Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/122

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1560 STXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 146. 1921. 'd f Alexander Young, late of Com· Km Young. pa’1l`ykl·lmlI*l1il%1e)tieg1iatli5l§I¢i)%nvtr1U(niite)d States Xlolunteer Infantry, and Y h t f$30 ermon_. handiim i‘!i°r§§•·ig<i¤· pa'l}lla€i‘i»i.i11l)¢f!4i?](0Isiwi?itdtFl5]l:n(;d)n, alia; John Bliss, late of Company D, was me Bm` Thirt —third Re ent New York Volunteer Infantry, and Company G Tviienty-first %l;1giment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay hiln a pension at the rate of $50 per mouth in lieu of that he is now

 r°°iiiiiis6s*.&.“th Ff€:€as» ses aieezziiztsstziazisz

I . OD, 8. 6 O _ r _ 0 llggitliiiltl-;r Cavzlry, and Company Il), Third Regiment Massachgsggtg Volunteer;] Heavy Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate 0 PBI- mont d td u hter lhrarsre <¤¤*· fM t Smallwood, helpless and de en en a g tsmuw ofr§l:;1lis&I1!;?Smaldlwg<?gcd, late of Company A, Seveniili Regllligflti End l Company I, Forty-seventh ll{eg1mentt,$§;entucky Xglunteer an ry, ` t t te o per mon . _ °"“"l°"° F‘P°m°‘ aD:I1`hI•;aiTia}i1?es:>f!)i5}Il1S2i1?I:>t:te F?Ri—ir·rin, widow of Frank Perrm, late of Company H, ’I\aventieth Regiment New Yorktgolunteer Cavalry, and . . t the rate of $30 er m0¤ · £?1’£»3%"’~‘·i‘·$’% Apxée Shunk, lllgeliilpgs gud d;plpp§ndenI;g2.1§;1ut§r Shunk l t an , y- our eglm ‘ §;l$'€a1i)ira€(l’olunteer ln£ia(i1tr£Haiiid]iay her a_ pension at the rate of $20 ‘ f th t ivm . _ ·=·»-·¤¤···¤·¤· "°h’12°E§}$,2“£°Ei§r. X. E’>..i’tL’S{"$.Yl.£l.°»‘$“0i Ilemiy P. Gaim., ta of Com any L, Fourteenth Regiment Kentucky Vo_unteer Cavalry, and pay lier a pension at the rate of $35 per month in l1eu of that she IS HWY GMS- n0¥hIeBli1£;;11§%f Hem'? Gm » lam of C0¤1P8-HY F, Fo\1rth Regiment, and Company K, Eighth Itigiment, Tennessee Volimteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of $50 per month IH lieu of that he l):¤i1¤§)l;¤¤¤· is 'II`(-lf; rIiii,(iiiiaVhIlgJames Lynch, helplessiJanddd]c3pe1riIdegil‘. §on_of Vlgillliam W. L ch, junior late of Compan1es_ an _ in egimen ennesse<iTQ\'<;ilunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20 t · . . ““"‘°‘ *‘°F°'L°“d‘ P€’Il'liiaO[hame of Martha McFarland, former widow of David H. Thacker, late of Company M, Nin th Regiment Ohio lt olunteer Cavalry, _ _ and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. “'“"““‘*D"""'5‘ The name of William (genius, helgpleéazs mad dgpgnderét sorkrtof Charles E. Denius, ate 0 m any , ne un e an eig y- fourth Re `ment Ohio Volunteerllnfantry, and pay lnm a pension at K1? HSiI\(‘ § . t t·h• §i¤¤iig ¤·5¤i>i·’¤1Bg*· Th; ;a(ine of IEQOE. Showalter, helpless and dependent daughter of James H. Showalter, late of Comparg F, Seventeenth Regiment, . and Company C, Forty-si:<th Regiment hio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she 1S Mmm Jlsmmyn DOT-hIe€(i1€air‘hdiz1gof Annette J. Shipley, widow of Everhart Shipley, late of Company F, Second Regiment Pennsylvaxgia Proviiional Volunteteg He Artillery, and pay er a pension at_t e rate 0 _$65 per mon Qegjfxg on dm,} 0, in lieii of that she now_receivin.g: Prmnded, That in the event o¥ we ¤¤1r~1===sS<!¤ueh¢er· the death of Catherine Sl;.11pley,hhe pless andfdelpenggnt darirghter o aid Annette J. and Ever art S `pley, $20 o the a itiona ension d;1;;j°,;*;§)f)Qh°'i§35fx Q; Sherein granted shall cease and determine: Provided jurther, That m ce;. g the event of the death of Mary Shipley, helpless and deipeudent _ _ daughter of said Annette J. and Everhart Shipley, the a ditional t..;Z?$5Z§§h2§§§3,i{}f pension herein granted shall cease and determine: And _ promded further, That in the event of the death of Annette J. Shipley the names of said Catherine Shipley and Mary_ Shipley shall each be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of