Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/652

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2070 mnnx.

ntinued. _ Page. Railway Safety Afppliances, Page.

inoomgprrovisions; percentage comtituting appropriation or enforcing use of, etc. - Egg t ... , rate adloepxfor two years. ... 488 deficiency appropriation for investigating, valuation of property to be determ.ined.. 488 _ etc ... 1159 income from competitive trailic in excess of Raines, Susanah (mother), iairreturntobe paid into theTreas— 489 ... :.- 1552 ury. .. mnwr ores , ., division of excfensaléncorge betwnelen carrier appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. $68 rese e an ene , riontlivngenglglrnd. , .. exchange of lands authorized for addition 1366 reserv d .. .- to usgelixeral railroad contingent hmd .. 489 lands in, to be set aside for protection of issue of stock, bonds, etc., by, unlawful water_ supply of municipalities rehereafter unless authorized by Inter- questing . - ... 1367 state Commerce Commission ... 494 cooplerative protection . 1867 may convey portions of rights of way vio tions punishable ... . . . . . - 1367 through public lands for public Rains, Isaac R. (son), hmlhighways or streets . . ... R pensipn increased - ... 1494 ` °t. ainy iter payments to,directed0n account ofdeicits bridge authorized across, by Minnesota under Federal control, and guaranty and Canada .. . . - . 276 by Transportation Act, prior to final Rainy River, Ontario, Canada, settlement, etc . . . 1145 bridge authorized acres Rainy Rive: from retention of excess earnings by new con- gpooner, Minn., to. . ... 276 struction, etc., allowed for ten years. 491 Raleigh, f. C., 532 Rag A; p;,,,•,,·,m p 0 terms p court at 8 '“" 1;,,,,,,,,,, f“‘°';0t°‘1'” _ mlm? R sdaggigsgo svn me . . .. sez pm mz. ’ or 5, 1295 p¤¤¤i¤¤ég;<·é_¤¤d ----- - -·--------------- 1608 Rgdwal q°”Y""’ Inm-"°°°°"°l’ deficiency ap Q priation for payment to pproprratwn for quota ... 745, 1211 www ff 1 1 mm 1165 deiicien? apgxpriation for annual quotas Runge Condimg; °r °”°° °° °v°° °°“ Rd gf1 '‘'‘’‘‘'`’' ‘' 505 appropriation for expenm' ents, etc., im- W6! _ RlW¤» _ _ provrngim national forests. 251, 710, 1330 appropriation for Board of Mediation and Rang, pxmd,,,._,, ,,,1;],;,,,,,.;,,.,,,,, _ °°¤’i*h¤°°”· -··- ; ~·-·-~-········ 176- 886 apprvpriation for purplwse. etc ---- ;- -- 608,1348 Railway Egmpmenl Materials, or purchase, etc., insular possessions. . . 1351 _ appropriation for investigations, etc,. . ._ 682, 1302 Rankin County, Miss., de ciency appropriation for investigating, bridge authorized across Pearl River, by etc ... 62, 67, 524 Madison County and, at Meeks Runway Mau smog _ Ferry ------ · ·---·---------------·- 572 appropriation for Superintendent, Rankin, Elizabeth (daughta), mutant, etc., rn Post Office De- pension . . .. 1497 £artment Z . 675, 1295 Ransdell, Jennie L. (widow), or vision superintendents, assistants, pension increased ..., . .,. 1503 clerks, etc._ 579,1153 Ronzoul, Ill., full time credited hereafter when dead- expenditure authorized for real estate, heading, under orders._ . . . . 580 Chanute Aviation Field at . . 455 appointments and amgnmenh re- Rape, 1). C., _ _ _ stncted ... 580 punishment for; mrmmum penalty omitted 567 2; tgvel allowances for £m580, 1153 Rapid City, S. I _25 429 1244 '¤h¤8 °IP°¤¤¤¤» ·»¤W•Y m a priation or ndmn' , , headmnzrwm --·..---·---··-·.· 580, 1153 dgglsency appropriation lor Indian school. 62, for mmce eous expenses . 580 346 rent of space at terminals . 580, 1153 Raritan Arsenal, N. L, twenty year leases allowed . . 580 expenditure authorized for acquiring land for per diem, two amistant superintend- for . ...,..,,... 456 _ ents . _ . .: .. 580 of title .,,,. . ,...,.,, 456 deiicrency appropriation for expenses of River, N. J., . supermten ents, etc., away from 53 p examination, etc., of, to be wu head uartern. .·...-... e . for per (diem, two asistunt supetin- 53 Rash, Guuie (mother), 547 tendents .. nsi n creased,. .,.,.. 1 22; expenseséé .. 63, 347, 349, 525, lg? Raptgs, €ar;: , oflgggkrs, _ ed salaries, ... . ... , in e act ruary , ntmu _ 67, 347, 525, 1040, 1048, 1189, 1193 until changed by’law . ... 464 for miscellaneous expenses. - 347, 349, 525, 1193 no reduction, etc., prior to September 1, fo! tllvél allowance- ...- - -·.-. 1189 1920, unlem approved by Commisreclamifying and grading of employees iu. 1050 sion. . . 464 salaries rendjusted . 1051 Rollijl William H., salaries of superintendents and chief clerks 1052 pension ,,,. . ...,,,,_,,,,,,,,_,...,,,.,. 1613