Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/583

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562 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 153. 1920. "Sec. 279. If there be neither widow or surviving husband, nor child, n]c;rlg1i)andcl}ild, nor father, nor mother to act, brothers and sisters s a e re erred. "S1·:o. 280. If) there be neither widow or surviving husband, nor child, nor ograndchild, nor father, nor mother, nor brother, nor sister, the;} next_k1 kin shall be preferred; h h f , stri out section 306 an inserf in `eut ereo : 1x?$1¤2¤°il¤li§$°til$i°" "gnc. seg? Dirrms or COLLE(71`0R.—l¥v§0 collector shall collect ,,,,lQ‘§};,.§1* p' *2*8* the oods, chattels, and personal estate of the deceased, including the debts due him, and cause the same to be appraised and return an inventory thereof, as an administrator is reqbuired to do, and may, under the authority of the court, sell perisha le articles and bring ca; me EEE? £%2.?fl°£%5i?’ &I1i"i.‘{..¥ifé’p‘1‘2§2:v”é’i..‘2i'}“i~h”“`“`St s¥§“Z%ii§3?.¥L ‘}£.’;.§f“s authorized by the court, talire possession of, hold, manage, conserve, and control all real estate affected by the will or wills in dispute, and said_ collector shalldischarge, pendente lite, all the duties of an administrator, including the payment of debts, and shall be liable to an action by any creditor of the deceased and shall be entitled to the protection of any provision of law expressly relating to executors and administrators. C¤m¤*$i°¤¤*l¤*¤d- "Sa1d collector may be allowed a commission not exceeding 10 per centum on the personal property, debts_ due the estate, and A um t W rentals from real estate actuallyl collected by him. mls, “Y ”‘ °°' “II1 the eyent that such co ector is authorized by_ the court to take_ possession of the real estate affected by such will or wills as hereinbefore set forth, the letters of collection shall so expressly specify, and his bond as such collector, in addition to the several V°‘·3‘·*’· ml matters set forth_m section 305, shall specifically include the faithful performance of his duties with respect to such real estate." T _ t_ Bg striking out section 307 and inserting in lieu thereof: ,,S_°“'“'“‘ ‘°“"‘*’°"" " nc. 307. WHEN rownns ro cnAsr·:.—On the granti ¤· of letters mY3hB£1» 1>- 1238. testamentary or of administration the power of any siildh collector shall cease, and it shall be his duty to dehver, on demand, all the property and money of the decedent in his hands, except as before excepted, to the person obtaimng such letters, and the executor or administrator may tpenmtted to prosecute any suit commenced by said collector as if e same had been begun by said executor or a mmistrator, and may also defend any suit brought against said collector_by any creditor of the deceased." R I striking out section 308 and inserting in lieu thereof: ,,,,°°°,`{,§’{Y _,‘j,,,gg}°,g ac. 308. If the said collector shall neglect or refpe to deliver ago, 31 P. lm over the property and estate to the executor or administrator, the am¤¤»1e·1.’ ’ court may, by citation and attachment, compel him to do so, and the executor or admimstrator may also proceed, by civil action, to rec<1;ye1i)tl1?i yalue of the assets from him and his sureties by action on s on . _§§§,§,;’§§j,‘},’{·,,duc,,_ f lI§3y inserting immediately after section 308 a new section, as Ms _, _ o ows: ,,§§E,&°E;°§al§;§§(§,¥ "Sec. 308a. Smzvion Urosrmvcmnr wnnx Nor ro BE Forma.- gcm '¤ Y In the case of the grant of e1ther original or ancilla letters testamentary, or of sdm1mstration,_or of collection, or SPY guardianship, the person designated shall, if a nonresident of the District of Columbia, file in the oflice of the register of wills, before the issuance of such letters, an irrevocable power of attomey designating the register of wills and his successors in office as the person u on whom al notices and process issued by angkcoméyetent court in the District oflColumb1a may be served, with e e act as personal service in r ation to an suit, matter, cause or t atfec cv r ° i' 0 to the estate iii which the letters are isshiilig. lttslibahobeplhtealllwilty of said register of wills to forthwith forward by registered mail to