Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/80

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1518. SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 282. 1920. §{_!*z§‘E·T°,m_ The name of Eliza A. Teters, widow of John K. Teters, late of Company E, Sevetnlth Regirpgnt Indiana Vglolunteer Cavalry, and pay her Peusioumcmwd. a ension at erate 0 30 per mont . silt? T°m’°°”"°° Bfhe name of Ellen Temperance Smith, helpless and dependent daughter of George W. Smith, late of Company C, Fifteenth Regi— _ ngent Kansas Volunteer Cavalry: and pay herapension at the rate of Egg;;ri:;_w_ _, E. 35-0 per month in lieu of that s e is now receiymg. EhThe na1ne_of George W. Williams, helpless and dependent son of _ as_B. Williams, late of Company B, Second Regiment Kansas State HMA. mgm Militia, and pe? him a pension at the rate of $2%per month. The name o Flora Nelson, widow of Paul elson, late of Compfany M, Fourth Regiment United States Reserve Corps, Missouri mojllptiilfieer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per

°'“g° w' J°1`°S"°‘ The name of George Johnson, late of Company I, One hundred

and thirtyjfourth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay Num Hamm him a pension at the rate of $20 per month. ` ‘ C The name of Nancy Herrald, widow of Benjamin Herrald, late of ompany C, Fortieth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay mmm It Hub her a pension at the rate of $30 per month, ML The name of Margaret I. Halhert, helpless da hter of Ephraim F, Halbert, late of Company B,_ Eighth Regiment lliissouri State Militia sugaithariue A. Ama. C°,¥h°];y 1;;;: £’§YC};?`h:nP°¤Sl§>¤l§*é?éh6 Tat? of $20 peg month. · ne . nson, · { ‘ Watts, late of Company G, First RegimentOMDa;s-a;vliu§;l2td)V<£l.ii;nht;Te(i· Axim w. cherry, H‘Ei,’*hvY AIt*’—u°l'{· and P%$6l161' 41 p6HSi0¤ at the rate of $30 BI- ]]10nth_ ia...§é’3;'3§.‘Ly’?.1b.¤`Ei“ ‘ti?§°Fg.m’ h‘UE?’ S°” é’f J“‘“‘°" RL °**°"”’* _ , even n t ° ' gm3$¤i§¤¤Y¤‘“¢·l· angglay hun 8·fp§[iil0I1 M3 the rate of $20 élglllgggglgl? Mmtla Cavalry, avr- enameo aBaile,hll d Ut f “ c.,,·p, Fourth R.wta(.¤t’§va2£¤§i?1 v%h¤tZ§r°i&l‘§T§$ E‘L‘El°lS;§€Z‘E brigadier general lfnited States Volunteers, and pay her a pension gsggémmt at rgile rate of S20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. D Seezpgpgefp Sails: v`>ridow_of\paimuel Goins, late of Company v _ Bgim " ir m * ‘ · _ 0 name ’ _ M' . ‘ · lieutenant Cd)m anm H l4`iitLEfilnlii0W of James H• Mluerl lata mst mw Infantry usd gay lam. ar 56 Reigtiilzpent Pennsylvania Volun- . x [1 • mu E PWM lieu of that she is now receiviliig, 0 a 6 mm of $35 pm. month m ‘ "°· C0The name of Ella E. Rangburn, widow of William Pangburn law of hmmpany I, Fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry and a ,,,0,,% I a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is go; ag£°{$}`}°hlfI;$"“° "“ b(:fgn};%b15Sg°g'§1lfg>O¥g2§5'¥$l5?i°V€[g· of abt? death of Ralph H_ Pang. hereiil granted Shall Cease am ang urn, the additional ension °§€§.0D to child on th , E1 t ° visions and limitations of the exigidmlsmn mu' Sublm "° ‘h° PW C _ ._ . 1110Hth from and after th d t I} m &wS’ atjihe mw °f $20 Par etelm B_Cm,,,,c_,y_ The name of CQCEH BBC; 8 0 dééltlgl of the said Ella E. Pangburn. Commodore, United gtakes puncey, widow of John S. Chauncey, late $?”ti3°’~‘- . of $50 per month in li f * &vy’ wld Pay h*’I`_& P<5I1Si0n at the rate “"“““ °°"" The mms of v- · f“ " tm She *5 mw receiving. mw F W v_ 1rgln1a_ Dodd, widow of John E. Dodd late of B t- t,,,.__... Sm,. $i¤§1h¤€ l>giu£i§§§h_Light Ar°m"'Y= md Pg? her 3 P;¤· iw} r “I lll- ¤· I` · Cm} <>Fift·_:i?§§h¤¤Ih<>lten, Wldpw ofvCha.rles Scholten, late of ,,,,,m¤ mmwy and pM_—h€I_>& eési egrment hew `xork Volunteer Infantry Lapmm ¤.. n.m,¤_ Th`, {Mme Oflba ig?l&&Q_dl[*'i¥ Til? of l$£§O per month ’ ,». ‘ __ ._ars,1e ·‘s‘d h ‘ l hu°° af (·°mP°“Y lg- 1* lf$Y·01gh?·h Rcggilgdt O§o Vhl(gn]t?e:i·uIlhg§;;