Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/307

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1746 PBOCLAMATIONS, 1919. twelfth, nineteen hundred and fourteen (38 Stat., 305), entitled, "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to locate, construct, and operate railroads in the Temtoiy of Alaska, and for other purp0ses", for townsite purposes, and for othermpurposes in connection with the construction and operation of railro lmes under saidbgizt and such regulations as have een or may hereafter be pre- D I scm : . , . , an . 10· M Nl;Vn};1`•lE£l»;lqSVIl’)j: 'é'w€>“§‘w';$”S;`TE§‘*§§2 N‘l"§ES“si* M El 1..*1*. 13 N. if 4 w.,“‘1.¤a §, c,°a io, me wig if EQ of san ®. gg, E}4, lots 2, 3, 5, and SEM NW}; Sec. 34, NW}4 and 8% c. ; Also the tract of land lying within the following described boundaries: Beginning at_ a- pomt 600 feet north of the north bank of Ship Creek on the east hue of the N`W}(SW}-( Sec. 9, T.13 N., R. 3 W: S. M.; thence m a northeasterly direction, 600 feet from and {parallel to the meander line of the north bank of Ship Creek, to the west boundagy of the Chugach National Forest as indicated upon the attache diagram; thence south along the west boimdary of said Forest to a pomt 600 feet south of the south bank of Slup Creek; thence m a southwesterl direction 600 feet from and parallel to the meander line of the song: bank of Shi Creek to the mtersection of the east hue of Creek Townsite $Vithdrawal as defined in my {ESS? til§.;§f’§2Zi. 2r$§’L‘t “w°'?1l§E‘“¥’ “l5‘°t"€r?‘dl`““.i’°d 3.”‘1 f°“§` » eeas e 0 said wi to 4; .. west corner of the NW}4 SWV Sec. 9, T. 13 N., R.liwW.• theihaudast Thuwam 1320 feet; thence north along Illia east line of the NW% éw;4 of said section 9 to the point of beginning; Provided, that nothing herein shall be held to preclude the use or disposition of any of the timber VOL mmm. on the tract last above described m accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress zggproved May 14, 1898 (30 Stat., 414) when gnzlggll apgegg to tlgam ufeitzgy of tlie Iutpriorhor to the Alaskan Emma mam- mtglfere with the purpose for whgh thiblgwitlfdlilawlallisllignldggfildlul not ¤¢e»aamm¤¤.¤¢. .t . d I d° fm`th°¥' Pmclaun and make known that in my judgment 1 is proper and necessary, m the interest of equal op rtunity and good administration, that the remainder of the excluded)l)ands sub` t totzllisposiition sgloulg be regtglrsed to homestead entry in advanciaedf °_ _ _ se emen oro er ormso ‘1;' d V · ae m my ,.,,...,.1 m m. by at am-.S£¥i‘f2?2.¥“s.§fLYZ`tZ‘¥Zl?.$€“¤°i.§’§Z {flegshuszirggtazgg th·51rtleen,1ltSdo hsrellzy direct and provide that such Tm °'°"°“°"‘ drawals, shall be opened-llc cnlify otinl(yI1il.ii)$“th:» 0l·o‘i:»§ting l)1&1in;e§{te‘;idIIlawx·:;re<§11i1(·§ng residence, at and after, bull not `tig§r; ning of this gacnziéloif an §’.'i5*§§.§$h§¥.'l%`2’iT§}r li! Z€iE2£h‘t§}3E$ EEK.%‘*a..2§°§dJfZ2‘é’.}’rf.§’§bl‘§H€*§°Z§°.$°zh“Lt °"d£‘""" £‘" "°“ l’°‘°¥°’ mmgappumiam dag, · mlm y—iirst day after said ros ective a li t ‘ · gmintg th? @2Ji.”‘;$.i“li飓dt‘}§`..’§“§h§*1i°b£’§$“¤§L*.3i,;Z'§€’iE’t.??.·’§7S ion, or oca ion o the form desired d ‘ ‘ ·’ pmdam t t h . _ _ QHI er the provisions of this hw m1daP;_;16:€€5£8 ;;m<;¤‘ gzlziglgfagpinsi iii th; manner (provided by to th6Un1tGdSt ¤ e the requn·e pa ents _ ates land office at uneau aska gm , gr otherwise, and all applications so filed, to eth , m Pttllrsom y mad' e submitted at the ho11r fixed shall be tr all d er W1 Such sis may uesmsly med and Shall bcdjs cased f _ ea e as though simulta- GJFSUHQ regulations. Under silioh r O the manner pmscnbed by wm be determined by 81 dmwingxegnila ions conflicts of equal rights