Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/980

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Srzss. H. Ch. 240. 1920. 959 tion of roads, and other constant labor for periods of not less than ten da s; as additional school-teachers during the school term at post schools, and as clerks for post quartermasters at military posts, and for overseers of general tplrisoners at posts designated by the War Department for the con ement of general prisoners, and for the United States discipllinary barracks ard; of extra-dut pay at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of V5; for mess stewards and cooks at recruit depots who are graduates of the schools for bakers and cooks, and instructor cooks at the schools for bakers and cooks; for expenses of expresses to and from frontier ts and armies in the lie d; of escorts to officers or agents of the &i).§rtermaster Corps to trains where military escorts can not be furnished; hire of laborers in the Quartermaster Corps, including the care of officers’ mounts when the same are furnis ed by the Government, and the hire of interpreters, spies, or guides for‘the Army; compensation of clerks °**’·°*°· and other employees of the Quartermaster rps and Finance Service, and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the United States disciplinary barracks, and incidental expenses of recruiting; for the apprehension, securing, and delivering o deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit, and no greater sum than $50 for each deserter or escaped military prisoner shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be aid to any civil officer or citizen for such services and expenses; iior a donation of $10 to each dishonorably discharged prisoner upon his release from confinement under court-martial sentence, involving dishonorable discharge; and such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operation of the Arm(y, and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any other epartment, $10,000,000. ·rnANs1>0n*rA·rr0n OF rim ARMY AND rrs SUPPLIES. For trans ortation of the Army and its supplies, including trans- '!‘r¤¤¤v¤r¤¤¤¤¤- portation otp the troops when moving either y land or water, and of their baggage, including the warrant officers of the Mine Planter Service, members of the Officers'_Reserve Corps, enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty including the cost of packing and crating; for transportation of recruits and recruiting parties, of applicants for enlistment between rec1’U.itin(g stations and recrmting depots; for travel N:‘t{,;;l•g}¤•\rfi>·*¤¤¤ allowance to officers an enlisted men on discharge; for payment of von. so, p.217. travel allowance as provided in section 126 of the Act alpproved June 3, 1916, to enlisted men of the National Guard on their discharge from the service of the United States, and to members of the National Guaréddwhcimhavg been mustere? irate tégp of tihe N ti lc rd OH United States, an isc rge on account o p ysi ' 'ty; or ¤ ¤¤ ¤¤_ ·· ayment of travel pay to officers of the National Guard on their °°i#°¤ifsriiBiiS;¢i§i discharge from the service of the United States, as prescribed in the Act approved March 2, _1901; for travel allowance to discharged risoners and persons discharged from the Government Hospital ibr the Insane after transfer thereto from such barracks or place to their homes (or elsewhere as they may elect), provided the cost in each case shall not be greater than to the place of last enlistment; of the necessary agents and other employees, including per diem ?°““°'”'*'°"“'*°°· allowances in lieu 0 subsistence not exceedin $4 for those authorized to receive the per diem allowance; of clotliing and equipage and other quartermaster stores from Army depots or places of purchase or delivery to the several posts and A.rmy depots and from them depots to the troops in the field; of horse ecyurpment; of ordnance and ordnance stores, and small arms from the oundries and armories to the arsenals, fortifications, frontier posts, and Army depots; for