Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/655

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INDEX. 2073 Rrgalxleyed Mail, Postal S€T1)'Ib¢—·CODY,`iDu9d. Page. Reindzer, Alaska, pw, eiicncncy appropriation for indemnity for appropriation for support 0 stations etc. . 203 lost, domestic .. , .. 54, 7 917 Moé gg; §36i 021, 1043, { sale of males, ctc . 203, 917; 1406 _ _ _ , , , 119 orim ro ,etc., industryof .. 71,13 for mdemmty for lost, mternntiousl . 62, Reineck, Bgrbara gwidow), 6 36 _ _ _ _ _ 65, 1040, 1043, 1189, 1192 geusiou increased 1574 Regutered Mznls Dwwwn, Post Ojicc Depart- Rcmmegller, Sophk (wwkiow), Wn , mmm . . . . . 1533 appropriation for superintendent ... 676,1295 Enmks, clc., Publzb Lands, Reywlcrs 0[ Land Ojiws, repayment of purchase moneys, etc., for; appmpnation for salaries and 194, ‘ condition? ,.,_____,,,_______________ 356 7, 1397 a. to ristion or ... 367 Junequ, Alssksz office of receiver and Relief of Awwnban Seamen, register combmed ... 194 appropriation for, in foreign counu-ies, Broken Bow, Ncbr., receiver consoli- etc .,,. 749, 1216 dated with ... - . 907 deficiency appropriation for ... 43, consolidation of cilices of register and . 62, 64, 66, 346, 1022, 1160, 1187, 1191 receiver at Alliance, Nebr., and at Removgl of Causes from State Courts, Vancouver, and Seattle, Wash .. 1397 servnce of process not perfected, etc., iu dgficiepcy ap rogcriatiou for salaries, etc. . 1039 State courts be completed by Regwwatzqrn Sc tion for Military Service, officers of Um States courts . 554 Spptopnsttou for expcusm preservmg, etc., Rmfvz Jeqsc J. , remnls of .. 110 pension increased 1551 deficiency appropriation for ... 1184, 1190 Rmuelaef §'0w•{y, N. K, _ _ allotment from fund for preserving records ¤1¤·Y 11111*6 W1th_ SUNG ¢¢¢-, ID bridging ar, to furnish infomation mm Hudwp Raven 'frvy w Cohwe ···-~ 1108 rgcgrdg of dgmobmjzgd M-my _______ 509 terms of Umteq States court to be held liability for punishment, etc., for violating ¤·¤1'§11%]-IY 111 ·----···---·-·-·-·····- 395 provisions of, not affected by decla- Rent Cqmmumvq, D. C., _ ration of date of end of War with ¢¥¢8¤0¤, ¤PPO\¤*>¤¤%¤¢» d¤'¤¤¤, GW-, of ··-- 299 Gcrmmlmetc ```` U-Ulu--U .'`` 1360 Rig}:-ggtion fo1·Army 120965 Rcgistfation of Trade Marks, . ‘‘‘°‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘ . "t’ ’ register to be kept by Commimioner of fumgvmmmt °wu°d bmmmg;20 965 Patents, of marks communicated by for av °bé ‘‘‘‘'’’ I ‘‘‘‘'‘ .' ' • · Treasury partment, not svsulsble Pm mmm bww —-----·---—-— 533 if rovidod in Govmmt of ctheg marks, not regist:¤gb}o under builsaglmlks P 164

1nto<;Sta.1:¤s laws, condmcm . 533 ;°! Yu Risk Ilésmmco B`g0“u·:_:___u

R¢9¤l*¤' MW, . or uterstata ommcrce mm1mou... apgmpriatgon for pay, enlisted men ... 110 tm. Housing Corporation buildings ______ 223 ¤1:$y¤¤<i ¤11¤w¤¤¢¢¤,¤¤e=¤=iv¢d¤¢Y-- 111 sor Department of Agrxcuum, addiabo ‘ ed,_ and members dmchaxged from 60,,,,;; condition __________________ 225 ‘ 0b11K$¥i0¤B ·-···-··-····-···----·—- 775 for Department of Agriculture; m¤tric· Regulation of Steam Vessels, ‘ tzion . _ . : . 1 .. 260, 719, 1337 vomels of Shipping Board subject to statu- for Cwil Servxce Commmmon 642, 12§3 mr%;,},.b .. 305 ger gopartmeggof Stswi . R¢gulato·ry` or e ment o gncu ture, or usury psrtmcn ..., 1. ap mpriation for ¤q::y of director of .. 1315 {pr War Department ..., 661, 1280 Rehagd mztsbn of Person: Disabled in Induatry, for Iutonor Department . 673, 1292 Vovntwmxl, for Department, of Jpsucc ... 677, 1296 mvigiom fog pmmqgiyg ,,_,_,,,,,,,,,, 785 for Department of (ommorco 684, 1303 R£ab1l' imubn o/Soldkrs, etc. (su also Federal for Department of Labor.: ... _. .. 688, 1306 Board for Vocational Educgtion), _ for Interstate Commerce Lommimon 179. appropriation for expenses, vocat.10nal,d10- _ _ _ _ 888,1380 abled discharged,et,c., persons. . . 178, 887 statement of bmldmgs under, to mdxuto for agiilictgifnd amount for vocational cost per square foot for cue, etc., of 691 m ¤·g3tmgn|;’g(,c ____ ____ ______ _ Uwe ,,,,. ,,,, ,,,,,, ,.,,, ,,,,_, ,,, fund for advixnces to trainees . Rent, Lag _ ,3nd {gui, Post Ojicu, 578 1151 mcg cg 0 um'm'¤g, ,,,,__,,,,.,.. a m na on .. , - deiicion pm: rc riztiou for ex uses of PP tgenty you leases allowed hamftu. . 578 cY P P P6 . . . . disables discharged, etc., pex·s0¤s-- 1020 lpxutauon, thug! glass oiicen, repealed 578 leave of absence for, allowed dxschaugcd deiicnency appmpnstnon ior ... 34. soldiets, etc., making homestead 288 f Cmbt R 525, 1043, 1045, 1189, 1193 RM, B»—$z`§·» EI ```'` appmpriatiqn mr . 210.9%.1413 pqmioun ,_.., 1 .. 1552 Rent D. (7., _ _ Reider, Margaret L (widow), mumcxpsl courg provmmm not to ahect 1313 p<m¤i¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤<i, -·---·-~----------·-·-- 1500 _}¤w¤r¤1¤¤z=z$<> ---—-··- :--Q ·~-—· gi Reilly, Nellie H. (emdow), pmvmops rastnctmg. contmu _ tm pension ____________ _ ___________ _ _________ 1593 nmety days after conclusion of Reim, Mary A., · peace gmatygvith Germany 101 homestead entry bg validam-zd; coal de- 1092 Rcmrq, Oulhmww (uwdmv). 1578 PQQB ___ ____ ____,,,_,,.-.. OH.. . ··•·»··--~---·-··•-····•·•