Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/454

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1872 INDEX. _ Colorado River Infgian Reserva¢;on,‘Ariz., Rage. Columb€atRiverj; Oreg., Submarine and De- Page. ti canals, ., 1rnga·' sm er uae, apPmPtli?n.?h . - f . € . 10, 415, 1432 appropriagion for development of , 822 ` for irrigating additional lands; repay- acceptance of site from Astona ... 822 m°nt•~—-•·•·;•·:••*••·_••_·••j····•• Cdumm, S. C., deficiency npprvpmvvn for imsanvn- 62. 64. 66 ddciepcy appropriation im pubue build- Colora·nt.s,_ 6 f d el _ sum f mg .--..·.. 1024 •PP¤>P¤¤ <>¤ S1? ¢V _°f>1¤8 <>» ColumZnw,Ga., 3 etc., found use. .. .--. 682,1301 b · tho · cross (jhu h for ¤¤11i¤ing rw rn¤¤¢ri¤1¤ fvr- - - 254. 712, 1331 ndgckgger . . 1055 cooperative experiments, etc.. 254, 712, 1331 Columbus Ohio d°£°mmY °'P Pmum mr d°v°1° appropriation foIC8!B0fCOD.f8d€1‘Bt8 Cemeof . 1040 1045 . “J * tery, Camp Ctose ... . . . . 154, ses, 1387 Colored Women and Children, D. C., National 0 l we A W h Homefar, ° M 9"E°y’ as " . ~ .ppmp5.¤m...m,5:cm1ae¤a .. 97, ¤PP~i{;¤¤¤¤ in iuvwig, -;;,1;;,g% 12 48 V - .867*1138 deicimeyi for support, etc 1 Colors, Demobilazcd Amy Organza- C 1171 dispoealofall directed .. 1438 ° - °?”R°‘°°’ °“·°°."’ . ‘* . used by State National Guard brought appmpmmu- in mjgatwu Pmlect °°i · ~ fmm tribal funds . 3, 409 1226 mtgstseiivice, to that State, on re- time further I ded for P3 . . H i ond? »,‘ét§‘·Y°»mm—»mg”°‘ `‘‘‘°’‘‘ in 1339 .d,m“°““if.°..,...‘“3°3..3;“3§;,€i.é‘;‘2‘i‘;E;· 333 organisation ... . . , ,,,____,, 1439 . as me menzaaea gnu my sms, to -··- 536

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tl use. ... 1439 Comm avi ·--~···-·- T it 536 ti e to remain with G ernment. , , 1439 . . °'“.* ·i Pmvisiqm to be msdsfosvmm, pun? appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 249,, p,..,i,K§“(1;3“?. .. .’ ···· 3333 ¤·»¤·~¤ Hm ‘ "”’ 1327 OD , IB - J . i C _ iirm ...,.,,,,,,,__ 1439 CP¤¤¤1°¤1£c¤1¤15S¤¤1 ----· 6 H5 ... 1598

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0 ·’ S§m,§£:;w)’ ¤PP¤>P¤31¤¢>¤ f¤f tgmcy expenses, from Co na? , )' '’‘ ’ °‘'‘ " ••··•••• 1488 f tuba; ,,_,__ _ _______ 20,4%,1240 ’ · i °1¤11PP0»¥.. tribalf ds .. p<·>n¤i9¤ ..-... , . . 1563 ° ° m ““ 425 152; Columbia Hqspntalfor Women, Q., Comandne, Tex., ’ ";"'°"tE‘2‘.."i.°TT..‘f’f.f3ET`?.f’T..‘H3‘32“S5F&7s113. c;·£§;°$?1»°;iZuf°tp"bH° 3333333* ·········· *34 or_repairs, etc . 1378 " ..____ <1¤fi¤¤q¤¤y nvpwprintinn for repm ma c&mW,® `'°°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3 ·‘······· mg _¤¤P¤¤v¤m¤nt¤ ... 177,328, 348, 8 ‘ ‘ pcnscs · €'¤1=¤¤b·¤ _ ¤·!¢i¢¤¢i<mf<¤· Me Dm!. D. 0., S3 appmpiaéatguxsgngi- ex wgliggllggss mso apprepnstion for expenses of insuuemméés 1%% dggdggzcu qpprfpgggoj `igli ‘ 'éxpejm ’ • v - SW féglllg " {gf ,,,,,"‘““ ,,,‘°“:{‘c°° ···············- {jg C*¤>=¤v¤f» i~·i¤1i§Jphi·§>mE;`¤`;5eZ'.`ffZZZZ d°§°i°‘*°Y °1’P'°P'11*ri•;’11_1°1'·¢1¤11>1¤1>$¤¤··i-. ’ 51, ?£r;fe::dwft¢i;%1?ge modifying former , 512, 1173 convention of , for pairs . ~ "D ····· In ···-···-···-· 1723 f°’ §:°““?‘i°¤ °*P°¤¤°¤ ·--····· · --3f,-¥(F?0’10;§ Cfgpmggmgofmzfd · ' Columbia National Foregl, mg._, ing P"°"‘°*1*18 Mid d¤V61¤p-

 foI.’]11$l1]fgn3u(;g, gtcw of__ _ _     · ···· · - ~ · · -    

Columwappglykdmgc 1,,,,;,,,,,, for th`B1in§(r7’1327 d°H°1°:g’ wpropriatieu im- pmmotijléi 1040 ·‘ .‘* . Cwnmzrcial .-`` ``````` “QL ’ ti f d ,,__ - - · . ¤~?i?’ °'3’, ‘° 333333333 3‘éH'.?£§2;2‘;,‘;§2;;>}:;;:¤:*·¤e¤¤m- mm d · - . or ... . 524 P ii’»'2i€·`?'$°·..’§‘?‘i-’? 5 40. Cmmmgn, f°gWPg;;7’;gg; 301 mpzmt .1 *3333 ascoto enne ° k, \Vssh .,_____ _ ______ » · . .» penmiggy ¤¤»;?£5e¤, etc., gf, t., bg 5333 s f,',f’;‘,,§‘°§,“;§;‘,§ °°“‘]1"§)§*°3r°I* ----·- { 1214 right ----..-. . . ,.,_____ Q 1013 pm.dmi:§i{;gt;’°f°$e¤F1dg:§d by. TT 1214 W*Y 10 Oregon across Dauwcemo d ° ,1811 vvemments insectionef wm,. thm in United States u,b'e¢|; to tiine extended :5`?K'§dg5.g,‘§;*; **37 . “1’P’°"¤1°*-. ----- { . .' .. 1214 Col ,L°<€k¤. .. . ...,,. , . _ um gm,;,?8°°d ,,°°,,, to debt thereof · 1214 u' Rum ig i * · ’ Qgegon gmnted • t f f $PP¥0p¤2t'I0l1fo!‘ Expense; _______ 177,886 13 8 b,:},i,, R§§:i:1p:6:’,;m°;:;m““Y D8°°”u(; ldwceuog, to mezxgtdpnsdxit propos? m&_ ’ 7 O .__, _____ ___ ____ H. ·• , 1 _ —; Ylllgtll

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