Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/741

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720 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 217. 1920. $1,000 each; six clerks, at $900 each; two messengers or laborers, at $840 each; five messengers or laborers, at $720 each; two messengers or laborers, at $600 each- one messenger or laborer, $480; four messenger boys, at $600 each; thirteen messenger boys, at $480_each; ope skilled labgreiré $900; foi;1r1 céagpggnben, at $480 each; sixteen c arwomen at 2 each· in .

 Guzman: nxrnssns, Sriwrns ltnr.a·i·1oNs Smzvron: To carry into

¤°\;·gi M P M gffect the pigilgigions 0511 an Apt approvedtM;u·pih 2, 1887, entigsled "r?; " cttoest `c tura experimen sa onsmconnecionwi the college; estalilinshed in the several States under the provisions of

"""“‘“; :rA°*··PP"v*d..·!‘“s·2,8°.% m*:n°s.*;.“.s°a·::;,s*4;2“a*r;

e sums appo on » e se e ·~¤···=·····* ··· se- "°i‘ ""”‘°°”*’ ’“&‘”2“£i°’ "2°*°"°" r A r ea aaa 16 · - . ocarrymto ec eprovisronso an c aprov _ ml'? gzpgiggmm 1906, entitlegui‘An Act to provide for an mcireasglldpannurpllhappmpndgi tion for experiment stations an re ating e n °- P , ture ther·e€iil," the sums alpportioned to the several States and gierriiamaz. ‘ tories, to be paid §1ua.rter y in advance, $720,000: Projmded, That not {Ao exceed $15,000 all be paid to each State and Temtory under tlus ,,,0,,,,, ct; . . tura1axt¢ii§:n%rc:.r To enable the Secretagy of Agriculture to enforce the provisions of v°"°°’p‘m‘ the above Acts and the ct apprplvedjziay 8, 1914, entiitlpd "An Ast to rovide for cooperative agrrc tur extension wor etween e agricultural colleges in the several States receiviif the benefits of an Act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, and of cts supplementary thereto, an the mted States Department of Agrrculture," relative to their administratioAr; gid fp§&the_ad1§ninisiipationlpf_aE:1c1ult;1i·;iil experiment stationsin a wan orto ico the is o uam mum] M ep and the Islands of the Utriited States, uiriluding tlticxvemplgyi pass. ’ ’ mentofcer assistantsan o erpersonsinteci o as'g- ton and gsewléire, freight alrpd express chargep, officlizilytiéapelingl exenses office tures supp 'es apparatus te a an e ep one Service, gas, electric ciirrent, and rent outside oflire Bistrict of Colum- ’“‘°““”°°'°“‘°'"‘ b;a,h$61,500 a1gg thegecretary oi Agriculture §halllpresl<;1(;1be Xhe form o teannu anci statemen req' unert ea ve cts ascertain whether the expenditures are in accordance with their provisions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agriculture with that of the Stateagncultural colleges and experiment stations in the I lines authorized m said Acts, and make report thereon to Congress; eaiisixiiitigizgli `igii For farmers’ cooperative demonstration work outside of the cotton begs, ilpclugiing the cimployxtpenlp ofhlabor in the city of Wagshington an e ew ere, suppies an a other necessary expenses 715 720· mgaiigiiiiiiiingraiii For f&1'!I1GI'S, cooperative demonstrations and for the istudyi and ‘°° "°“"°°"’·°‘°· demonstration of t_ e best methods of meeting the ravagles of the cotton—bol.l weevil, including the emplo ent o labor in the city of Prom Washington and elsewhere, supplies, aneiiiill other necessary exppnses, _venmi;Ary c0ntril»u· $634,800: Preceded, That the expense of such service shall e de-

g‘§},§,,§;f“m “S‘°“’ frayed from this qpprtggriation an such cooperative fimds as may be

voluntarily contrr u by State, county, and municipal agencies, associations of farmers, and individual farmers, universities, colleges, lgoards of tradei) chambers of oominerce, oézherdlocal associations of usmess men, usiness organizations, an in `viduals within the a$°ldgiii°\$ii¤ii§¥i;iiY Snlliiiiii cooperative agricultural extension work to be allotted aid M *0**- and e ded ‘ th ’ ’ P · xpen . m e same manner, upon the same terms and conditions, and under the same supervision as the additional appropriations v¤,p.3ra. made by the Act of May 8, 1914 ( -eighth Statutes at Large page 372), entitled "An Act to provide or cooperative a °cultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in tg? several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Congress approved July 2,