Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1042

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1014 Sixrrsmvnurn CONGRESS. Sm. II. cs. 402. 1922. and twenty-five one-hundredths feet; thence south fort§·nine degrees thirty minutes thirty seconds east, five hundred and ty-eight and twenty-three one-hundredths feet; thence south forty degrees twenty- nine minutes thirty seconds west, nine and twenty-five_ onehundredths feet; thence north forty-nme ees thirty minutes

nds west five hundred and fifty-engl; and fifty-one onehim ths feet to the oint of   _

It is intended by the Hescription of the two above parcels to describe all the land located between the easterly curb line and the private propert on the westerly side of that portion of Byers Street now owned gy the United States of America. Said property being shown on blue rint "Springfield, Mass. Department of Streets and Engineering, Byers Street, Bk. 276, pp. 45, 46, Dec. 1921." rrzam. srnmnr. ?•·¤¤¤¤¢- at a point in the northerly line of Pearl Street, located two undred and forty-three and ty-two one-hundredths feet easterly from Spring Street; said at the easterly end of that part of Pearl Street now ub c; thence north forty-one degrees eleven minutes east, eight hundred fourteen and ninety-three onehundredths feet; thence north fift -nine degrees twenty-five seconds east, twelve hundred and ninety-&ree and forty-six one-hundredths feet to Federal Street; thence by Federal Street fortlygeight and seventy-eight one-hundredths feet to the southerg curb e of Pearl Street; thence on the southerly curb line of Pearl treet by a curve of fifty feet radius, thirty-two and six-tenths feet; thence south fifty- nine degrees twenty-five seconds west, twelve hundred and thirty-five and forty-six one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve of one hundred and twenty-seven and fifty-four one-hundredths feet radius, thirty- nine and sixty-nine one- undredths feet; thence south forty-one degrees eleven minutes west, seven hundred and six and eighty-four one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve of twenty feet radius, thirteen and twenty-four one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve of sixty-five feet radius, about eleven feet; thence south forty-two degrees thirteen minutes twenty seconds west, about sixty-three feet to the art of Pearl Street now public; thence across Pearl Street, forty-eight and five—tenths feet to the point of intending to describe all of the land between the southerly curb line and the private pro rty on the northerly side of Pearl Street between that part of Piarl Street now public and Federal Street. Said pro erty bein shown on blue$rmt "Spnn%eld, Mass. Department of Sitreets anmf Engineermg, earl Street, k. 276, pp. 45 and 46, Dec., 1921." momma smnnr. _ ’°'*""“*"°*- Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Federal Street, located five hundred and sevengf and ninety-six one-hundredths feet southerly from Worthixggton treet, said point being at the southerly end of that part of Fe eral Street which is public; thence south twenty- mne degrees five minutes fifteen seconds east, two hundred and fifteen and thu·ty-three one-hundredths feet to the westerly line of Armory Street extended; thence north nine degrees fifty-three minutes east, sixteen and fifty-four one-hundredths feet; thence south twenty-nine degirees five minutes fifteen seconds east, one hundred and fifty-four an sixtgseven one-hundredths feet to the line of the southerly curb of Lineo Street extended; thence westeigy by the line of the southerly céurb of! Lincoln _Strept extended} tee? feet; (tihence north Seven y·one _ egrees thirty- our minutes erty- ve secon s west, Eft - eight and thirty-eight one-hundredths feet to the westerly curb lirle 0 Federal Street; thence north twenty-nine degrees five minutes