SIXTSYSIXTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 24. 1919. 203 Insane of Alaska: For care and custody of persons legally adjudged Cm ¤fi¤S==¤¤· insane in Alaska, including transportation and other expenses, $111,480: Prcvicled, That authority is granted to the Secret of iiigvxiiiiin to samthe Interior to pay from this appropriation to the Sanitariumaltglbm- mum °¤¤1P¤¤Y· any of Portland, Oregon, not to exceed $495 per capita per annum lior glhe care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients during the fisc ear 1920. Edihation in Alaska: To enable the Secretary of the Interior, in m]{l,§§"““°“ °' his discretion and under his direction, to provide for the education and support of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska; erection, repair, and rental of school buildings; textbooks and industrial apparatus; pay and necessary traveling expenses of su erintendents, teachers, physicians, and other employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under _ the above special heads, $250,000: Promkled, That no person em- §`§;,”‘§,;’S';r,c,,0uS_ ployed hereunder as special agent or inspector, or to perform any special or unusual duty in connection herewith, shall rece1ve as compensation exceeding $200 per month, in addition to actual traveling expenses and per diem not exceeding $4 in 11eu of subsistence, when absent on duty from his designated and actual post of duty: Prmnded se,-vim in 1);,,,,,,, further, That of said sum not exceeding $7,000 may be expended for °‘ C°l*m*bi=*· personal services in the District of Columbia. S _ All expenditures of money appropriated herein for school purposes p.m`§l°€u'§’,‘§{°“ °f °" in Alaska for schools other t an those for the education of white children under the gurisdiction of the Cgovernor thereof shall be under the sgpervision an direction of the ommissioner of Education and m co ormity with such conditions, rules, and regulations as to conduct and methods of instruction and expenditure of money as may gpcm ttime pothtiufxe be recommended by him and approved by the re ary o e tenor. _ _ _ Medicalrelief in Alaska: To enable the Secretary of the Interior in ,e§£‘§l"”"' “"d mm? his discretion and underhis direction, with the advice and cooperation of the Public Health Service, to provide for the medical and sanitary relief of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians and other natives of Alaska; erection, pgrchase, repair, rental, and equipment of hospital buildings; boo and surgical apparatus; pay and necessary traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and and other employees and all other ngcessary rnisgellgnegus expenses which are not included under the a ove_spec1a ea s, 80,000. Patients who are not mdilgent may be admitted to the hospitals ,,,·§‘§,f'§*,_’“"°° °‘ *"Y for care and treatment on the ayment of such reasonable charges therefor as the Secretary of the lnterior shall prescribe. R Reindeer for Alaska; For support of reindeer stations in Alaska mh" and instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of reindeer, $7,500: Provided, That the Commissioner of Education IS bs,” M authorized to sell such of the male reindeer belonging to the Govern- ’ ° ment as he may deem advisable and to use_the proceeds m the purchase of female reindeer be1ongiphg` to missions and III the distribution of reindeer to natives in ose portions of Alaska in which reingeer_ha1ve not yet been placed and which are adapted to the rem eer in ustry. Protection of game in Alaska: For can·ymg' out the Act approved €·Y.¥?§§,°‘fi3•i,°°°' May 11, 1908, entitled "An_Act for the Erqtection of game in an for other pui-‘poses," including s es, traveling expenses gankeagvardens, an all other necessary expenses $20,000, to be ex- Pélrir {Blinds; the direction of the gpvemor of · _ 8 mw: _ a cin intoxicating liquors: or suoripression of the treme, m ,,,¤,_°*’*"°’“”‘ 1ntox1cat1n§i..1;.cquors the natives to be · under the tion of the Interior,. $15,000. ~ .