Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1470

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SIXTY-SEVENTH coivsnnss. sm. Iv. ous. 232, 233. 1923. 1443 of First Street northeast along the eastern boundaries of squares numbered six hundred and seventy-five, six hundred and seventy-six, and six hundred and seventy-seven, to a width of sixty feet, as shown on plan on Hle in the office of the Engineer Commissioner of the ,, , District of Columbia: Provided, however, That of the amount found rwezniras of amto be due and awarded by the jury in said proceeding as damages §'§ “°°“°° ” °°""’ for and in respect of the land to be condemned for said widening, plus the costs and expenses of the proceeding hereunder, not less than two-thirds thereof shall be assessed b the jury as benefits. , , ,, , , Sec. 2. That there is hereby authorizedy to be appropriated, out amxpemesiiinwem. of the revenues of the District of Columbia, an amount sufricient to pay the necessary costs and ex nses of the condemnation proceeding taken pursuant hereto and iidr the payment of amounts awarded _,,,,,,,m,,,,,, mn 0, as dama es. The amounts assessed as benefits when collected shall b¢¤¤¤#¤- be repaid to the District of Columbia and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Fame, Ac, Npdd Sec. 3. That the Act approved June 11, 1910, entitled “An Act Nylvmceedhgsunds authorizing the widening of First Street northeast, in the District d"€·’§f°§‘f‘,§’[’;“_ of Columb1a,” be. and the same is hereby, repealed, and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed to discontinue and abandon the roceeding heretofore instituted by them imder said Act for the widening of said First Street, now pending in the Supreme Court of the istrict of Columbia, and known as District court cause numbered nine hundred and twenty-two. Approved, March 3, 1923. CHAP. 233.-An Act To amend section 206 of the 'hansportstion Act, 1920. 0. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 1.,,,,, , United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 206 1920-, um Am of the Transportation Act, 1920, IS amended by adding at the end °dY°‘u’°'m'm°"d` thereof two new subdivisions to read as follows: ,,,,§f"°'°"“"'“°d °°“‘ “(h) Actions, suits, proceedings, and reparation claims, of the bggtigm ¤¤¤¤•=r,p¤w; character described in subdivision (a), (c), or (d), properly com- §m,,§r,,’icY’°P°”°°“° menced within the period of limitation prescribed, and pen ing at the time this subdivision takes effect, shall not abate by reason of the death, expiration of term of office, retirement resignation, or removal from office of the Director General of Itailroads or the S ,_ ms be agent designated under subdivision (a), but may (despite the pro- mmamuaa neimavisions of the Act entitled ‘An Act to prevent the a atement of “§,'§f‘§,§,"{,{"‘,,,§’§_‘°"’· certain actions,’ approved February 8, 1899), be prosecuted to final judgment, decree, or award, substituting at any time before satisfaction of such final judgment, decree or award the agent designated by the President then in office. Sor shall any action, suit or m,§.°°{,‘§",,,,E’,’,Q,,,,$‘i‘-E"§ other proceeding heretofore or hereafter brought by any public ;l;~;¤¤;§b<_m,i¤{_;¤s¤;pm_ officer or official, in his official capacity, to enforce or compel the tion orommia-min; performance of an obligation due or accruing to the United States °“‘°·°°°‘ arising out of Federal control, abate lg reason of the death, resisnation, retirement, or removal from office of such officer or offici , but such action, suit, or other proceedi may (despite the E50- visions of such Act of February 8, 189%%, be prosecuted to al judgment, decree, or award, substituting at any time before satisfaction of any such final judgment, decree, or award the successor in office. . . ·*(i) Orders providing for a substitution in such cases_made be- ,,£,',‘§‘§{§’¤§¤'°“vg1‘§§,F,§§' fore this subdivision takes effect by courts having jurisdiction of the parties and subject matter are hereby validate , anything 111 such