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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/311

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1750 PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. p AND, WHEREAS, a cha ed situation has been_brought about gy the present armistice in illge war between the United States and erman . . wnianliuifiiiiiékiciié NOW? THEREFORE, _I, WOODROW WILSON, President of xm. °° °°’°‘ the United States of America, by virtue of the gowersconferred upo_n me bv said Act of Congress, hereby find and eterrmne and by this Proelvamation do announce that it is no longer essential in o er to carry into effect the‘purpose_of the Act that the importation, manufacture, storage or istrnbution of certain necessanes be subject to license, to the extent heremafter spemiied. _ ¤€_g_?°,j§“*‘°°°’°' Licenses heretofore re?u.u·ed for the importation, mauufactuiéei ' storage or distribution officertain necessanes are hereby cancell effective May 31st, 1919, with respect to the following: _ _ ,,°{‘,,{f,‘{,§f,'j,"§',}‘},¥i,°,f,°,,z All persons, frms, colriporations or associations engaged m the busi- ¤¤¢=· ness o im rtmg, act1u·1§, storing or distributing cotton seed, cotton seegbil, cotton seed m , cotton seed cake, cotton seed hulls, lard substitutes and all other cotton seed products. _ ,,,, y$‘ Q,} All regulations issued imder the said Act covering licensees so deal- 1%*- mtuwm ing in · ese commodities are hereby cancelled e .80131VB May 31st, 1919. This Proclamation shall in no way affect licenses heretofore required for the im rtation, manufacture, storage or distribution of necessaries, or reguliiiaions covering licensees, other than as mdicated above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be amxed. ’ Done in the City of Paris, France, this 31st day of·May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, [sun.] and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Forty-thirdw W oonnow 1Ls0N. By the President WILLIAM PHILLIPS Acting Secretary of State

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A PROCLAMATION. Hawailanlslmds. . . . Lighthouse uae, WHEREAS, by omt resolution “to rovide for anne the H*?”,,,§§g'gi°_ Hawaiian Islands ti: the United States/P approved July $898, ven ao. p. vw. the cession by the Government of the Republic of Hawaii to the United States of America, of all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind m and over the Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies, and the transfer to the United States of the absolute fee and ownership of all public, government or crown lands, public buildings, or ediiices ports, harbors, nnhtary equi ment, and all other public property of ever; kind and description belonging to the overnment of the Hawairan lands, was duly accepted, ratified, ang continued and the said Hawanan Islands and their dependencies annexed as ,a part of the termtory of the United States, and made subject to the sovereign domimon thereof, and all and singplar the property and rights herembefore mentioned vested in the nitcd States of America. ANI;) WHEREAS, it was further provided in said resolution that the existing laws of the_United States relative to public lands shall not a ply to such lands in the Hawaiian Islands but the C the tilted seats than t ‘ 11 '· °”g”°“ °f V I disposition. enac specia laws for their management and o . 31, p 159; Vol. ' •¤·¤-+*7- AND WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has rovided by the Act of April 30, 1900, chapter 339, section 91, as ameihded by