Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/115

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 33. 1921. 87 storage, $100: Provided, That not to exceed $7 ,000,000 of the funds §f,‘;f§§*éva,,ab,B heretofore appropriated for inland and port storage and shipping =¤ft¤rJ¤1y1,1921- facilities sha] be available for obli ation on and after July 1, 1921: P t { f Provided further, That no art of Sie a ropriations for inland and cier?§i1§.1§vi_cZ(§lil5 ai); port storage and shipping fiicilities availiaible for the fiscal year 1922, DiS"‘°"°'b‘dd°“· shall be available for the payment of clerical services pertaining to the activities of the Quartermaster Corps in the District of Columbia Pmm 1 ma P or elsewhere: Provided further, That not to exceed $93,000 from warehouse? ’ °" funds heretofore appropriated for this purpose may be used in the erection and completion of a power house in connection with quartermaster warehouse numbered five at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. mg{;gi<=¤1 D°P¤'*· MEmoAL AND HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT. For the manufacture and purchase of medical and hospital supplies, m§;‘,}§g°1,,‘}‘gf’ "°?P“’“ including disinfectants, for military posts, cam s, hospitals, hospital ’ ships and transports, for laundry work for enlisted men and Army nurses while patients in a hpiplita , and supplies regguired for mosquito tig1{°S¤¤i°° d°°*¤*°· destruction in and about _ °tary posts_in the anal Zone; for the ` purchase of veterinary supplies and hire of veterinary surgeons; or expenses of medical supply depots; for medical care and treat- °,§'i"°*° *'°°°m°“°· ment not otherwise {provide for, including care and subsistence in ` private hospitals, o officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Army, of applicants for enlistment, and of prisoners of war and other ersons m military custody or confinement, when entitled thereto byllaw, regulation,.or contract: Provided this shall not §Q'{,°§’;i,m,,b,, U on apply to officers and enlisted men who are treated H1 private hospitals furlvush. vwor y civilian physicians while on f1u·lo h; for the sxroper care and C . . treatment of epidemic and in e Army or at exp°£S°$€°°u militarily posts or stations, including measures to prevent the spread thereo , and the pa ent of reasonable damages not otherwise provided for, for beding and clothing injured or destroyed in such prevention; for the pay of male and female nurses, not includin the Army Nurse Corps, and of cooks and other civilians employed for the pro er care of sick officers and soldiers, under such isgulations fixing their number, qualifications, assignments pagv, and owances as shall have been or shall be prescribed by the ecretary of War; for the pay of civilian physicians employe to examine physically applicants for enlistment and enlisted men and to render other rofessional services from time to. time under proper authority; ibr the pay of other emplpiyees of the Medical Department, for tuition T¤i¤¤¤ ¤f ¤m<=¤¤· of officers of the Medic Deplartment, including the Army Nurse Corps, under section 127-a of the Army Reorganization Act approved V°*·‘“·—*’·"“· June 4, 1920; for the payment of exgress companies and local transfers employed directly by the Medical epartment for the transportation of medical and hospital supplies, including bidders' samples and water for analysis; for sup hes for use in teachix}g the art 0 cooking to the enlisted force of the giledical Department; or the supply of the _ Army and Navy Hospital at Hot gpnngp, Arkansas; for advertising, p,g§‘A§'§""‘8” H°°‘ printing, bindinlg, laxmdry, and other necessary miscellaneous { expenses of the edical Department, $2,000,000. HOSPITAL CARE, CANA1. Zomsz GA1>.n1soNs. C‘“‘°‘ Z°“°· For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable chaigges, exclusive of »:(iiZ?pRiii?XpS' M" subsistence, as may be approved by the Secretary o War for caring in its hospitals for officers, enlisted men, military prisoners, an

 employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request