Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/579

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INDEX. 1997 National Defense Act, 1916, A1mmdmmts— Page. National Defense Act, 1916, Ame·nAnutn.s— Page. Continued. Continued. C‘ava.1ry; _0fiicers and enlisted men com- appointments of second lieutemmts; `imm _ posgng . . . -_ .. -. . 770 Military Academy graduates 774 Fwld Arullery; ciiiccrs and enhsted men Army warrant offnccrs and 811· _ cmpposing . . ... _ 7 70 hsted men 774 (out lgg¥n( OIPSQ 0610618 311d Bllllstéd 770 (gicgm, ]$)g,1;i0]m] Gugrsin gn. Pcrw P~i<;<>_ Regiment §f' i}{f$;¤i£1;>;E Q ligdiil; school . . 774 _ _ P9$`m°¤ wd ¤°“`1c9 Of-_ ·---- _ · ·; ---·· 770 Judge Advocate Ge.·1era1’s Department Pluhp me Scouts: 0I'g&I11Z9.t10I1 S11I11]3.1‘ to captains, from reserve judge advogegular Amgy ...-. ¥ -·..·..- $73 cates. . . .` . 774 recommnwoma o resen officers 7 · · subseqnileémt ¤pp9§>tm¤¤¢¤» em; retire 770 Med1;31s,af1;gmDg;%1v;3 i 774 _ me P¤>Vm°¤¤ ··-—--·----··-·-··· Veterinary Corps second lieutcmnts enhgted status unchanged ,.,.,.,..,. 771 yinayy ’ 1>r<>vi¤i<>¤w·1 period of ¤1>1>¤i¤¤#m¤¤¢¤ rc- Mw? §$e¤¥¤Z`{?;$1vc coggcexééié Pm _ Pegklpd ---·-·-·- ; -·---·--·-·-~---··· 771 lieutemmts from enlisted men of fiU;:g_§a¤§1l;¤¤¥3v¤Q1;?w-éfhbéé -];:1;)]:12 ---- 771 Mmm Deimrtment ... 774 pm, 31mp¤%°¤·6d“$mmgmze¤w§°$T‘. m D¢¤g};€s>*¤¤iy v~*¤¤=i¤¤=·* ¤¤¤¤*~¤¤·*=i¤¤¤ 7,4 crgdjtg ggggtc ,.,, _ ___,__,,,_,_._,_, ,, 771 ``°`°``'``°```` "°:`"""° appoiniments in Judge Advocate Gen- °h“P'“‘!’€’· from ¥’°?“°’¥“ "°°"’d‘“’d by “ guys Deputmcm 771 _ rehgmus organmauon ... _. .: 774 ¤=¤M pw H =·v¤<>¤t¤·fé66+é`ééé¥f·i5? `771 ‘°““§§ m°"°gu°’§a ‘2I.°;£’m'3·%§2$““°“°“ 774 EZ£r°‘&‘&?°m’fkm“““ge 8em&.}’¤”L.‘T¥`?T’T?YT?’T?; 1 ZZ ZZ} ¤*’*i¤¤¤¤ md cmd Y ,m¤¤ ¤> b¤ <¤%**i$&_·?=? apygintmegxts to be approved by chief 7 Esysgaiih or buifwyt °mg°°d w 775 0 mnc . 71 . . . '‘‘` Z'."`Z"

 ust to   mmm. U _ - • - · · - · ·   promons for      

all officers of Regugr Army below colonel _ S°°°t° ¤*P°°*°d; ‘ ‘ T ‘‘‘‘’ I ‘'‘‘‘'‘' 775 included . - , , , , 771 0n]1_gt,9d men; tgrjn of ggrvgcg gptmpgl, one Medical Depmrneut, chaplains, etc., or jchree years . 775 Bxttéptéd. . - . . . 771 xjegnhstments for years __,. , , ,.,, 775 Cl'£'iI', fo['$.u$¢tiV9 §€{Vicg_____________ 772 qxjgtgng lgwgfor  ; guowgncg board to form original list; composition- 772 repealed ... _775 Mwrdinzbw present liueal het, com- seqvicc payment. hereafter . ... 775 bawlt ranches, ctc ... . ... 772 specniied rates of {sy repealed . 775 Oiiicers omitted .. , , - - 772 'except telegrap ers , _ ____,,,,,,,,,., 775 officers omitted glacedin origiml class. 772 dmchzrge for support of dc- 5 Judge Advocate e11eral’s Department, pendant famnly ... Z . . ._ 77 Quartcrmaster Corps, Ordnance De. Re<g11lqrl;&(;1my Reserve; orgamzamon sbol- 775 partm t . ”72 ns . ..1-.._ ... .. captains 851%. lieutenants of or I Officeqs Reserve Cor§;0rgqmzation of 775 Pbiljppinc Scouts appomted since secmous ccrrespon ng Wllh bmncbss of 775 Ap;-11 6, 19}7 ... _ 772 Regular Arimy, ctc ... 775 captams or hcutqnants appomted to appoqxtugeut gf, persons qua 1 ... original vaczmcxes _  : 772 lumtgtxons m tune of pcfxce . ._ 775 lieutenant colonels or mayors appomwd proqnotnons aqd transfers, assxgnmcuts tp original vacancies ,__,,,,,,,,, , _ , 773 to loca,] uqns ,,__,_,_ I, _______,_,,,_ 776 discretionary assignment by board 773 prescxgt gommnpsxons cpxmnucd . . .. 776 former officers and retired officers ... 773 commyssmns m Natmnal Guard perreserve judge advocates; ... 773 _ mxtmd _. . 1 . , 1 .. other officers at end of hat .. . . . . 773 uma, and resmctnon, on svtnw duty 710 pennancncy of list 773 pay, et<·.&al|0vyed. 2 . 746 clamification of cfiicers by board of general Resenje pers mining. C·mjps;_cmated _ officers . 773 111 CIV!] educat_10na} npgtntutxous 7:6 Class A, to be retained in senice . 773 seniqr division;jum0r dxvnsnou . 776 01aSs B not to be remained .. - 773 demi vi Begum AMY °$°m md °¤·

 placing an officerin  773 lisged men; number of students regoard to determine if due to misconduct, 7-3 0  .     .   .   777

ef‘:_______________,,,__,,._,,.,,.. I C m. __ _ Us •1

 or retirement on action of 773 ¤¢q§¤g1?£ ;:;gtb—Bé§6§   

... . - ¤°\¤'*¤ . retired psy if not discharged, etc , Z . . . 773 dets.%i1:;ri0l1gtI’; gc? insct;uct0rs, etc. status of Quzrtermnste; Corps, second hen- re f fred mP€8 { --·-····- 777 tenants, determined ... 774 full pay 0{M 1 9 CBN, G G --·-·-·- prommqions of officers up to June 30, 1920, Army Supplies. 6<1¤¤P¤1¤¤¥. <·>tC·, W b6 under existing laws . 774 nssuediwm Amar ¤¢·>¢k ---·- - --·-· . - 777 afterwards {mm promotion list 774 appropnanons avaxlable for expemh- _ 1 of hwg for examinations, etc . 774 W-*88 —··-·—·—-~ , --·- _ —-··—·-·---—-· · · · ggodical Department excepted - .. 774 Campv for, TD be m¤1¤§$1¤•=>d —---—· ; - -··-· I tmmtm or omcem without loss of mnk, expenses authvnzvda ¤¤b¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢. __ e1;c_, on gppljcatious ... - · · · - 774 tmveln etc ··-·· · ········ · ··•••‘‘•‘ ‘ 78