Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/427

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INDEX. 1845 Bamsler, S., Page. Barracks ayzd_Quarters, Army——Continued. Psg•. pennou ugcroascd . . 1536 appropnauon for Seacoast Artillery, Philip- Bqnkera, Pywate, _ _ _ _ pine and Hawaiian Islands . 611 mterlochng directorate prohibitions not for minor structures, etc., seacout deapplicable tqservice by, in two other fg-msgs ___,,____,_,_______________ _ _ 1349 noncom¥_et1t1ve banks . 626 for Seacoast Artillery, Philippine Islands 1350 CODSBDQ of cderal Rcscrvc Board re- de5ciency appropriation for ...,,,__,,, 65, mred, etc . ... 626 344, 522, 1041, 1044, 1184 Banl=hea¢§_ , John H., lou 9 Senator, for shelter in the Philippines ... 61 deficiency appropriation for pay to widow unexpended balances, svmlableto pay con- _ of . _ - ... . 592 tracts for, suspended on account of Banking, Forex: (see Federal Reserve Act armisticc . 1027 Amen _ ents). unexpended balances covered in, of sp- Banb,_ Lucy (widow), prlgpristious for seacoast defen¤es... 613 pension - ... 1570 Barmcks, arinc Corps, Banks, State, etc, _ appropriation for repairs, improvements, conversion of, into Federal forggn iimm- _ etc . . ... 154, 832 cial corporations, permit : condi- for water supply, Quantico, Va . . . . 833 tions . . 383 dcdciency appropriation for repairs, etc.; provisions for . , 383 re;_¥_>£mpri2.tion from 19%) . . . . . 1170 Bnmwck Indians, Idaho Barrel for its, Vegetables, ctc., D. C., agrropristicnfcrfuliljinguestywidn- 11%,418,1234 standard dimensions established for, ex- Bar , Amherst VK, cept cnnbenies .. . 1221 paymentto .. . . . - 1451 for cranberries . ... 1221 Barber, Frvmk, Ixkutemnt, Bridal: Army, Barrett, Emma K. (unklow), payment to, for loss ofsightwhile instructor pension - ... 1589 of United Ststes troops .. 606 Barraycr, William Shelby, U. S. Army, Burberry Bushes may be appointed captain of Cavalry, at appropriation ior destroying, etc., originat» foot of I'B%|.l.i2·l’ list ... . .. 607 ing vegetable rust spoms 244, 702, 1322 Bartlett, Carolim widow), Barclay, Annie T. (widow), pendon increased 1588 pension increased 1596 Bartlett, Julia Buds (daughter), Barclay, Elizabeth A. (widow), pension increased · · 1 511 pensio; . . .. ... 1576 Buvavgz, James, —1512 Bargu, emama (.‘u1•al,_ , pension ... . sppuqzristion for Barzee, Helen L. (widow), - removed ,. 231 pension .. ·. . 1567 Barley, it ‘ k Basket, Willwhm L., 1617 sppmpnst10` 11 blnc rust, pension increased etc  : ... . 244, 702, 1322 Baskets for Fruits, etc., D. C., Round-Slave, for purchasing seed, for sale to farmers in standard dimensions for, established .. 1222 droujit stricken areas for seeding . . 1347 Baum, Edwin Fiske (son), Barlow, Mary IC (widow), pension increased 1478 pcumou .. . . 1585 Baueu, Emma J. De Yoe (zmklow), Bqnwrd, Amelia J. (widow), pension . ..,,._. 1479 B pcnsrign ... ) . 1 615 Batavia, Ill., { bh bm] ama , ary . undow' , appro 'tionor u 'c 'd1n'g . 164 pension . . .. 1483 Bates, M., P Barrws, Dianlha (w·•How), pension . . .. . ... 1598 pension . . .. 1493 Bates, Sarah J.` (widow), Barnes, Ellen L, (wildaw), pension . ... 1508 pension .. . . 1575 Buda, Me., Barnes, Harnbt (widow), appropriation for operating Government pension ,. . . 1585 house at .. . 223 Barnes, Julia A. (waklow), Bathing Beach, D. C., pension ,,_.,, . ,.,,,,,,,,,.. 1511 apgropristion for expenses. 2. . . 78, 848, 1119 Burma, Julius H., Clnbf of Cereal Division, de ciency apgmpiiation for servwss .. 39 Food Administratimn, Bathing Beach, ctomac Park, D. C., _ proclamation vesting in, regulations, etc., appropriation for expenses; extension 186, B BSa'£0nz;·1li3.t8'1}1·;1rWh6Bt flour. 1774 B R Bridg and T _ I C 898, 1389 a n mo ‘ , axon ouge e mmm oynpmy , _ pfggion increased ..,. .., 1610 time extended for bridging Mimmppi Barr, Paul J. (son), River by .. 161 pension .. . . . ... 1602 Baton Rouge, La. _ _ _ _ _ _ Barr, Roy S. (son), time extended for bridging Mnsmmppi pension .,_, . ,,,,,,. 1602 Rivet at ..··----.. · - . · 161 Burmcb and Quarters, Army, Battle Cruisers, _ _ appropriation for, storehouses, furniture, limits of cost increased of desigmted 156 gm ,_,,,,,,, _ ____,__,,_,_,,..,,,, 118, 962 Battle Ground National Cemetery, . C., grounds, for cantouments, etc .. 118, 963 apgropriation for construction ofrostrum. . 896 uildings, motor training school Fort Batt Mountain Sanitarium, S. Bak., Leavenworth ,,_,,,,___,,,,,.,,,,,. 963 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer S01· imnsferoi Whiplilc Barmcks, Ariz 963 died Home. z - ._ . - . 192, 906, 1395 for shelter in the hilippines . . . 119, 964 deficiency _ approprntmn for Volunteer rentals in China . . 119, 964 Sold1em’ Home . .. . . 47, 1028, 1167