Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/648

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2066 INDEX. Public Schools, D. C.—Qontinued. Page. Public Ulolities, Pa:e. deficiency appropriation for longevity pay appropriation for investigating standards of f ai] . Z. . 6.1031;, measurement, etc., of. . 682,1301 or owence rincrpa .. 4 , p b ·l· - C , D_ _ for Woswm His£S¤bo<>1. equipment --·- ’ 40 liriwroggiiiiiin 71 s40 1111 for W- H·_M$¤·r1ow. fuel -·--·-·····--- '· - - 40 gr genera,] expenses _______,,_ , _ , _ 71 ,840,1111 f°rf“°l’ hghm ud P°Y“‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'’‘‘‘' 40’ 1017 Publwations Dc arlmental etc ’ ,

  • 0* ¤*¤*·* 00*000% 000000000 0¤¤00000-,,,3 gg; .;.;...1 plérpiostpfo 1int;\lbnmeei3{)1, ron- oe.

. · u essspeci ca yauthoriz_ yCon- E ..H°°“.r..lZ.‘?.‘Z.‘l teooS°h°°hriisi(l1i?f.£acu1 YT; i; 553 we- ¤>.¤00i~0<»¤¤····¤¤ ¢¤¤=·7=f¢¤r-- 940 fm mmm] aiming em expenses 1017 allowed until December 1, 1921 . 1433 roroonerrgent expebses., . CII I C 1017 _’P?°*6° %“F*}°*'*’*Y '°*1“i’°d *h0*00*§0*—— 1433 for supplies to pupils .. 1017 Publwwwm Mmm. D¤z>¤·¢m<m¢ of Armeniforapparatus, etc., physic departments . 1017 $1€”»_ _ ror repairs and improvements .. 1017 ¤1>rpr¤1>¤¤¢¤>¤ for soimos ·-·------ - 258. 717. 1336 ger textbooks and supplies to pnhpils 1157 °1' gigs;] §§P€¤$9¤9 $8]*5 of %}§0§7<§8 1336 u·ansportrng` t bercular .. 1157 , 6 -·-;-; ----·- . . rptioxlrpmpnt of teach;-S _ _____ s _______ ggy for agncultixral exhibits at fairs, etc. . 718, 1337 fund created by deduction from basic for emergency omploymonw. oro - - - . 718.1337 salaries; limitations. .. 387 Publications, Goayqnment, certiiicate of deductions to be filed annual detailed report to be submitted of, yezrly. . 387 by pach department, etc . 1037 arnoun recerv _ eposr rn- num , costo paper, printing, preparadivndual <=rod11¤¤ ... 387 tion, etc ..,,_, 1037 _ investment and use of ... 387 1:,,,7,;,, 1;,,,,;,0 Agency N_ Mu · milol;E::1E1iit;»€?.if.??[[ZZ$III][ZC 23S 00000*3000 *00 00000*0 0* 100*000 compodtion of annuity, based on one per S `, `‘'’‘°'‘''°'`°’ "‘ 43% 1248 eentof average salary, ,,._,,__,,_ 333 Pwblo I’“!'“["*v M Ma-: additional $10 for each year of service . .l 388 “pP'°Pr¥“·m!” f°' “t°°m°Y f°' ···-· · - IB: 421 1239 minimum annuity if retired for age ... 388 °’ 1mg“”°“» °t°· v f°’ ------·--·---·—·-· 408 for disability _______ _ __________________ 388 for water supply for ..,,,,,,,_ _ _ _ _ 423, 1238 00000000 0* ·00;*;·j,§>*0,,,0·0*,,,, **0*0 00000* ‘ ‘°"‘t‘1’l'i1.‘$°I.’f..}3‘.".f.*.*3..°‘· ‘“ ‘“° ""‘“‘3’..~ 122.9 ex 0 e 'ct .,.. 388 9 ----·—~··--·- · from meductions . . ... * . .. sas Pwbio¤.1Y¢¤q Morice. _ _ ’ credit for service outside of District - . ..., 388 8pp1'0‘pf18¤0¤ for Irrigation, etc., for .. 18 service in lgérict ,,,__,_ 388 Pvgol Smquf_Na·;y Ybg, WG8h§; maximum 'c salary ow ..,,_ , , , 388 appropua lon or u ic wor ., 144, 821 return of deductions on leaving the service, of naval m¤·8%Z¥¤€. Public W01'k¤ ·--·-·- 144 except for retirement ,. 388 for Have! lwspltal, cgrrarters for nurses. . . 145 provisions or reinstated teachers ...,,,.,, 388 for magazmo for T. . T ,,..,, . 822 pal-yments if teacher dies in service 389 Pugh, 1{ary Florence (waldclv) ' annuitant dies prior to receiving pension __________ _ ______ ______________ 1595 _ gmount of deductions . 389 Pulaski County, Ark., prov1nr<;1;:saIr:l;;`h¢:ilS;&i,to all teachers on the 389 time egtendeg for bridging Arkansas River . °¤. . · ····· , ··········~·· li .. . ... 2 78 teachers CODHHDIDQ rn eervrce deemed to at MJ; gtmeth _ _ _____________ _ _ _ _ 279 _ consent to deductions, etc . 389 Purcell, Susan L (wwaw) discharges by Board of Education not at- ppm0n__, _____________ [ _________________ 1538 fected . ,.. .z . . .:4 5 .. 389 Purchasing rigmt, Post Ojicc Department, persons mclpded m term , teacher .. 389 approprratron for chief clerk ... 674, 1294 meanrngpf basic salary; ’ pronoun "he". 389 Puregaring Officer, D. C'., Pl'€P•·¤¤°¤ of *¤bl€¤» ¥¤°°¥d¤» em-, di· 389 appropriation for, deputy, clerks, etc. . . 69, .‘,"°.°°"., 1..3.;.13:::::.t.::::i1i:::11; no r.,, r.r... A., ”“· “°° '°P°'“ *i° €°"8"°¤¤· °*° ··—··-—···--- · ---·- 389 credit in tal accounts for funds stolen. . 1470 appmraanrgristtor expenses; proportion Pure Food Exo, m rrct revenues ._,,,,_ _ 339 ‘ ‘ { -

 tore mPmitwQ amémnyl- il- · 290 approprmtron or expenses enforcing  H2,  

no cna pay or services erewrt . . 90 den ‘ ’ . regrr1ouons,eto.,to by Secretary °‘°E.‘i¥»r.1‘§¥’T?¥’T{’TY‘f’T‘, F°’.£‘§?‘§‘f§ 3187 1192 of thi! T1‘€¤Su1'Y -..-.-.·-.-. 390 misbranding rovisions oi erteirded to , transferred to the Commissioners. 852 wm peg mmm ______ { _____________ 27] annmtgepxt Lraignable, sub3ect to attach· 390 P‘|lT’l}’l:¢l?ll.'£,'£]d7:l1 Amr (widow), rm- -..;..r..;.;rs.;.;rsi.;s1... ‘‘‘·‘ .10..;.;;.:..;. ...1’::;‘;*,,‘j*‘,;;;,‘;,,';’j‘00*‘ ···----· · ·--·········-·· *00’ ¤¤¤l¤FY from *95* $¤¢<>. ¢¢¢- - , Z - - . 390 pension increased .,_ [ ,_,_,_,________, 1617 employees, included in general provisions Puyallup Agency W,,_,;,_ for retirement of civil service em- appropriation ior support etc. of Indians PI°Y°°0 —---— - -—---·~·—--·------·- 614 at { '. 27, 431, 434,1245 o.?.‘r*}@1‘*i’£.?°.§.£‘.‘§{o‘€.€‘.$.}E."}.°.§l‘.;.s.;1.‘ · rr "“ *""""""' *0**** ’"“?*'" ““"00"00· ”00·· 03 1 G appropriation or imga' ti ysmm to school garden employees . - . . 1017 maintenance, etc., . .? 17322,1238