Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1486

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sixrY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. Iv. ou. 252. 1923. 1459 Credit Bank and attestedably the signature of at least three of the Dm", directors. Each report sh exhibit, in detail and under appropriate I ` heads, the resources and liabilities of the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank at the close of business on an past day specified by the Federal Farm_Loan Board within five gays from the receipt of a r uest or requisition therefor from the board, and in the same form in ziliich Newspaper pubm it is made to the Federal Farm Loan Board shall be published in a ¤¤¤ ¤f· newspaper published in the place where such Federal Intermediate Credit Bank is established, or if there is no newspaper in the place, then in the one published nearest thereto, in the same county, at the expense of the bank; and such proof of publication shall be furnished Bmw ,,,,0,,, ,1,,,, as may be by the Federal Farm Loan Board. The Federal ¢¤¤¤¤f¤r by B¤•r¤· Farm Loan ard shall also have power to call for special reports from any particular Federal Intermediate Credit Bank whenever in its judgment the same are necessary for a full and complete lmowlcdge offl is (pobiacgtion. _ h _ Od h f mmumimmdm e an appraisers are authoriz upon the r uest o an ,, mak, Fedeial Intermediate Credit Bank and with the appgitvn of thi; Federal Farm Loan Board, to investigate and make a written report Y ’ ' upon the products covered by warehouse receipts or shipping document , and the live stock covered by mortgages, which are security for notes or other such obligations representing any loan to any organization, under this title. Land bank examiners are authorized, m§sYl:{*** upon the request of any Federal Intermediate Credit Bank and with gum than mum! the approval of the Federal Farm Loan Board, to examine and make , a written report upon the condition of any organization, except na- _.: g tional banks, to which gui: Federal Intermediate Credit Bank contemlates makin any suc oan. P ·¢ (ti) The §`ederal Farm Loan Board shall assess the cost of all ‘”'°"‘”‘°”°°‘°°"‘ examinations made by the examiners of the board under the provisions of this title, upon the bank, trust company, savings institution, or organization investigated, in accordance with the regulations to be prescribed by the board. amine Ann nscmarious. ii0iis“i°° md mgm" ¢· Sno, 209. That the Federal F arm Loan Board is authorized to m£,°§‘“,,,,c'<‘?,,,‘{‘,?°°""° make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as it deems necessary for the eiiicient execution of the provisions of this title' TAX ExEuP,n0N• Tax exemption. “ Sno, 210. That the rivileges of tax exemption accorded under see- hkm ‘° ""° tion 26 of this Act sli)all apply also to each Federal Intermediate V<>¤·=’»9»i>·3>¤>- Credit Bank, including its capital, reserve, or surplus, and the in- come derived therefrom, and the debentures issued under this title shall be deemed and held to be instrumentalities of the Government and shall enjoy the same tax exemptions as are accorded farm loan bonds in said section. " PENALTY rnovisious. P°°”l°"'°““°”’° “ Sec. 211. (a) That any officer, director, agent, or employee of a ¤,E,“"§',,"f’ ‘§}’§,‘,§§ Federal Intermediate Credit Bank who embezzles, abstracts pur- ¤¤¤i·¤x>¤=l¤¤¤· loins, or willfull misap lies any of the moneys, fimds, or credits of such bank, or who, without authority from such_bank, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any accegtance, issues, puts forth, or assigns any note, debenture, bond, dra , bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree, or who makes any false entry in anybook, report, or statement of such bank with intent in any case to injure