Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/42

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1480 _ SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 282. 1920. Penns lvania Volunteer Cavalry and pay him a pension at the rate Y . . . . . of $20 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. §°'“”°'§¤_ The name of Henry Gass, helpless and dependent son of Andrew J. my Gass, late of Comlpla-ny D, Sixty-fir}s1t Regingent Illinois Iiplunteer . Inf d ` nsion at the rate 0 $20 per mont _. Rm Sw"` Tlhleirnilsirhld ofPR5ita Shiifgees, former widow of Jacob D. Schilling, late of Company I, Fourth Regiment California Volunteer Infantry, and I R. pa her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. _ mms. ‘ Y` GThe pamefoE}0Ammda EReiy·tnB<; dp]; {prayer vp<¥;_w of A. tes, te 0 m an 3 ig n egimen isconsm 0 un- Am, S H I tezr Infdntry, and gliayiier ’a pension at the rate of $30Lper month. ° ‘ The name of Annie S. Marsh widow of _Samuel arsh, late of Company G, One hundred and sevent -sixth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and Com(pany G, Second_Reg1ment New York Mounted Volunteer Rifles, an pay her a pension at the rate of $30 m th. N°°°’ A' I“°wu`°" Pggeoiilame mi; Nlgncgil Lawther,Pwidowi of J a11{7eslT. Lawtllligr, Ego 0 m any int e ° ent ennsy vania 0 nmteer an hw B and pay? her afpension at thldllate of $30 per month. , · ml" The name o Isabel Buw, widow of Jacob W. B§e, late of Comany P, Sixth Regment est Virginia Volunteer antry, and pay uu , B E herapensionat erateof$30permonth. .· . - · The name of Sands, widow of Jesse Sands, late of Company R, Ninth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, andipay Anal, age11nsionattherateof$30permpnth. — Co ° ”“"£$°3*¤A§.'i$;°d£5"T;.‘§‘2“h’ut..-“d§Z't ‘1i.g.m.J’“°§t’f»"ii$1.Z?;°x’?a1l§§l‘€.§i m an e camo Abm axidfay her a at the rate 0 $30_per month. The name 0 Carrie Ab itt, former widow of W1l11am_ Watson, late of &mpany C,dOne Liundred and tenltih Regirpgxét) Illmois `igplunteer . _ , er a nsio at the rate o per mont . muh L°”°u' T‘li1dmnya1x:i•i1ofPli!ll)ii.tHda Llaiiwellflformer widow of Samuel C. Dale, late of Company I, Eighteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month, without further mules, E M deductions on account of former erroneous ayments of pension. The name of Jennie Schofield, former widbw of Milton S. Hammond, late of Company E, One hundred and forty-ninth Regiment Nice: York Volulpteer nfantry, and pay her a pension at the rate o 30 er mont . mm K°u°y' The iianre of Isabella Kelley, widow of John Kelley late of Company G, Fn·st_Reg1ment New Hampshire Vohmteer Infantry, and Mm, G um paylher a pension at the rate of $30 per month. ` ’ e name of Mary G. Leary, helpless and dependent daughter of Michael H. Leary, late of Company , Thirty-second Regiment, and Company B, Nmth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Umm, Gnmwm and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month. The name of Carolme Greenwold, widow of John Greenwold, late of Twelfth Battery Wisconsin Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay her a pmm ,,,,,,,,,,d_ pension at the rate of $30 per month. 1¤1i¤K¤mp¤r. 00Ths naxirgi of 1;Irtul§aRKemper, widowpé §e1'manCKempe!', lege Ofc mpany 0 e ent te her a pension at the ratglgf $35 per nlihlntly heiirof lmhdlis rig};

»,,,m_ receiving.

"`“`°° “" “‘“°"’° ‘§‘2°£€“‘?°.$€hJt““F “’·.’1°;.".i°"’· tt? °‘ °°'¥3.’f“’ ‘· O".? *‘““"§.‘i3 an o_ y- o egimen ana o unteer ant ` I a pension at the rate of $30 per month, without fmftyliegndegdztiom rquméugema. on account of former erroneous payments of pension. mm ‘ °°°‘ The name of Miriam C. Hone hegpless and dependent daughter of James Hone, late of Compan/y lil, e hundred and £fty-first Regiment Ohio National Guard olunteer Infantry, and a her a n- . . , P Y . B8 sion at the rate of $20 per month in heu of that she is now receiving.