Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/432

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1850 mnnx. Bolrhcvilc Propaganda, Page. Bordsers, Perry E., P¤z¤· additional of document relating to, padeygnent to., ... 1528 ordercglmzeinted . ... 1633 Bar uz, Louis, Bond Building, C.,_ _ ¥g;nent_t:5efor damages from fare ... 1460 deficiency appmopnation for expenses, B , Eh: Us (wtdow , tramier of Treasury Department pension", ... Z. . , . 1590 B offices in .. . . 43 Borland,C1Vdluzm P., lou a Repramiatwe sn

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fomand conditionig? for ;l:l§idu§iaries.. . . w deiciegifcy appropriation for pay to widow 58 ` tsagainst princi an es. - ·-·---·- · ·----—-·---·-·-·-·-··· ` luglgnremedies at law or in equity not 565 Besson, Arthur G., 1473 impaired ..,. . , .,,.,.,. pension increased. ., revisions of Code applicable hereto . 565 Boston, Marg. , _ ’ damages recovered under, to obtain re- appropriation for assistant treasurers straining orders, etc., may include _0Hic6, ... . .---··-.---·- 655 counsel fees ,,_,,,,,,., , .,..,,..,. 565 discontinued, July 1, 1921 . 654 Bomb, Duplicate, for navy yard, public works. Z .. _. . . 143 issue of, authorized for those of officers and for manne hospital, remodeling buildcrew of U. S. S. "San Diego" lost ings, etc . ; . 875 bysinkingoi ship: .,. 45 prelirmnary examination, etc., of South Bonds, eu:. (ue also Securities;} _ Bay harbor, to be made ... 1010 issue authorized for pub c works by Botansc D. Ci, Ketchikan, Alaska. ..,..,. 402 appropriation for_d1rector.. ,.. 640, 1261 gitersbplrg, Alaska. . . 289, m { tit1e_ofpupei·1i:)::)•;ndent changed to . . . w range . . ... or assistants, a ers, etc .. . ... Banda, etc., of Federal Foreign Financial Cor- for repairs and improvements. . 225, 640, 1261 _ parutiogn, Emi _ 380 minotrtpdurchases of nursery stock per- 640 issue authonzed· tation mn ..,..., punishment for alleging Government for new boilers. . . . 226

y for, y Oorpuratwn 384 for remcvgif porrtgpln of fence, etc., for 1391

, .·--···-·--··.··. . --.- BIDO .- . Bzndr, Earns Loan, _ uc 571 1382 deiicienlgy appropriation for pay of emenomination, terms, interest, , . . . 3-2

 term extended to ten years. . 1318 for rgpallgw and im rovements .. 592

form requisites; certificate of Farm Loan employees ot, for retirement on Commissioner of authority, etc . 572 annuities ... - ,,,,_,,,,,_ _ _____ 614 nontaxalale, {Qc. ... E éi ... 572 Bothwell, Roy §, purchase y easury o extend to t to f . . . 1530 iiscal years 1920 and 1921 . 627 B¢£·l:inl:“l?er1nmie;rlB((;on), Bonds, Razlroad, pension increased 1515 issue of, unlawful hereafter, unless author- Bomber, Elizabeth H., 1zed_by Interstate Commerce Com- 494 patent authrgized for enlarged homestead I mission ,,,,, _ ,,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,,,,,. en .. ,. . ,. IOSI) Bonita, La., _ Boughton Association patent to he issued to R. L. Credille, may erect building on Fort lbeavenworth, mayor of, for lands in Morehouse Kaus., military rmervation . 130 Parish 1053 free use of moms for post office to be use declared :Hpl1cauon, etc , , ,.,, 1054 given .,..,,.,.,.,,.,...,_,,___, 130 quitclaim oi, Government interest, Boulder, Colo., Boch"' gtc.,..&..( . ... 1054 additngpllyands granted to, for water 288 pensionincreased. .., Z ..,,.. 1558 ‘ ; Bucher, Charles F., late a Representative in Bonulidfg C!3•1Lrl::tisaib$£01l;ezi¢lsf’ns?rv°d’ ctc 289 _ Congress, _ _ _ appropriation for continuing work . 743, 1209 deiicremcy appropriation for pay to widow ISO Boundary Lim, Alaska and Canada, q·- .·. ,._.: ... 1 ° ti i sun ying d - Bookkeeptng and Warrants Dwmon, Treasury 8pp¤?pi:;-.(l?. .. ll . . . .ll1l“'i:43, 1210 D¢P{11*¢'”w¤¢. _ _ _ _ deficiency appropriation for marking . 1187 appropriation for chief of division, etc. 645, 1266 Boundary Line, Canadahn, or_add1t1o¤a1 employees . . . 1266 appro riation for marking, etc 743 1210 deficiency ksppropnatnon for additional aulivances to Commissioner . 744,1210 (imp yggs _____ _ ___,_________ _ ____ 329 d ii ' In , BOM, tluliwm ( , )’ 15 Bm;‘£:;%ya¤;prpmpmuon for .. . 1187 pension ... I . 75 consent `ven designated States to ’ur·is- Boxpengéiglnnm (wulow), 1488 iixazion over onenses upoxll? by] mu- Boemep 84 Bounty, &vila%¢$$nI¢3>ll1l8nuq;’€tc;·'..-l' ..·' 1447 roc on setting a . .. 17 appropriation for pa e t of .. 193, 906, 1396 B°,Z‘?.L.";..Y?T‘f-‘}f"€"‘””" me ””"’£2a.$”"‘ "”“°”"?m H Boonnan, »$arah A. (www ), wu N n H Bowmpe ,George.-un".-_"-UUQHUNUHIuu 1611 p<>¤¤w¤ increaseq .·...·---- - ----·-·----- 1550 pension ---- i ...-.··· - ·-·-----·-···------- 1484 B0ozer,_Pemec·m (urtdow), Bowen, Mary E. (widow), pension ... . ... . . 1579 pension . . ... . 1511