Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/598

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2016 INDEX. wgdmp . Nursery St Ic, to.—Co tinued. Page- N(;zgn¤{0£d;glg,g°s6d__)j ____________ _ ________ 1;*50 ingpeotioigc by Hortiieultural Board em- 727 Norton William J'., · Pl°Y°” -·---·---·· · ·········‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ p,,,,,,{,,,, _______________________ _ _,,.,.,... 1611 power conferred to enter places. igpern Nmall, Katie, bundles, etc., suspected of ecpayment to, for death of husband . 1524 t10¤¤. $$0- --; --------·--·-· - -······· 727 N lk Conn destruction of mfectcd plants, etc., by

    • 5****** 5* °°“55 °*· ··= ······················ }}§ mZ1Y$.'m ``°` EQ 'éiéf `i.`,? `ooiibo of iizié 727

N ’°°m°’ t° b° P*°“d°d '°‘`°`‘‘’`'‘`‘` " nicipalcourl¤sauth0rized...i1}...:... 727 L y' - · · · regulations verning movi , s ping, 5-*·?”°p¤·%° °¤»¤°°fYr=¥`¥ii1°`g~>r¢¤st°F `"`` *5 I ¥5¥·;i°' ms *’*°··.‘ii0“’£.Y ¥"‘;‘.%’£'§“em°”·‘1`l,24?° °' or an wheat dour, prohibited; excep- }¤l·° ° is nc 2 P . · · · dom- N H ~ _ _ · _ _ _ _ ________ _ ________ 1759 pumghment for noncompliance Wlth .-.- 727 oo]ed ___,,_,,,,,,,.. . .., 1773 Nursery Stock Law, _ puwéll past convention with .. 1739 approprisgion for guamngiue ¤gv·1¤¤t;gg¢?;5 1334 N ’ W·,i1l· N', ILD Qt pl’0VlEl0DB 0 . ·-----· · » • ';°Q°§.,., inzccmeased ,,.. 1592 Nairn, 1»{,7»y,_ b b cd _ mm, M-dm, n discharged, may e un m N'§’e°§;£.. ,._.. { .. 1517 0 °l`¤¤aii¤¤¤¤ ¢¤¤1¤¢¤¤§¤2 --------········ 552 Nu,i“,,w“’ Public, Nipuemion increased of, War. ... 587 rem1ses' here inwxicating liquors are . _ _ , . . . P eo1¢1Yeto., in violation or vin Prom- avpwpmqon for ¤¤v¤¤¤s¤¤¤e 1¤¤¢¢¢¤ #$4 1334 biting, doilared ... ; ... yi; Nm fpztrns ··----------—--------· 255. · Dllmihml t . ---·-· · -·-· v , L . . . §oooodi:; tg; abatement, eco soo sppronmuon for lpvesuzwnz. etc-. 3 1323 or ational prohibition, declared ... au 1¤g.m¤rk<¤¤¤e. etc-. of ------ 24 . —. · punishment for . . 314 proceedings for abatement, etc .. 314 0- Nrl:1cpli1:i°g’d¤¤do(w¤dow). 1558 com Islargé Hgvtgii. m H __ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'°‘'‘'‘`‘‘'’‘'’‘ roclama ’ n r ring awau, mm? F¢7"!I» Aga-: _ _ P house lands on .. . .. 1751 bridge autlumzed acros Perdido River at. 283 Oakland, Cow; Nurse Corp: Army, 1unmary' examination etc. of harbor appropnaliion-for nurses . 112, 956 Pm to be made .,. ..., I .,..,..,._ 1013 Ear ospital matrons .. 112, 956 Oakville, Calif., _ for commutation of quarters, etc .. 112, 956 purchase authorized of experiment vinehonorably discharged members of, may be yard lands near ... 1205 ‘buried in national cemeteries . . 552 Oakwood Cernetcm, Chicago, Ill., part of Medical Department .. 767 appropriation for Confederate Mound- - - 184, 896. relative rank conferred on members of 767 1387 morityiof, . Zg Oats, bl k ` tsan pri `eges o rescri . 'ti fo1'1I1V$t1g$. ac rust, pay ingased 20 per cent gum January 1, 602 apfwpgg, fri __.,,._, Q, , _ , .f, . 244, 702, 1322 _ · .. r urchasing seed or on e to armers in edective until Juno 30, 1922 . 604 O pdrought-strickén areas for seeding. . 1347 pension increased of Civil War nurses .. 581 Oberer, Calla} (widow), private property of, lost in the service, to gension . ... 1508 be paid for, etc: conditions . .. 1436 O' rim, Arma (widow), . Nurse C'orp:,_Navy (female), ,§nsion ., . .,... 1540 appropriation for pay, etc ... 147, 824 0 nm, James, or rent of quarters for, ,__ ,,__,,.., , , , .: 147, 824 ___,_ _ , ,.,,,,,,,,,_, , ,,,_____,__ 154], for remains oi, dying 0’ ryan, Vwlliam, ab . . 46, 823 `un incrgqmd ,,, , ,,_,,,,,,.,. . . . . 1541 death al1ovrt;1ncesl{t’•g‘1lbenl<3Iiiciaries of; re- Om Books, etc., stric to ar avy ... 824 portmg' , shi pmg' ' terstato m- pay increased 20 per cent from January 1, lm merce, cig., . . . 1060 192)  : . 602 punishment for ..,,,.,,,,,, _ ,__,___ 1061 eiective until June 30, 1922 604 Ocecm and Lake Surveys, Navy, Nurser·k.1,_Plg·ntend Tree, _ _ _ _ appropriation for hydrographic 135,816 appropriation for cooperatryemvestxgations Ochooo arional Forest, Orey., of .. . -.. 704, 1323 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250,708. Nursery Stock, ctc., 1328 appropriation for regulating importations, lands added to ..,,.,.,,,,,,,, 404 etc.; plant quarantine for diseased, Ocho, Mary A. (widow), _ ` _ etc. ._. . -_ .. _ . 256, 267, 726, 1334 pension increased 1496 movinghshippmp, etc., m or out of Dis- Ooonalufty [liver, N. C., _ tnct of Co umbxa forbidden . 726 appropriation for constructiong budge except in compliance with rules for . 726 across, near Cherokee Indian notice to owner to destroy infested 726 school ...,. , ,,.,,,,.,,,.. - . 18 destruction, etc., by Secretary of Agri- 0’C'onnor, William E., culture on noncompliance .. 726 date of appointment as ensign, Navy, csliability for expenses of ... 727 tabhshed .., . ,,... 141