Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/216

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srxrr-srxrrr coxennss. sees. 1. cn. 24. 1919. 195 maintenance of a motor boat: Provided, That the compensation of §;’§fgg’-my estab the chief of field service employed hereunder, including his services lished. in the District of Columbia, shall not exceed $3,500 per annum and the compensation of all others employed hereunder s all not exceed $2,700 per annum each, except in Alaska, where a. compensation not to exceed $3,000 per annum may be allowed: Provided further, That P¤*d*¤¤¤$¤bSiS*¢¤¤¤- agents and others employed under this appropriation may be allowed er diem in lieu of subsistence, pursuant to section 13 o the Sundry Eivil Appropriation Act approved August 1, 1914, at a rate not VOL 38- P~ °$°· exceedinig $3.50 each and actual necessary expenses for transportation, inc uding necessary Sleeping-C8.1‘ f&I`€S, except when agents are Alaska service. em loyed in laska they may be allowed not exceeding as per day each in lieu of subsistence. _ For the rotection of the so·called Oregon and California Railroad ,Or§{;S,‘gg,,g;gg hfjggj lands and goes Bay Wagon Road lands: T0 enable the Secretary of Protecting. the Interior, with the cooperation of the Secretary of Agriculture or otherwise, as in his judgment may be most advisable, to establish and maintain a patrol to prevent trespass and to guard against and check fires upon the lands revested in the United tates by the Act 3°i;’· zhzh on a proved June 9, 1916, and the lands known as the Coos Bay Wagon Road rem! _ g Rlbad lands involved in the case of Southern Oreggn Company versus ‘ °‘· ‘*°» P· ***9- Unitlegd Staaes (numbered 2711, in the Circuit urt of Appeals of the inth ircuit), $25,000. _, . €¤_ Hearings in land entries: For hearings or other dproceedings held m§§°m°sm md by order of the Commissioner of the General Lan Office to determine the character of lands; whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with law; and of P,,,,,,,_ hearings in disbarment proceedings, $25,000: Promkled, That where F¤¤¤i¤r ¤¤x>¤¤i*1¤¤¤- de itions are taken for use in such hearings the fees of the officer tag; them shall be 20 cents per folio for taking and certifying same and 10 cents per folio for each copy furnished to a party on request. Repmdudng DMSO, Reproducinig mts of smveys: 0 enable the Commissioner of the surveys. General Lan ce to continue to reproduce worn and defaced official plats of surve on file, and other plats constituting a part of the records of said ogiise, to furnish local and offices with the same, and for reproducing by photolithography original plats of surveys pripared in the offices of surveyors general, $5,000. Nmm, Wests estoration of lands in forest reserves: To enable the Secretary of aavmisininxesiemthe Interior to advertise the restoration to the public domain of lands °°° °‘ l°°°’ ` in forest reserves or of lands temporarily withdrawn for forest reserve purposes, $7,500. n _Opening Indian reservations (reimbursable): For expenses per- m?e°r$°¤ii°§¤¤i¤ eiiiiir taining to the opening to entry and settlement of such Indian rescr- ,,,,,,,3, vation lands as may be opene during the Hscal year 1920: Provided, neimsmemc. 'ljhat the expenses pertaining to the opening of each of said reservations and paid for out of this appropriation shall be reimbursed to the United States from the money received from the sale of the lands embraced in said reservations, respectively, $7,500. stmvrzrmo rm: rmzuc LANDS. For surveys and resurve s of public lands under the supervision §§£°:c?;Z1250· of the Commissioner of theyGene¥al Land Office and direction of the Pr W Secretary of the Interior, $700,000: Provided, That m expending approp-patron preference shall be given, first, m favor of Surveying towns ps occupied in whole or in part by acmal settlers and of lands V0! 25, P $16 qlililtod to the States by the Act approved February 22, 1889, and vd`25 PL 2,5 m t o Acts aygwoved July 3 and 10, 1890, and tosurvey under ’ ’ sueh_ other cts as provide for I grants to the States Territories, and suc h¤.dS_¤·S U18 $0V%¥‘%l»,St%*9$ A tones maybeentitled