Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/540

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six·rY-sixrH couonnss. sms. II. cH. 94. 1920*. 519 tions as the Secret of Labor may prescribe, $100,000: Provided, "'°""°· _ That no part of thidusirim shall be expended for or in connection with t¤H§Z,§°{,;°§iiZ°';§S1}i£ the training or education of aliens for citizenship until the arrearaie of ”'i°'*°°- work connected with the granting of citizenship to aliens shall ave been disposed of. Fmsr mnusramn oommmsucm. k,§,}Z§_I°d“t"°l°°°` For salaries and ex enses of the First Industrial Conference called p£§.,l§"`°S md °x` by the President of Elie United States, including printing, personal ·"*”»P·”°· services in the District of Columbia, payment to Pan American Union for use of its building, including `g t, telephone service, and all other necessary expenses, $9,147 .57. LEGISLATIVE. L°€*s’°“"° House Office Building: For maintenance, including miscellaneous mg°“S° °m°° B“‘ld' items, and for all necessary services, $19 505.20. _ °i¤*°¤°¤°°· Capitol power plant: For fuel, oil and cotton waste, and advertis- *1§.g1gi*•j}tgfw¤*P’¤°· ing for the power plant which furnishes heat and light for the Cap1tol ’ and congressional buildings, for the iiscal years that follow: 1918, $10,000; 1919, $45.784. snnnn. Same To a Luc Da Martin and Thomas Sta les Martin, 'unior, heirs '*'f_*°m“ ii- “§'°‘”· at lawPo¥Honiirabl5¢i Thomas S. Martin, late ii) Senator froin the State P ymlmo of Virginia, $7,500. For the purchase of amotor- ro elled passenger-carrying vehicle for t Vasc; for S¤¤•· the official use of the office of tlib &cretary of the Senate, $3,000, or so °” S ° °°' much thereof as may be necessary. For maintaining, exchanging, and egui pin motor vehicles for “°"°"°”°*°°‘ carrying the mails, and for official use 0 the o§ces of the Secretary and Se?eant at Arms, $5,000, orso much thereof as may be necessary. ms, 1, at For uel, oil, cotton waste, and advertising, exclusive of labor, ’° °' 3 I i O00‘ sam kitchen me For the Capitol: For repairs, improvements, ui ment, and maui-um. supplies for Senate kitchens and restaurants, Ca itil Iziiiilding and Senate Office Building, including fpersonal and other services, to be expended by the Superintendent o the Capitol Buildinguand Grounds, under the supervision of the Committee on Rules, nited States Senate, fiscal year 1919, $4,966.79. nousn 01-* anransnxrarrvms. ,,§§“?°°'R°’”°°°“*' To pay the widow of Walter A. Watson, late a Representative E§lt:;fw‘i&¤.l:i°°°°°' from the State of Virginia, $7,500. For folding speeches and pamphlets at a rate not to exceed $1 per F°1‘””¤· thousand, $8,000. _ For payment to Peter F. Tague, contestant in the contested- .,¥...°°°t°Q°d °l°°°°° election case of Tague versus Fitzgerald, audited and recommended °‘°‘ E T"“° by the Committee on Elections Numbered Two, $2,000. For allowance to the following contestant and contestee for expenses incurred by them in the contested-election case audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered One: Vim, L B,,,g,,,_ Victor L. Berger, $2,000. M HQ cme,. J0S8ph.P' $2}0O0' A St9;p0§|’B}.lhQ|"$ - ·t° For reimbursement to the official steno a hers to committees committees. t for amounts actuallsy and necessarily expendredp b them during tho R°`mb°”°m°° ' first session of the ixty-sixth Congrem, $700 each $2,800