Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/463

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INDEX. 1881 OT‘i1N»C.! and MLsde1rwanqr§—C0ntipued. Page. Crooked Cyeek Irrigatalm Project, Oreg., Page. PU-¤1¤hmGH¤ fo1‘ §'€C€1V`1-Hg pay Hom seamen approppation for maintenance, ctn., of 1243 fo; procggng ?II1plOgIII1€I1t . . . . 1007 Crop Esumates, unauthorize ivu ging yCensus0 cial a, rg rimj { ‘ ‘ , bljshjng of information as to hides, leather, pp ... 1342 etc ... . .,..,,.. 1057 · - false Bmrtgmenm, em., of power project °"°" E’QZ’ZL‘?Z B“"“"* D"’“”’"”" °’ Ag"' reco s etc . . .. 1066 · · ’ · vivlstirzg riwvisisns of Act rsgulsiing apgoggggg? ```` [Z"` gig gg Y"‘?’ghtS» Pmasuresv etc-· D- C- ···-·· 1225 for administrative expenses- l - _ I- · 259, 718 ¤b¤¤¤¤¤g gsm f<>r sssdisg by fslss rs1>· for new agents . 1 I I Q I ° , °° 259, 719 . r‘TS€“m¤°““»,€t°· · · ·······--·-···· 1347 deficiency appropriation for geinerzglxax- ’ vxolatgng regulquous for shipping, etc., pauses ______________ 64 67 524 1043 1188 . hlgh °XPl°S“'°°· - —--·---·-~-·----· 1445 for increased cost, of envclopés 3918, . , 515 C""”e·? D- C·» _ _ frmctions, etc. mer%ed in Burema of M§i·k; P¤m¤h;:§¥;;X§°¤' ¤*·P€§ mmmum Penalty 567 ets and Crop stimabes .,... 1343 - ° '°’‘'`'` - ’'‘‘'‘``'’'‘‘' Crop Plants °"“b$£¥{'T? .‘TT‘T‘T`?Y°X Y'.?‘.TiT’°.°““°.d. TTC 567 sssmvrgsiiss for isvsssgsssg vhvsislssy mms, em, ’ ’ ' 0 , etc . 243, 702, 1322 appropriation for detection and prosecu- C°"°P8» _ _ _ _ tion of . 207, 921, 1410 °·PP*’°P¤3tE°¤ }`°¤’ w°h¤°1°g*¤*l» °*>c·» ¤¤· pmmcuon of the Pwsadaugetc. 207, 921, 1410 vss¤ss¤¤¤s ----·------- _ ··--- 2 @702,1322 deficiency appropriation for detection and for b1'€€dm8» 9tudY» etc-, ¤-¤d1s¤<1 -··-·· 244, prosecution of . 51, 703» 1323 62, 64, 337, 349, 524, 1032, 1040, 1175, 1188 Crosby; Peter, advances allowed for expenses of detzc- pension .. 1609 Cn figgdand prosecution of . 515 Cross, James HQ, _ _ _ 'mimz e payment to, or mjunes -.. 1454 amended, séction 217 ... . . . . 620 CTOw Ageqcyz Mvnt., _

ectiou 232 ___,, . ,..,,.,.. 1444 appropriation for support, ctc., of, I¤g1an§4

section 233 ..,.,... - .- 1445 at .. . ... 1 4 1248 section 234 ,,__ _ _,_.,_._____,,,,...,.. 1445 Crow Cree]; Agency, S. Dak., _, , sgcgiqu 235 _____________________,,,_, . 144.5 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians section 236 ,,,,, . ,..,. 1445 _ at Z _ . $1,434,1248 Section 245 _______ _ _____________ _ _,___ 1060 Crow Lreely Iyzdmn Llospual, S. Dak., _ deportation of undesirable aliens cop- appropzjmtwu for rqmnwnance, etp.,0£ a, 410, 1227 victed of sedimious conspiracy, m Crow Indqm _Rcserz·a{z0n, JI{on¢._, _ section 6 of,, _,.,..,_..,,.,,... 594 appropriation for improving urigauou gy; readmission prohibited. . 594 tems, Big Hom Valley, from mb d rtati i d sirable al' n con- £unds· reimbursemeutm. 16, 196,431, 1237 gpo vicgfgd Oof ugioiating pro:·;i?>ns of diver¤ic»;x dam QH Big [Korn 1fiyvr 1:237 section 13 of, by organizing expedi- I provlamutiurn ullowing u <htiumxl uma tu tions, etc., against friend] powers pay installments for ceded hmds 0i. 1793 ligtweeu August 1, 1914, may April 6, 591 suiysy uml ulI;>t1x¤Fr1:A;>i:i;tu¢}¤lwithin . 17 ,_.,_ , __,_,,._,__________ ,_,,, ,· 1 (*58 ):|(*(‘ Olly >;\ (‘33(}8,,_, .__. 1.) readmission prohibited ... . 594 patents xn fee vv wnrpewnts; h<>¤·<+ _ Criminal Identification National Bureau of, I Bieadsl <‘K¢‘<‘P¥?d ---···-—-~ · ~---·---- Zvi apprnprintion for aid to ...,. . ... 87, 857, 1128 tr¤}st_p:m·nts to mmurs, ctc. . .: , . . I . 451 Criminal Ideniijicalion Records, { pfwtlly to uwmbcrs not having tormer Hr appropriation for preserving, exchange of, i ullomxegms . .1 ... f, .. M1 etc _,___,__ _ ,,_,,_,,,__,___ 207,922, 1411 uyuveyapces 0 owners 0 grgg are-as or- Crim `nals, b1d<1en: . ._._ ... 752 apfampriation for bringing home, from Q devliued vmd ll mado._ .. 7§2 sbwsd -.------· - ··-------·. 742. 1208 Pupssh msm for ¤<·¤sp¤¤¤g ----·---·—--—— ls? O,.i8{,,,gag1 Cam; Zum, claxmcatxop of character of land, etc. 75; tract of land_ in, released hom I-esewa. complete tnbal rolls to be prepaged ... 75- tim; _____,_____, , ,,,____,__________ 943 fraudplent, names to be gtnckem off; In mls by Panama Railroad authorized 948 nghts pwwcwd ..,--- . ·_ ---»--·- 52 C,,.i_W,"' Jams An E pregsexg use;for_.4€,%e11cy, epga, conmxgwd. .- 103 pension in<·re=¤·ed .,-· - -·.-,.-------·- 1473 g Ps <=‘¤ au Om 0 1¤1ss10¤M’Y 0=¤ds» C ts, Serbs, rnd Slovenes · QW .. I Y - . . 753 Tgglpropriatior; for ministkr to the . 1206 l lzmds igigig) g0;n;?1€;?(;1SCy, and tracts for 753 C’;;;;;’;;(,.¥’£;;i<¥;;$ ..._,._. ms U mm, reserved tz»‘am;{ 7; Cromwll, lvm J. <<l<wyl¤¢er>, lsssss sulhsmsd; isrms -------· . -—·---· 7**3 pension i¤¢·rea.sed ... . 1556 ¤u0U¤€¤_¥5 or coal. €U‘-_, |3l}dS. fc h2V9 __ mulls ·*m’* <~‘l·’0w>’ 1597 m““m€2;‘i§i;T§i§£l;§L1m$&‘lYi;;fTr1 4;% ·· .§’,$,‘3;;?‘*¥‘;4;;,;é;·y;G·,;g,;g;, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ “I appropriation fc, Bmw, enc _ : ... 752 djs 0g31Of’&uth0yiZgd_jv ,__________ _ ____ 961 j_r;·ig··,;,tj(m 1-gglgtiong, etc., apphcable to _ C‘I'O0g)A·(1l7:O7i(Xl Forest, _Ariz., I allotmeugs hereuudgr. . . 1 . »53 appropriation for mnmtenance, etc., or 249, { cost ot all sptems to e p aq 2. e __ TOT. 1327 _ Agency,. 1, .·.·.·—-··- · · - Q4 proclamation enlarging area of 1765 - inmomcuuw prolubued .. . ·»>4