Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/581

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560 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 153. 1920. F°’ °‘h°’°°'“’”· March 19, 1906, creating said juvenile court, and shall also draw from the jury box the names of lpersons to serve as jurors m any other court in the District of Co umbia which hereafter may have cognizance of 'ury trials, and shall certify the respective list o jurors to the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. ’ Bg striking out section 205 and inserting in lieu thereof : °;€;'.§..°S;lltL’{,l°° m °°°° “EC. 205. If any erson whose name is drawn from the box shall V°'·, 3% P· lm- have died or removedp from the District before or after being selected, ` or become otherwise disqualified or disabled, the jury commission shall destroy the slip cont name of such person, and m such case the jiu·y commission draw from the box the name of anjotheié person to serve 1D.2l1lS StB;·(g." _ _ H th f s riking ou section 06 an mser lll eu ereo : engl-sgiiig-§;s,°f b°x “gEG. 206. After the requisite numbtegf jurors shall have been 81;/L‘gaS<f_*· P- *222- drawn the jury box shall be sealed and delivered to the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia for safe—keepi.n§, and the names of the persons drawn shall not be placed again in the box for ogo year, said jurors shall be excused or for other reasons shall ` to serve. Number Numan- Bg s X1;tt§ec‘tion 2(%7 anfll éoserting itnlieu tliereof _ ,,,,,d,,,b,,,,_ “Ec. . e ime 0 eac awing 0 jurors y said commis-

<;‘;,e,§*· P· km sion there shall be in the jury box the names of not less than six

` hundred persons alpossessing the qualifications hereinafter prescribed, which names sh have been placed therein by said ury commission. ,,,,I,§,§§,Z§,‘§&_" °’ Said jurfy commission shall keep an accurate recor , in alphabetical form, 0 all names remaining in the j1u·y box from time to time, which record shall be kept sealed and deposited for sa.fe—keeping in the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Co umbia when the commission is not in session, and no person shall have aco3ess to_ said record except said (oommission."1 h f striking' out section 208 an inserting in ieu thereo : $g}i¤z3j*¤¤l;¤¤i¤g§0, "SEO. 208. If any persons drawn as grand or petit jurors can not mmiiei ’ "’ be found, or shall prove to be incompetent, or shall be excused from service by the court, the commission, under the direction of the court, shall draw from e box the name of other persons to take their jggwes, antrll if, a£eE·l::hoilorg1apizlo1tion of the jury, any vacancies occur erem, ey s e e in re manner. B g striking out section 209 and inserting in lieu thereof: mSg1>g{31m;%;m¤ i¤ " sc. 209. Srmciai. vrzmnn.-Whenever in an criminal case in ven. ar, li. ma, the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia it sliall become impos- “"°“d°d· sible, on account of challenges_or excuses, to impanel a trial jury from among the available petit jurors alread m attendance on sa1d_supreme court and distributed or assigned, among the several special terms thereof, the justice presiding at such criminal trial s all ordeo the summon as many talesmen as may be mu necessary o comp e said j1n·y. _ _ _ .},,,,,,,`;’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, Bg striking out sections 213 and 214 and mserting in lieu thereof : b<»;Lg¤=~m’ p_ ml. " 21221 gnytpexson shall frauduleptlytgamper wit}; amended. any ox us or in en e commission or e names 0 prospective jurors, or of prlispectilwileycondemnation jurors or commis§1o)ners, or fraudiilliasrztly igamgg wioh thefcorgents of any suc ox, or wi any jury_ , or e ty 0 any rau or co lusion Fmdment ws by with respect to the drawing of jurors or condemnation jurors or wmmssrmm. commissioners, or if any jury commissioner shall put in or leave out of any such box the name of any person at the request of such person, or at the request of any other person, or if any jury com- _ missioner shall willfully draw from any such box a greater number Y“““h“‘°“‘· of names than is required by the court, any such person or jury commissioner so offending shall for each offense be punished b a Hne of not more than S500 or imprisonment in the District Jaily or workhouse for not more than one year, or both."