Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/288

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srxrirsrxrn coxennss. sm. r. ea. 29. 1919. 267 That hereafter, in the performance of the duties required of the {,;mi§,§S*’““°“ °{ Bureau of Markets in the administration or enforcement of provisions mv,,f_;9 'pp_ 476, 482 of Acts (United States Cotton Futures Act, Thirty-ninth Statutes at *8*% 673- I Large, page 476; United States Grain Standards Act, Thirt -ninth Statutes at Large, Ipage 482; United States Warehouse Act, Thirty- ninth Statutes at argc, page 486; Standard Container Act, Thirty- ninth Statutes at Large, page 673; and the Acts making annual appropriations for the Department of Agriculture) relating to the Department of Agriculture, the Secretary of Agriculture, or any P°’S°¤S **“*h°m°d· representative specifically authorized in writing by him for the purpose, shall have power to administer oaths, examine witnesses, and call for the production of books and papers. _ To enable the Bureau of Markets to complete the work of the Eii°0l€til§ °fi?9i,»8{11s. Domestic Wool Section of the War Industries Board and to enforce “°““°’ h‘“"m”g· °“’· the Government regulations for handling the wool clip of 1918 as established by the Wool Division of said Board, pursuant to the Executive Order dated December 31, 1918, transferring such work to the said Bureau, $35,000. Total for Bureau of Markets, $2,811,365. ENFORCEMENT or rim nvsnerremn Aer. I°S°°°’°1d° A°f Samnrras, ENFORCEMENT or THE Iivsmerrernn Aer: One executive ¤9i?“Li9iilf$°:E1liv°°m` officer, $2,7 50; one executive assistant, $2,000; one clerk, class three; one clerk, class two; three clerks, class one; two clerks, at $1,140 each; two clerks, at $1,000 each; three insecticide and fungicide insplectors, at $1,600 each; two clerks and sample collectors, at $1,000 eac ; one sample and storeroom custodian, $1,200; one laboratory helper, $840; one laboratory helper, $720; one laboratory helper, $600; one unskilled laborer, $600; one unskilled laborer, $480; two messenger boys, at $480 each; one messenger boy, $360; two charwomen, at $480 each; in all, $29,150. GENERAL EXPENSES, ENr·*oBeEMENr or THE Insnerremn Aer: For E‘P°”°s °°‘°’°*“g· salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and for all necessary expenses, as follows: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provi- B,§_°‘“"“» *“P¥’“°S- sions of the Act of April 26, 1910, entitled "An Act for preventing the V<>1·86. p-331- manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded Paris greens, lead arsenates, other insecticides, and also fungicides, and for regulating traflic therein, and for other purposes," $94,790. Total for enforcement of Insecticide Act, $123,940. rmmnar. rroarremxrunar. Beano. ,.,}`§'};”,g§_ H°‘“°“““‘ Sarnrzms, Fnnnnar. HORHCULTUBAL BOARD! One secretary of Hmm` board, $2,280; one executive clerk, $2,000; one clerk, $1,980; one clerk, class four; one clerk, class three; one clerk, $1,560; three clerks, at $1,440 each; two clerks, class two; two clerks, at $1,260 each; seven clerks, class one; one messenger boy, $600; one messenger boy, $480; two messenger boys, at $360 each; one charwoman, $240; in all $31 300. , GENERAL lnxrrirrsns, FEDERAL QHORTIGQTLTURAL For sala- °°““”l“°m°" ries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and for all other necessary expenses, as follows: Emmm mm To enable the Secretary of A8’¤°Ul*?m'° te muy mt? Bifect th°Xm“" 1>*¤¤* g,,¤”°"@g· sions of the Act of August 20, 1912, as amended, entitled "An ct to V°*· ·PP· · · regulate the importation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products; to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain quarantine districts for plant diseases and insect pests; to