovrney, State oi Idaho, for the protection of its water supply. March 1, 9- . . .. . . ..,_______,______ _ _ 1198