Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/377

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1920. 1799 REGULATION 1.—DEFINITIONS OF MIGRATORY BIRDS. °‘ MW Regulation 1, paragraph 2, is amended so as to. read as follows: 2. Migratory _ insectivoraus birds: Cuckoos; flickers and other Migmroryinsecrivorwoodpeckers; mghthawks or bull-bats and whip-poor-wills; swifts; °`$§i5g?;;,;gi¤,,m.,,d. hummingbirds; ycatchers; bobolinks, meadowlarks, and orioles; °"· grosbeaks; tanagers; martins and other swallows; waxwings; shrikes; vireos; warblers; pilpits; catbirds and brown thrashers; wrens; brown creepers; nut atches; chickadees and titmice; kinglets and gnatcatchers; robins and other thrushes; and all other perching birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects- ' REGULATION 4.—OPEN SEASONS ON AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN LHGRATORY GAME BIRDS. Regulation 4, aragra h 2, is amended so as to read as follows: 01>¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤=· . Vllaterfowl (exldegplti woiid duck, eider ducks, and swans), rails, coot, mgnggimht '°qw°` gallmules, black-b `ed and golden lovers, greater and lesser yellow- ,f'°'·‘°·*"**"°*‘“‘°“"" egs, Woodcock, Wilson sni e or gaclisnipe, and mourning doves may be taken each day from half an our before sunrise to sunset during the open seasons prescribed therefor in this regulation, by the mearm and in the numbers permitted by Regulations 3 and 5 hereof, respectively, and when so taken, may be possessed any da in any State, Territory, or District during the errod constituting the open season where killed and for an addrtionail period of 10 days next succeeding said open season, but no such birds shall be possessed in a State, R°°m°"°°" Territory, or District at a time when such State, Territory, or District prohibits the possession thereof. Regulation 4, subtitle "Doves," is amended so as to read as follows: g¤v¤¤· for Doves.-—The open seasons for mourning doves shall be as follows: moupriiiug doves mom- In Delaware, Maryland, V` 'nia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, °°&,;_40,,,_m5_ Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, Nliigiaska, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, d4¤¢¤,r-17¤4.¤¤¤<·¤d— Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California, ° ' Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon the open season shall be from September 1 to December 15; and ‘ In North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi the open season shall be from October 16 to January 31. REGULATION 6.——SHIPM`ENT, TRANSPOR'l`A'I`ION, AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS. Regulation 6, title is amended as above, and regulation is amended so as to read as follows: VVaterfowl (except wood duck, eidcr ducks, and swans), rails, coot, ta§*g>¤;$1g,*»p;;{·&'§$ allinules, black-bellied and golden lovers, greater and lesser yellow- msgnémus. Eggs, woodcock, Wilson snipe or jaclisnipe, and mourning doves and ,,:,§,[;,‘:;””"8‘5"8°*’ parts thereof legally taken may be transported in or out of the State where taken during the res ective open seasons in that State, and xnav be imported from Canada during the open season m the Province where taken, in any manner, but not more than the number thereof that may be taken m two days by one person under these regulations shall be transported by one person in one calendar week out of the State where taken; any such migratory game birds or parts thereof in transit during the o en season may continue in transit such addrtional time immediatelly succeeding such oplen season, not to exceed five days, necessary to deliver the same to the1r_dest1nation, and may be possessed in any State, Territory, or District during the period Pmmimmm constituting the open season where killed, and for an additional period of ten days next succeeding said open season; and any package in which migratory game birds or parts thereof are transported shall