Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/156

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1594 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 146. 1921.

  • ’°¤Si°¤i¤°'°“°d· The name of George Bellamy, late of Company B, Ninth Re `m nt

G°°rg° Benny Iglgogle Island Vlolurateer Fnflantiiy, and pay him a pension at tgh rite . 0 Oper mont in ieuo t at eis now receivin . $$1£§’§'c. mn. I t'.£l1€;1i§;D.B of Pa?6auG.1Frig1, iprmelr vgidgvsii of élaremip B. Geilston, ao mpany eunean t1r e` nt ns ' Pmm,mm°d_ Volunteer Infantry,,and pay her a pension at the xgillhlhf $30% er yrhhiirtlii Fmnces'1‘ The name of Frances . Gaddis, former widow of John Wiggins, late iirst lieutenant, Signal Corps, United States Arm , and pay her a pension at the rate of $35 per month in lieu of tlivat she is now P I [ r8c61vmg• . I Mui: &*°“· The name of Juha Kiess, helpless and dependent daughter of Lewis G. Kiess, late of Company _A, Eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer mob J. Bmw. Infantry, and pajy her a pension at the rate of $20 per month. The name o acob J. Spencer, helpless and dependent son of John F. Spencer, late of Company B, One hundred and fortieth Regiment

)el;1<;nX;1>l;11;nteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20

Pension' creased. · wwwa- Fu- The name of William A. Fox, helpless and dependent son of Abner Foziitlgeilpf Battgry Bilglirst Regiment {Vest Virginia Volunteer _ _ ery, an pay a ns t t t

¤I;;mdH gépxu of that %1% is now6·eceiviuIgl mn A 6 m G 0 $20 per mouth

° enameo mma uroch , 'd fS`tCl' of Compang1fK, One hxmdrelili ;.iid0:·i1&y-s8e1ir1entlimR13g1il;§h1€rllhi§ Xlogialteer antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per ` 1 811 “""""`“"°“‘ ..*.22:.*;.:*:.*; Bf 22;:; ease *2%.:* §·am N- Wm lm mmmh M A palyllier a pensgmfargt lthehrate of ggll per mon)th.0 imma Infantry, and 1;,,,,,,,,, _ · · ename o a et M. A.Bumgam ‘ _ e gagggrggteflgggsman, lgxlited States N£:.vyvT1(aii)1v¢l(pta(y}G§ia·§9av‘iiel31Sl§lI>1u n L o per mon . igfiiambam. {The name of A. Brubaker, widow of Harrison Brubaker, late o Company H, Eighty-fourth ·Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry Mmm gnldorxiyelég van pension at the rate o $35 per month in lieu of that she L°‘"’°_ H·“‘°'°‘°°· The name ofgLouise H. Thornton, widow of William H. Thornton k*ml*;§r(gr0¤;1I§>(;¤¤C{’)gb§§co(1;d'1Rvpgi1;1er;t Pelrinlgylvania Volunteer Heavy mu » y _, en y- ourt tV te R }’“•¤r;iF_ Mx?. Coripls, and pay her a pensxon at the rate of $2?§1;I;i·li:nori%thT an cserve e name of Mary F. McGill widow of Israel F M G°ll l t f Egfppsnyl A, Eighteenth Reginient Kentucky Volunteierlliifgnlzrg, gcnm. is no}; Lcggnggension at the rate of $35 per month in lieu of that she auline l[cEug¤ ' ‘ ThenameofPuli ME ’ ·· gf Fompanrv F, Onenllunllreillnarigllllhhrgh vlgglgliiilizzilli lglsrlhgylyiilig gi m 6€¤` Dfimtry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per ` _ e name of Hallie Turner, helpless and de end t d ht f

..’.s%;.3`·z,1;a::;.%;:aafsséaszdhfgfzzztl Eiimiii

1mn.¤nm_ vfrgig pp; mongh lieu of that she_is now receiving. wu 8 6 mm Compu fig <.%_0ur€11sa Helton, widow of Jefferson Helton, late of and pa yhcr, eeuth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Mm mgmm She is gw 1_€;!§§§i‘°¤ at WB Fate of $35 per month in lieu of that ' The name of Mac. R. B tl ' gg r£;1§£t;rtizl$1'§ime¤t"NZ$éWQSYE{’¢2il`i??€?`3l‘?;il?§€°a°.ldC§Z°§ l_ec€iv£1g· B rate of $30 per month in lieu of that she is now