Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/66

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1504 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II, Ch. 282. 1920.

 The name of John T. Fleener, helpless and dependent son of

Samuel W. Fleener, late of Comdpany , Twenty-seventh Regiment éggiana Voluil1tee1iiInfairit1?hyg, in pay him a pension at the rate of __ -perm0nt m euo t theisnowreeei . gyfmebnm. The name of Cora A. Trueblood, widow of lireeland Trueblood, late of Company C, One hundred and thirty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of DMI more $30 per month. _ ‘ · The name of David Sedore, helpless and dependent child of Isaac Sedore, late of Company A, _Th1rd Regiment Michigan Volunteer mia E_ Piempmt Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of $20 per month. The name of uha E. Pierrepont, former widow of Charles A. Barnum, late of Company E, Seventh Regiment Connecticut Vol- Pmdm hmmm unteer Infantry, and paiy er altpension at the rate of $30 per month. mmmaszmusa The name of Maran a Sta eld, widow of Horatio C. Stanfield, me gif Company G, One hundred_ and tenth Regiment Ohio Volunhmm li r f silntryiland pay her a pension at_ the rate of $40 per month in dorgmxgmmm 0,, den il t at s e is now rece1v1n€: Promded, That in the event of the fat of Myrtle Stanfield, help ess and dependent daughter of said gzqgsi? wutm on aranda and Horatio C. Stanfeld, the additional pension herein ¤¤¤ - gpartiltied cepsg and determine: Prmnded further, That in the event Held 51 alia; p cedarandli. Stanfield, the name of said Myrtle Stan- Emimtions cap 5.1 on e Ension roll, suhyeet to the provisions and and after th d pe pegngron ws, at the rate of $201per month from 8,,,,,,,, ,,_ Hmm Tho mm e {ago aid ?.tliI of said Maranda Staniie d. Com any c°§1xtysewP 6 nd R;giHl1Siedv1i(ll)lih<i2f tVHlmS Ni Han-is, lam of p,.,,,i,,,, pay lier a pension at the rate of $40 per nil>ntli1i1]itl&igr hffllhltry,hmld ¥¤·‘¤¤¤¤@¤¢··¤•¤¤n0w recef :Pmv·ided Tht' h uo MEMS um emma. Vmg , a 111 the event of the death of J hn Fi1dward_Harr1s, helpless and dependent son of said James N. H&1?IlS ··*:s:=·==·s¤»:#-~E.:.$$2?;·‘f$.$$;°‘*[»£1::°.‘:.i£:“;i.“‘*.Sh?*1h°‘ii“ and d··t~·m=·~¥ H-rh ,_ ono_eeat ofSohieP_ pa:. @:1:.:11,*;.:2 sitio;&:;;;‘*.£a;.i.22;%.*;6.*;‘:.2:(‘;;¤ sa aws, t t ;_ USIQD

,mm 30%;,,2 P_ ?I;_`:€£_°f V0 lm m°¤‘¤h from and after the dgath of Bald

" xenameoMathR llf · , Joseph Sante, laterofuCo¥ lien OIi;mT·wv;h(i0YV ‘0f[;]&c0b·Z6ut’ alms Company I. Thirty-second §6°’ly1'lI1€I{h Miss y pmt R°g“"°“°» and §,,,,r¥%, ¤¤%hpay her a gonsion at the rite of seo gllrgexgunmer Infmmy’ A . IDR . • . . , _ . ¤.m€.£§“§,‘2€¤§”i1?n€;s%m§§%“.;§£?§Xi°gé§d§°’—F· S§¤§};;§*· he of my Hymn. , d h egimen `o Volim- Hardet L· PGE2!. at PBI- in captainngix Lj:P°°’Q°r* Wid°"$ °f Edward E. Potter 18;., rama. at the mt { ’ mt? Stats IWVY, and pa her 8, ’ ‘ Lw o 0 $40 per month h · Y . P°¤S10¤ _ A. Laser C The name of Lucv A- Lenin vfélogg (g?**$_S%16 is Dgwggceiwng, ‘ . r V _ 8 COID0 . Cgggzg; (iE’F§€ui·(g1[i(l{,§l»Ei§,1LI;,l;n{» lmted Tsmtes Sh*”PSh<$<$&l‘;?b;1i)d e name o orence Ma 1 ‘ . H L_ M _Xey, e less and de d 4, d ggguxxfignuguml V§E‘I§eBr Caaéey, latei of Company ilf, Twelfth Reeréiiiilent %rhl1iiirl?f · - The mmm 0 Mpa-y her a pension at the rate of 820 r mo Ct}? Samuel T. JO]]_$ •f 0n%, apd de Budente doi Yolumeer Infamf Eng g°m1{’8‘“Y A: Elghtifvgl Regiment Illinois hm Hmpmyp mouth in lieu of IE: y or a pension at the rate of a The name of t Shllh mw mwYmg‘ $-0 Per lata Of (volupauv Wlddow of J- h`['Qy ` an twdfth Regiment, andpCem;